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for..... b...


hi, it's been a while.


ever since you said goodbye, i tried convincing myself that someday, i'll get over you... seems like i was only lying to myself...


i tried to forget you... i drank, pursued a hobby, met up with old friends, and went out with new people... but somehow, i always end up thinking of you.


if only things were different- it could have been us... but, it seems that some things weren't meant to be...


i sometimes wish that we broke up in a bloody fashion... instead of how we did... we broke up not coz we didn't love each other... we broke up coz we had to... and that's why it hurts so much.


why can't things be the way we want it to be?


life is so f*cking unfair


i've looked for someone like you all my life... and now i have found you, i had to lose you...


you may noe believe me, but i love you... and i still do...


but you had to do, what you have to do...


take care... if ever you need me, i'll always be here for you... you'll always be in my heart...

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for... her...


we both knew that this was coming

but we didn't expect it so soon

and now we have to say it's over

even though we don't want to leave each other

i love you, you know that

and i know you love me

some things in life, however, just can't work out

this is one of them

it's so hard to say goodbye

when i see tears welling up in your eyes

perhaps, someday, we'll be together again

i hope and wish that day was now

but, we have to leave our lives of love

and walk out into the real world alone

I'll always be there for you, you know

as a friend, a good friend, but a friend nonetheless

moving on will be so hard

after all the times we shared

no girl could ever fill your shoes

but, moving on is necessary

i cannot dwell on you forever

so farewell my love, i will miss your love greatly

and will think of you constantly

love, they say, conquers all

perhaps it will conquer this brief separation

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for... her...


we both knew that this was coming

but we didn't expect it so soon

and now we have to say it's over

even though we don't want to leave each other

i love you, you know that

and i know you love me

some things in life, however, just can't work out

this is one of them

it's so hard to say goodbye

when i see tears welling up in your eyes

perhaps, someday, we'll be together again

i hope and wish that day was now

but, we have to leave our lives of love

and walk out into the real world alone

I'll always be there for you, you know

as a friend, a good friend, but a friend nonetheless

moving on will be so hard

after all the times we shared

no girl could ever fill your shoes

but, moving on is necessary

i cannot dwell on you forever

so farewell my love, i will miss your love greatly

and will think of you constantly

love, they say, conquers all

perhaps it will conquer this brief separation





kanino kay maibigay ito

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for my mtc sister :D


Sometimes in life, even without looking or searching you find a special friend.

It could be the person you have bumped in the street, you shared a seat on a coffee table, a fellow passenger.. or perhaps.. someone you've talked to in the net.

For me it was the later.... and I didnt know that that person will forever be special to me, until now.

The person whom even she does not know have touched me in the strangest possible way. And that is you my soul sis.. my new-found sister..

You have changed my life, by just being a part of it.

You made me laugh until I cant stop hehe...

We have shared secrets and deep feelings without the fear or doubt that one might tell others about it..

You convinced me that there is still an unlocked door somewhere waiting for me to be opened.

You made me realize that there is more into this world for me, than i can possibly fathom..

When Im down and feeling empty, you lift me up and make the world seem bright and full.

When I go away, I know I can always go back to you and you will be waiting for me wiht an open arms and a soothing smile..

You hold my hand and tells everything is going to be ok...

In a feeling no words can explain, you made me feel complete

In a way no words can describe, I will forever be greatful for having you as a friend. And that wont change...

You are an angel sent for me..



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For you,


Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would ever meet a soul as beautiful as you. If someone would've told me that in my future an angel would drop from the sky into my worlds, I wouldn't have believed them, even if they were psychic. The things you speak of, your thought, the way you express and share your emotions-- all blend perfectly with how I've always longed to feel. If there is, indeed, "somebody for everybody" in this great big place, my "someone" has arrived.


You have given me a joy beyond words and a love that eveyone hopes to find. Seems as if we're allowed one true love... and you are mine...


For eternity,



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For you (you know who you are!!!)


Would you tell me how you feel

Or can your lips tell lies

Would you utter words I'd like to hear

Or would you say the feeling just died


Why have you been

blind for so long

And never heard the sweet

soft song


You turned your back

and walked away

You sailed far into a

deep quiet bay


Why do I think

you'd come back

And make up for

the things you lacked?

In time I'll learn

the truth

That I don't mean

a thing to you!

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The worst pain in the world is knowing that he meant everything to you but you meant nothing to him. But, life goes on once you realize your own strength inside of you: the strength to realize that saying goodbye doesn't mean that you don't love the person anymore or that you don't want to keep them in your life. It doesn't mean you're weak. It means that you've the strength to let go and live your life to the fullest because you've learned that life really is good. You are strong and can only be as happy as you choose

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my worst pain? i have actually so many pains in life, but in love i could only say two; one is that i was duped to believing that i was her only love when it so happen she has another guy, and it was her first boyfriend. second is that i lost my two year relationship, i lost her to a date of hers plus the long distance relationship that we both are facing.

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You!!! Yes, You!!! :angry:


What's your problem? If you've got something to tell me, be a man & give it to me straight <_<


Damn it!!! I've been through a lot in this so called life, there's nothing, I repeat, nothing I can't take anymore :blink:


Hehehe!!! Praktis lang. Pro love letter na lang dito eh. Maiba naman :wacko:


Enjoy the day!!! :*

dear sheila,



di ko kaya mag express ng nilalaman ng aking damdamin, di ko rin alam kung bakit ako mag express ng niloloob ng puso ko, ewan ko...dapat ko ba sabihin? o dapat ko ba ipakita sa iyo, sa pagkaka alam ko ang parating sagot sa tanong ko eh ewan ko...basta isipin mo parati nandirito ako, mag babasa sa mga sinusulat mo... :) :) :D









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dear ma'am,


after an eternity of wandering, i finally found what i have been looking for - someone who will fill the big hole in me - you.


we met, we became friends, and now we are...

you accepted me as i am and you did not ask me to change my ways.


i find it difficult to believe that i have changed so much. some of the changes you can see, some of them you can't. when i look at the mirror, damn! i even look better! :blush:


i'm still trying to earn your trust and faith.


you won't lose me...whatever happens.

you can't lose me...


in our small talks and sweet talks, i've said things that might not seem to matter. they do.


love always,


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My dearest,


I wanted so much to share the happy moments in my life to you, whether it be an amazingly exotic brid perched in our window or watching fireworks along the bay.

