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to LEIA ,


i started NOT counting time the first time i saw your eyes.


you are always in control for you are born a princess. in you are the perfect embodiment of what a woman should be ... free-spirited, iron-willed, idealistic, wise beyond age and with beauty, grace and form none could match in this side of our star-system. you take pride in your ambitions and achievements for the good of the empire. you are willing to sacrifice all you have and and your future for the empire. yet you forget that you also deserve to be loved and live happy. you wear the mask of an ice-queen and you with high brow regards your suitors as mere mortals and way out of your league for your heart is already spoken for. your love has been decided for you. your fate has been sealed.


i grew up with the teachings of master yoda. to fight and lead an army i must control my emotions.

to vanquish the dark forces i must not know fear.

to lead a revolution i must not know hate.

to stay me on my destiny i must not know love.

to harness the force within i must master myself.


i accepted this privilege and honor not knowing the costs that comes with the responsibility. for how could i? ambition and the desire to know the truth and seek justice blinded me. being a jedi overshadowed my foresight. how would i know that i would start to believe in forever ... and love ... and you. how would i know that somewhere, you existed, waiting for me?


i must believe in forever. i compel myself to. i order myself to believe even if it contradicts my very essence. i will believe even if it will cost me my life force. we have made decisions in our separate lives not knowing that our paths will cross, and that choices (though rightfully right when we made it) now haunts us and insidiously tears us apart.


you have your duties to fulfill to your family ...

to your blue-veined friends

to the empire

to your king.

that is your fate.


i have my life sworn to defend my ideals and my ambitions. to lead a new revolution. to start a new better way of life for every citizen of this galaxy. to make you happy. to protect your empire.

that is my destiny.


i must believe in forever for this lifetime is not for us but somewhere, somehow your fate and my destiny will cross again. i will be your king and you will be my the queen of the empire. we will have our own time. forever will wait for us. the stars foretell and the seers have prophesied this.


i must believe in all things that makes me human ...

and protect this beliefs with all things that makes me a jedi.


i started counting time when i've lost you.


because i believe I LOVE YOU !


semper fidelis,


Edited by shrike
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Where is the Love?


People are just withholding

What can unload the burden

Something always true to me

a hug, word, though and deed

Something we were born to be


Power, power, power

To lord over others, Now, glory of the hour

What matters is important to me

Problem is, its only me to see


Seek the fruits due my labor

True, our responsibility

but must we uproot the tree

For a few seeds to forever be


Proving something thats always been

Frisking everything as if missing

On the move, hectic, to all else beholden

Always them, always you, in truth my action


Staying still, from hurt and harm

One step, still and open

Staying still, one step forward

Savor the blessing in the untoward



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hey you!


its been 8 long months of knowing you,

and coming into the new year i just wanted to

thank you for being the greater part of 2003 for me ok?


simple words that has touched my very being... made me cry that night. do u know that? arrgghh.. of course u dont.. and perhaps u'll never will... but i did. i cried a lot. i dont know if its a good thing or bad.. all i know is.. i did.


i have so much to tell u.. yet i dont know where to begin nor how to say it... please come home. we have to talk...


hope u'll get to read this.



Edited by sweetpsyche
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hey you!


i have so much to tell u.. yet i dont know where to begin nor how to say it... please come home. we have to talk...


hope u'll get to read this.





i'm sorry for causing you pain and displeasure.

but you see coming home that night i've been struck by a FedEx truck just when i'm crossing the street to your gate and been delivered to Timbuktu.


it took time to convince myself that i'm not an aborigine and the savanna is not my native home and it also took ages for me to scrape every penny earned from belly dancing in the wilds.


now all these things plus the major concussion on my head made me forget about you. what is our address again and where do we keep our spare key ?


i'm coming home.


hey you !

