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The Mail Box

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They say that the feeling will just hit you and you will wake up one day wanting to have a kid. Maybe some conversation you overheard, or something you read, will trigger the thought process. You realize perhaps that you have accumulated a hell of a lot of (war) stories, and have no one to pass it on to. You are sure of what you can accomplish. You know, and you like, where you are headed in this life.


You can explain to a little kid what is right and wrong, and more importantly, what things are sometimes right and sometimes wrong. You have already in your own head the encyclopedic ability to explain life, the universe, and other wonderful mysteries to young minds, and can not wait to do so.


You remember that once you were young and so curious yourself, sifting through old books for wisdom, and so overjoyed at the many many gems you found, and now you would like to lead someone on that great treasure hunt for beautiful words and priceless old drawings and illustrations.


You look around at the folks about you, and realize that the next generation of leaders are yours to create, raise, and train, and that they will be needed. And what a great adventure these future leaders will see.


Hope is again in your heart, and you want to live forever, waiting for the next big human adventure, the next step in space travel, the next breakthrough in science. Knowing you can not live forever, instead, you want to send part of yourself to perpetuate your sight for the next stage of the human saga.


Hope is again in your heart, and you want to share it, perhaps selfishly, with one of your own blood. Oh that you should meet your equal temper in some fiery woman, who will dream somewhat of your dreams and mingle her blood with yours irrevocably, to continue both your stories into the unseen, distant, and mysterious future.


Hope is all it takes, yes,


Hope, and fate.

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As I pass through yesterday

I would recall those happy days

When I was there in your arms

And the mem'ries that you would say,

"Through all the years that fly,

I'm there with you

Hold my hand I'll never leave you

And my love will be your guide"

Now's The time that I would say the same


Thank you for the life you've given

Thank you for the life you've lived

Thank you for the sweat and labor

So that I can live and give

Mom nad Dad if I could bring back

All the years that I have missed

To give the love that you deserve

That I can live... Than I can give

Today... I Love You


Mom and Dad I stand alone and look at you

And see in your eyes the magic of life

And feel the rays of the new dawn

From this day, with open hands

I'll catch the dawn

And revive the tears that you've shed

And relive the life you've lived

I return the good for which I am a sign of love

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i was talking to myself today and an interesting conversation about moving on came about.


part of me says i should take little baby steps away from you now...while another part of me argues i should stay now because now is the time that you need me most.


but then again that other part of me said... so he needs you right? but what about you? who will worry about you while you worry about him?


and then that other part of me again replied... but thats what loving is all about... worrying about that one person who owns the other half of your soul and wanting him to be okay...


but then ... my other half said -- how do you care for someone when you badly need some care yourself? dont you think you should make sure all is well with you before anything else? its all about you at this point...


and the other half ... is still sitting there and thinking til now.


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they think its so over but it isnt for me....at least just not yet...but im moving and working on that....closure just seems so "far" away at the moment....coping with the present is like being numb to the "past" and just being plain...its just a matter of crying it all out...i guess and releasing it all....in the "open".....have to...to survive..even if i still feel so crushed inside.........later......;)...git to psyche myself to work mode.... ;) :blush:

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