Last night i saw a meteor shower, it was the most frighteningly awesome thing iv'e ever seen. And i wish you were here, I wanted to share all the joy there is in me, if it is possible, maybe you wouldnt be sad anymore.


And last night i dreamt of you, and in that dream, I saw you smile.

I had a really good night sleep.

Wish i was there.



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There are some things in life that don't go the way you want them to or the way you think they should, but you can't dwell on these because you'll miss out on other opportunities. Don't give up one something just because you don't think things will work, you won't know unless you give it a try. But don't hold onto something that left a long time ago, because sooner or later you'll realize some things just aren't meant to be."



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for... "felicia"


Hi, just had to take this outta my head :) tried callin' you... but it seems that you're sleeping already.


I hope that one day, you'll stumble into this thread and read this :)


I finally understand...


You left me not because you did not love me anymore, you left coz you loved me so much.


I admit, I was devastated the day you told me that things could never be the same between us, that fateful August day... I was angry, I was sad, and confused.


There was no reason for for us to part....


Things were going so well between us, but, all good things had to end.


We could have been... if only...


but now i realized, you were not doing it for yourself... you did it for me...


but, we can't alter the reality of what we are... and we've got to do, what we've got to do.


I still love you, and now you're someone who's not only special to me, you have become someone very dear and precious to me.


I will be content with the friendship that we have now.


Better to have you in my life as a friend, than not having you in my life at all.


I will always cherish the moments that we spent together, and I will treasure the bond that we now have.


I'm happy I met met you.


Take care... I love you... friend.

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this is my 4000th post hehe. so im making it memorable :D

a card i recieved thru angelrays.com and it soo touching so im posting it here.. :D


Love Never Ends


Roses were her favorites.As this story goes, and every year her husband sent them, tied with pretty bows. The year he died, the roses were delivered to her door. the card said "Be My Valentine", like all the years before..


Each year he sent her roses,a nd the note would always say, "I love you even more this year, than last year on this day. My love for you will always grow, with every passing year." She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear.

She thought he ordered roses in advance before this day. Her loving husband did not know that he would pass away. He always do things early, way before the time. Then if he got too busy everything would work out fine.


She trimmed the stems, and placed them in a very special vase beside the portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours, inher husband's favorite chair, While staring at his picture and the roses sitting there.


A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate, with loneliness and solitude, that had become her fate. Then on the very hour, as on Valentines before, The doorbell rang, and there were roses sitting by her door. She brought the roses in and then just looked at them in shock. Then went to get the phone to call the florist shop.


The owner answered, and she asked him if he would explain, Why would someone do this to her, causing her so much pain? "I know your husband passed away more than a year ago," the owner said, "I knew you would call and would want to know. The flowers you received today, were paid for in advance, your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance. There is a standing order, that I have on file down here, And he has paid, well in advance, you'll get them every year. There is also another thing, that I think you should know, He wrote a special little card.. he did this years ago. She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears flowing hands shaking as she reached to get the card. Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note, this is what he wrote...


"Hello My Love"

I know it's been a year since I've been gone, I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome. I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real, or if it is the other way, I know how would I feel.

The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life. I loved you more than words can say.

You were the perfect wife. You were my friend and lover, You fulfilled my every need, I know it's only been a year, but please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears, that is why the roses will be sent to you for many years.

When you get these roses, think of all the happiness that we had and how both of ur were blessed.

I have always loved you and I know I always will, but my wife you must go on, you have some living still. Please try to find happiness, while living out your days, I know its not easy, but I hope you find some ways.

The roses will come every year,and then they will stop, When your door's not answered, when the florist stops to knock. He will come five times that day, Incase you have gone out, But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt to take the roses to the place where i have instructed him, and place the roses where we are.... together once again...

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An unconsolable female...waiting at the other end of the line.


She puts down the phone, and he finally realizes that she is a rag in his relentless, selfish wind. She will take as much as she can, but in the process, it will slowly tear her apart.


He knows that by the time he gets back, the leaves on that tree in the garden will be brown. That other world at the other end of the line - once so alive with hope - is slowly feeding itself to despair and ruin. The rains came early, she said, but the rains may not be enough to save what was slowly slipping away.


But it was out of their hands - and the distance was taking its toll on everything. It was as if by leaving he had stretched so thinly the lifeline that carried his soul back and forth. Now, even the colors around him, in this place far removed from the garden, were fading slowly, and the once spectaular enjoyments had become less than spectacular.


He sat in the chair by the window and leaned towards the little plant that he had picked up at the store downstairs from his apartment. It was still alive; in fact, it was growing and threatened to become too big for its pot within the next month. How sad, he thought, that these green leaves should flourish and breath and celebrate life, while an old tree dies in the garden back home. We turn our backs on one thing for another - we have to because we couldn't do anything otherwise. He was trying to reason with himself - find meaning in his actions. What for? He already knew that he wouldn't win against her selflessness - he couldn't win against the idea of losing the tree in the garden that safeguarded all their memories. Maybe there was novelty in the new, but in the old, there was commitment.

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