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i'm sorry for causing you pain and displeasure.

but you see coming home that night i've been struck by a FedEx truck just when i'm crossing the street to your gate and been delivered to Timbuktu.


it took time to convince myself that i'm not an aborigine and the savanna is not my native home and it also took ages for me to scrape every penny earned from belly dancing in the wilds.


now all these things plus the major concussion on my head made me forget about you. what is our address again and where do we keep our spare key ?


i'm coming home.


hey you !



but my YOU is not you...


and your me.. is not me...


pano yan?


i guess that letter doesnt fit me..

heck its not even for me.. nor for u. hahah..


baliw! :P

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my LEIA,


news about your coming betrothal to King P spread fast in the kingdom.

the night you transmitted via high-frequency secured channel your question regarding King P's proposal and asked for my say re: this matter i didn't know what to say.


the news astounded me and was greater than the grief of knowing that my father succumbed to the dark forces and the rebel scout Shadow being annihilated by the Death Star laser barrage combined.


For a while i questioned the purpose of my existence. It took a lifetime (at least i think) before i arrived with a clear answer. I exist not because i have a destiny to fulfill as a JEDI (this cannot be changed) but because i have to make you happy in this lifetime.


i'v sent my greatest psyker to deliver my response personally at 0200hrs but i guess the patrol group together with the envoy got ambushed in sub sector gamma for the message never reached you and my envoy is still un accounted for at this time.


It hadn't reached you in time.


i've commanded the orbital defense system to search for this message so that i can send it to you again. my elite group of Astropaths managed to piece together what's left amidst the abnormal static discharge from that section of space.


start of transmission


deciphered by: astropath Lighthouse

subject : Lost in Space


sometimes i get tired

of this really cursed attitude

You are the one thing

that keeps me smiling

that's why i'm wishing hard for you


coz your light shine so bright

i don't feel no solitude

you are my first star at night

I'd be lost in space without you


and I'd never lose my faith in you

how will i ever get to heaven if i do


feel just so fine, when we touched the sky me and you

this is my air of heaven

why does it always feel so good


coz it's alright i know you're out there

doin' what you'd gonna do

you are my sole star at night

i'll be lost in space without you


and I'd never lose my faith in you

how will i ever get to heaven if i do



end of transmission



my princess, the senator and diplomat of the empire, i must do what i must do, given the little time that we have.


If i have the slightest doubt that you would not survive the assassination attempt on your life that is due in the months to come i would have decided otherwise. I will have stayed with you through the end even if that means anarchy in your kingdom and me losing my birthight. The truth is i see the wisdom of you and King P in seeking the sanctuary of the Southern Borders. Apothecaries and Mages from that sector are renowned in the Galaxy for protecting and preventing this attempts on your life. They are the best there is.


Given the choice of seeing you live but cradled in another man's arms or take your last dying breath in my arms i would gladly choose the former. Such is my love and respect for you princess that i would gladly endure the daily torture of knowing that i can't have you as my queen for it is a zillion times better than knowing that i've lost you in this lifetime.


It is my fervent wish that we remain as we are for the days to come.

All that matters now is your happiness.

Not the empire

Not the infidels that attempts to take your life

Not even the teachings of master yoda and the guidance of Obi-Wan.

All this i'm willing to let go or destroy if necessary if it makes you unhappy even for a second.


All that matters is you !



Your servitor semper fi,




This message will be delivered to you personally and the envoy craft will be escorted by X-wing fighter squadrons and battleship cruisers assigned under the command of Chewbacca.

To hell with the orbital defense, this crypted message will be delivered.

Edited by shrike
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but my YOU is not you...


and your me.. is not me...


pano yan?


i guess that letter doesnt fit me..

heck its not even for me.. nor for u. hahah..


baliw! :P



oh darn !

really ! i'm not YOU you

and you're not ME me?


for what it's worth i also cried that night.

I'm wearing my best Armani suit that special night and that hideous FedEx truck that dragged me still have bit and pieces of that suit.


then who is ME and who is YOU ?

am i really having another amnesia again or you are just denying me becoz of wat i've done. i really didn't mean to be stuck up and sleeping with the dingoes and camels. i wanna be with you though the smell is just the same. (that's maybe the reason i didn't miss u)


I'm coming home even if i don't know where it is.


