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letter to a friend circa 2003




sup dude .. i hear yr getting married... congratulations. if im late and yr already married .. congratulations padin. anyways i know i wont be sending you this thing ... it'll just rot in my draft folder. i cant believe this, my friend getting married ... that leaves me ... dont hold yr breathe i have no plans now or further ahead of getting married ... if i do ... i mustve slipped up bad. i want so bad to be there... thaks for considering me as a best man ... but unfortunately right now i cant leave the states... you know my studies are my priority... well not really ... but im in the middle of a semester i cant justify an absence for more than a week. remember how we used to hit makati when we were in lasalle? cable, faces, cirk, decades, hard rock etc...... all those girls we picked up ..... sometimes im the wing other times yr the wing..... all those chicks we messed around with... sigh... how time flies .. aint it? getting drunk in the landmark parking lot ... fights on pasay road ... sheeeit .. i was there on yr first date with her ... i remember you saying .. "pre shes not my type.. you want her?" good thing i said no ... turns out she was good for you... what did we call her before you went out with her? .... zombie ... yeah sheeit .. i hope she never find out .. im dead meat for sure ... i might get banned when i go home. im not seeing anybody right now ... im kinda low on the dough .. just bought a car ... all my moolah goes to the car... maybe next year when i get to have a full time job.. maybe next year ill have a regular relationship .. maybe next year i go home ....maybe next year i get married ... not. till then ...CONGRATULATIONS ... mother f@cker! maybe i can be a ninong to your first born.... sheeit that makes me sound old .....



the dude who peed inside your car on that 6 hr trrafic jam along the slex.....

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You know what pains me? That you could not extend me the same courtesy of concern and friendship at a time I needed it most. Am really not one to turn on the D.I.D. turbo boost but is that what it takes?


Perhaps we really aren't friends afterall, it was just my delusion. And no, this isn't the part where I finally give you my award-winning performance in a D.I.D. role. I'm just speaking from a place stripped of all veneer, more naked than the layers of the D.I.D. dramas you are accustomed to.


And just like everybody else, you don't know me.

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To the nurses of St. Shitty's,


Damn you all!!! All I wanted was to have my PDA hooked up to one of your terminals so that I could send an e-mail but you did not let me... For that I curse you 'til the day I die!!! I will dedicate my life to seeking your Public IP Address and bombard your database with all the Malware and Trojans I could come up with...


Your newfound enemy,


The BlackWizard...

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you fight not to defend yourself

but to define yourself

when others cannot or will not,

you fight for them.

you fight for the intrepid,

you fight for the timid.

you hide the parasites

and protect the pretenders.

and know that when you accepted

to fight for them you have already won.


engage in your battle the only way you knew how,

with innate class, unshakable dignity and utter pride.

claim victory for others

and accept defeat for yourself.


you cannot possibly win every battle

but when the smoke clears

when you have been beaten, knocked down,

battered and bruised

when blood and sweat are one,

stand and hold your head up.

let others be nebulous in their ways

but make them define you in only certain terms


-- thank you whoever you are

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dear mr. nice guy,

remember this:



if you forget me


i want you to know

one thing.


you know how this is:

if i look

at the crystal moon, at the red branch

of the slow autumn at my window,

if i touch

near the fire

the impalpable ash

or the wrinkled body of the log,

everything carries me to you,

as if everything that exists,

aromas, light, metals,

were little boats

that sail

toward those isles of yours that wait for me.


well, now,

if little by little you stop loving me

i shall stop loving you little by little.


if suddenly

you forget me

do not look for me,

for i shall already have forgotten you.


if you think it long and mad,

the wind of banners

that passes through my life,

and you decide

to leave me at the shore

of the heart where i have roots,


that on that day,

at that hour,

i shall lift my arms

and my roots will set off

to seek another land.



if each day,

each hour,

you feel that you are destined for me

with implacable sweetness,

if each day a flower

climbs up to your lips to seek me,

ah my love, ah my own,

in me all that fire is repeated,

in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,

my love feeds on your love, beloved,

and as long as you live it will be in your arms

without leaving mine.



ahh so much for 4 hour meetings :unsure: :lol:

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Dear MTC Pakialameros and Pakialameras...especially the malditas and bitches of MTC...and Ever-Cheerful...ever-Happy...ever-Strong...and ever-Hypocrites,

I pray you mind your own business...afterall...i'm just one tiny speck in this whole wide world of MTC....don't let me affect your perfectly happy lives....just keep on smiling :D



at sya nga pala...ang pag iyak at pagiging malungkutin ay may binabagayan....kung di ka kagandahan...wag mo na i try...masagwa ang kalalabasan! :lol: :lol:


ayan late nanaman tuloy ako :(

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by iwalkalone
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Ms. K (the other),


You obviously knew what you said would reach me. I just shook my head. I know you have problems and I wish I could help but I can't. There are others who need help too. If I could, I would. I intended to bring something to you last night, something cheap which I've always kept for myself but never could find the time to use. A set of pencils from 2H to 6B and a sketchpad. I remembered that you said you always wanted to draw pretty things and I did set those things aside for you. It was left in my car and a good thing too. You probably would have thrown the whole thing in my face if I had given it to you. I really thought I was your friend, but maybe I was wrong. Anyway, I'll stay out of your way from now on unless I qualify as someone or something that will or can help you in some way. I'm not bitter my dear, I just feel I read you wrong. Hope everything sorts itself out for you, its the same thing I wish for myself everyday. I'll just hang around for a while.




Dr. Pepper

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to the other boy,


if i could, i would, like jim carey's character from that movie, erase you from my mind and my life completely. since i can't, i suppose i'll have to settle for putting you on my "permanently offline" stealth list. it's a start.


have a great life. you deserve the best, really. i hope you find what you're looking for.


- m.

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Doc ,

You heard those from another's lips...not mine...i wish you shudda have asked her to pass her phone to me...but you didn't even gave it a thought....oh well -_- And about those artsy stuff...actually ...i didn't realize you really meant it...thank you...for the thought...atleast :)

I'd like to say pasensya na....i'm really not a "sweet" friend...that's just how i am....i'm sorry...but i am someone who is always true to myself and to others...what you see is what you get. I wish i could be nicer and sweeter....but that's just not me. And please know that I'm actually a very grateful person Doc...don't misjudge me. :( Had you given those stuff to me...i would have given you a thankful hug in return. :flowers:

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To you and you...and you.... :)


Compassion's Heart



Compassion's ear is not too far

From us in darkest night;

It closely listens to the beat

Of hearts afraid with fright.

Compassion's mouth is not shut tight

When trouble hurts the soul;

Compassion speaks to souls that groan

Its purpose to console.

Compassion's head is never slow

To turn to meet our need;

It meets the foe that hurts us so

With urgency and speed.

Compassion's eye is never closed

To tears that stain the cheek;

Compassion sees the cause of tears

And gives the help we seek.

Compassion's heart is never cold

Or distant in our strife;

It beats from God's own pulse with might

To lift from death to life!


From...up above

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