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To the outgoing VP

Go and go quietly. You have only yourself to blame for losing the election. When you won the VP back in 2016, you had a chance to really shine but you blew it. You were given a cabinet position under PRRD but instead of doing your job as Housing Secretary, you neglected the department and instead went on a media run to criticize PRRD and the gov't every chance you get. You expose yourself as a TRAPO, ambitious and a traitor. If you did not agree with the President, then ethics dictate that you should just resign your cabinet post. Instead you went to the cabinet meetings, have an inside knowledge of the plans of the administration then turn around and went on the media to criticize the gov't. Any company would have fired an employee like that.

You love to toot your own horn about how many less fortunate people you have helped with your relief goods. Ma'am Leni, as VP you received yearly budget from gov't. It is from this yearly budget allot to you by the gov't where you spend for all your relief goods. Since you have no other gov't function, the choice is to either save the gov't money by returning the excess budget to the gov't at the end of the year as savings or use the budget for charitable work. That part never gets told by you as you always make it appear that you are doing all these charity work by yourself without any gov't assistance. I just want to be clear with that. 

Now, if you truly love the country and wants to serve or help. There are many ways to do it even as a private citizen. I hope you accept the result of the election wholeheartedly. Pls don't allow yourself to be used by others again and be one to hope for the best of the country and not be an obstructionists. 

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Dear Lugaw, Lutang, Boba.


40 x 4 is 160

Philippines has 7100 islands

Pls know the difference netween nerve and vein.

Memorize your proposed law, hindi yung nakalimutan mo yung title.

All your daughters are obviously girls.

Electric Current in water?

Marami kang pang mga kabobahan at lutang moments, baka kulang ang isang page ng thread.

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I'll never forget nor forgive the way she blatantly spoke against our country and our president, and she had not fully exhausted every means of addressing and resolving this internally first, before going international. She uses her political charm to appeal to global communities, but she could not even persuade the one closest to her in the administrative structure? Get real. The president was famously very kind to her at the start. You have to wonder what transpired to get him so mad at her.

Like the fake lawyer that she is, did she not know that one must produce evidence for any accusation against another? That under the eyes of the law, a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt? That her actions and words construes slander, treason, and sedition? That falsehoods construe perjury?

A true vice president backs their president, for the success of a leader is the success of all those he or she leads. Even former vice president Salvador "Doy" Laurel had the decency and dignity to resign from post when he found himself at odds with the then-incumbent president, after making every attempt to resolve their differences INTERNALLY.

She clings to power with a feverish ambition and blind zeal that is very frightening to watch.

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Apparently not as stupid as the bisaya being refered to here:


40 x 4 is 160

Philippines has 7100 islands

Pls know the difference netween nerve and vein.

Memorize your proposed law, hindi yung nakalimutan mo yung title.

All your daughters are obviously girls.

Electric Current in water?


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