(I'm gonna knock on ur door, ring on your bell, tap on your windows too. C'mon and open your door i'm gonna tell you more coz i'm your friendly and lost YOU)





I'm not crazy just a little bit unwell

i know right now you can't tell

but soon enough you'll be thinking of me

and how i used to be

Edited by shrike
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I feel like I’m back where I started. Confused. Weak. Alone.


You frighten me. You make me lose control. My thoughts have become a swirling mass of contradictions. You affect me in ways I never imagined you could.


No two persons could be more different. You are out of my league. I have had a taste of your world not only once, and never have I felt more out of place. I do not want history to repeat itself. Shame on the other party if I get fooled once, shame on me if I get fooled twice, or so they say. It would be wrong to let you get too close, close enough to hurt me. I know you don’t intend to. Yet at this point, rendering myself vulnerable to another person would be folly.


You are a temptation. You are so bad for me. You reminded me too much of my past. I must live in the present.


I must not falter. Love has no place in my life right now. It is my will that must take over. Not my heart. Never again my heart.


I have been burned so badly. My body, my mind, my soul is a battleground. The scars will forever be etched in my being.


No more pain. Not yet.



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oh darn !

really ! i'm not YOU you

and you're not ME me?


for what it's worth i also cried that night.

I'm wearing my best Armani suit that special night and that hideous FedEx truck that dragged me still have bit and pieces of that suit.


then who is ME and who is YOU ?

am i really having another amnesia again or you are just denying me becoz of wat i've done. i really didn't mean to be stuck up and sleeping with the dingoes and camels. i wanna be with you though the smell is just the same. (that's maybe the reason i didn't miss u)


I'm coming home even if i don't know where it is.


(I'm gonna knock on ur door, ring on your bell, tap on your windows too. C'mon and open your door i'm gonna tell you more coz  i'm your friendly and lost YOU)





AGAIN! I repeat! and im sorry for doing this but YOU are not my YOU. And I am not your YOU. I am a ME for someone else.. and so are you.

And Im sure of that.. why?

Cause first; my YOU doesnt wear Armani.. maybe he doesnt like it or probably because he doesnt have one coz he cant afford it. haha. So when you said you were wearing an Armani suit that fact alone erases you from the possibility that you are my YOU!

2nd; the night he left... it wasnt a special night for us.. just memorable. it was just another night... made by the fact, that he left - memorable. but not a special one. So that indicates AGAIN that you are not my YOU coz u said the night u were dragged was a special night for the 2 of you. but it wasnt for us.

I am sorry of what had happened to you.. Someone must be waiitng for you as well... but thats not me.. for I do not smell like dingoes or camels, like ur girl haha.

You are not having an amnesia.. maybe you're just confused on what is going on.. but dont worry, u'll get over it... time will bring ur memories and consciousness back and u'll realize that indeed.. I am not your YOU.

Third, my YOU knows where his home is.. he wont get lost. Im sure of that. BUt you.. you seem not to know where ur home... thus definitely you are not my YOU!

Lastly, my YOU is home... he is back. we found each other.. once more.


Be sure to knock on the right door, ring the right bell, and tap the right windows for if u have the wrong house the owner might just shoo you away or the owner might not open the door, ignore u or worst call a police and throw you out! that would be terrible... a person like you doesnt need another emotional anguish or physical turmoil such as that.

Goodluck on your search


justme... but another me. not yours.


:upside: :lol:

Edited by sweetpsyche
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Guest gorgeous_23

To all the ladies out there, make your man feel needed. This doesn't mean giving him all the dirty chores or putting all the responsibility on him. But make sure you let him know that he's indespensable in your life. Man needs to feel this sometimes.

Being controlling can be changed with persistence and patience. Try to catch yourself anytime you find yourself being controlling and stop yourself as soon as you can. Remind yourself of the alternative attitude and try to practice the alternative behavior.

No man wants to wait while you fix your hair or makeup before a date. It is courteous to be ready on time, just like it is courteous for him to arrive on time.

Be flattered if a friend or co-worker likes you romantically, but don't see it as a reason to become overconfident yourself. If you don't return the person's affections, he or she will probably move on once you make it clear that you don't feel the same way.

You don't have to do something big or extravagant to romance your partner. You don't have to exert a lot of effort to make her happy. Your partner will be most fulfilled by the things you do that don't require a lot of effort, planning, or money.

On a date, if you reach the point where you are allowed and about to kiss your date, remember to keep the kissing simple. Use a soft touch that will calm your date, especially if the kiss is a first.

If you're partner would rather be with friends than spend time together; Never suspects a thing; Are often in a bad mood; secretive; critical on partners fault; friend starts asking what's wrong, these are signs that you and your partner will break up soon and an indication that you need to regroup with your partner if you want to save the relationship.

Ladies, give the man in your life the gift of trusting him to know how and when to take care of himself and you. Learn how to be subtle. Gentlemen, hold her trust sacred, and learn to listen for subtle requests.

If you're ready to end a relationship, Show your intention by being firm, decisive and honest. Help your partner understand why you want to end the relationship by being tactful instead of brutal. Remind your partner that you'll never forget the positive qualities in your relationship, but emphasize that you're ready to move on with your life. If your partner does not mutually agree to a breakup, don't allow him or her to manipulate you into staying in the relationship.

When you are interested in being more than just friends with a woman, and you want to avoid being thought of like a brother, put your most romantic foot forward. Stop wishing and wondering about how it will all turn out, and let her know what kind of relationship you are interested in.

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, know your partner during your date. Read his/her body language. Notice whether your date exhibits good yet relaxed posture. A slouched date probably isn't having a good time. A date who's sitting up is being attentive.

Interpreting body language isn't cut-and-dried. Try not to jump to conclusions.

Men should remember that children's needs can distract a woman. Make sure you've arranged for the children to be fed, bathed and entertained before embarking on a romantic evening at home.

Sometimes the “just because” gifts, we give those we care about mean as much or more than those given on special occasions that are expected.

How we interact with the world around us makes the difference between having an effortless life or one with continual struggles.

Relationships strongly depend on trust - complete, absolute and reciprocal trust. They also rely on openness, honesty, love and caring. Ask yourself-- Is your relationship centered on Trust, Openness, Honesty, Caring and Love?

Do not back your partner into a corner by giving ultimatums or by making threats. It will eventually backfire.

Intimacy can only be experienced in the present moment. These moments can be part of a one-minute intimacy break or an hour-long lovemaking session. Find the time, make the time, take the time to be intimate with one another.

Establish a relationship of equality. Start with the premise that both of you are of equal worth. This keeps you from getting caught up in the struggle of who has power over the other. Appreciating each other as being equally valuable will bring strength to your relationship.

Do not try to be, or agree to be, “just good friends” with the other person until you are complete and comfortable with the ending of the relationship. Otherwise you will keep alive your and/or the other person's hopes and probably prevent both of you from moving on and finding someone who is right for you.

Having a healthy relationships with those who are important in our lives is everyone's dream. The level of emotional safety can be determined by the quality of our conversations. Establish and maintain your own boundaries and limits very clearly. When there is a conflict, attack the problem and not your partner. Remember there is power in forgiveness, both in forgiving yourself and in forgiving others.

Remember the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you don't want to be judged only on your looks, don't pick others just on looks.

Do not promise anything to your partner if you dont intend to keep it or if you cannot deliver it. This will create false hopes and your partner will end up frustrated which may lead to arguments.

Know that both romantic love and the power struggle are not the destination, but are stages on the road to 'real love'. Frustration and conflict are keys for healing and growth for both of you.

Pay attention to and express appreciation for positive things your partner says or does--no matter how small!

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Don't be shy about expressing your views. They may not please everyone, but it will save you the time of dealing with people who have fundamental differences with you.

Truth and Love are the two most important ingredients for any relationships. Love because all positive relationships begin with friendship, appreciation and respect. Truth because no relationships can grow from dishonesty, deceit and betrayals.

Always giving is no good, Accumulated grievances is even less helpful. Dishonest statements to cover it is all even worse. And when the anger eruption come, its totally unproductive.

A great partner is someone who knows what you need before you say it.

Edited by Macy
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Dear A,


I thought new year was a fluke but today takes the cake. I suppose this is divine providence that the romantic notions floating in my head are just that, romantic notions. Life is as difficult as one makes it to be. Its not that I'm not one to try but there is a certain flow of things that just falls into place such as this ebb in the greater scheme of things. Ah, the potential of what could have been..but I digress. I am not one to push or force myself on anyone and now nothing holds me here and I am free to seek the other doors opened to me. I wish you the best and I'll be seeing you around.





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Dear Pauline,


I'm sorry i was never the good master I had promised to be,

I lost interest after you showed weakness...

The weakness your brother Dak didn't posses.


You were always wagging your tail when I come in,

and last nyt, just like all the nights I came home late, you welmcomed me.. and I shunned you away.


k*ll me now my conscience,

and take away my guilt.

Edited by swit_lass
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If fair is the word then i would not have treated you that way...that night. when you carried my bag , you did more than carry my bag. you gave me the room to move, for my eyes to wander. you let me looked around ...you let me looked at you and not see you. you let me be who i am that night...sad and longing. longing for someone else. you let me kiss you and you responded with so much passion... when the only passion moving in me was pain and confusion. and you followed me..you came after me though i wanted to be away from you. i wanted to break free from you, but you so stubbornly followed me. and then you tucked me in your arms, you let me lie down on the soft cushion, and you caressed me. you took effort in giving me warmth. and I hated it at that time, and as you touched me it came to the point when I could only look up the ceiling and wondering how I could not feel a thing when you have the genuine skills of a lover. As you said, you let your instincts guide you. when i was pushing you away, tired and not wanting to talk why, you just held me. you hugged me and touched my back...though I could hardly remember. I hardly wanted to think about it. I feel I wasn't fair to you but you said it was okay. You knew where the line was drawn and you accepted it.


But it all dawned clear on me in the morning light...and I wanted to make it up to you. And I did. I made love to you...in the clear afternoon light.. and Imatched your passion. And I kissed you ...and I held you tight. And you touched me...you still touch me. I asked what if i fall in love and you said you will always be here for me...you will always be my friend. You said it would be better because lovers may come and go, but friends won't. And you said the only reasons you won't be able to come when I need you are your family, work, and I guess... her. The woman you so love. It made me wonder...why do I often meet

someone who wants to get ladi with me ... but not someone who will love me? When will I ever be that special woman that though a boyfriend will cheat on me I will always and only be the recipient f such words as " I love her and she means so much to me." That girl, that though a man has traveled so many oceans and have seen so many beautiful women, will still be the one to receive the guarantee from the guy that "I will come back to see you again. " So, what is fair? Is this fair? I guess fair is a relative word. And this time, I think that you deserve your fair share to be with her. As she deserves to have a fair share of you. I dare say you are not being fair to me...but the truth is you are. I knew where the line was drawn and I must accept it.



to my friend, you have fun today. You may be a pain in the butt, but you are my pain in the butt. :D :cool: ;) :)

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Dear Ms. Lass


Did you know that every step i took from the moment i started walking was most probably a step closer to you.....




The unexpireable me!!!!

Most Probably.


But you should have ran the opposite direction instead.


I'm sorry my Love. I could have loved you forever, then you truly would have been inexpirable.


But thank you. You made me grow up and want to face the world alone.

Edited by swit_lass
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