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How To Keep Your Man Faithful, Loyal To Only You

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well said.

and i really love this part "The truth is, if one (no matter the gender) wants to cheat, he/she will ALWAYS find a reason,a sob story to do so. Don't blame yourself (at least not entirely, it's a two-way street my dears) too much."





anyway, here are other things that i have in mind.


you want to keep a man faithful to you? honestly,you can't.


they say don't get fat - fine! you work out and all, BUT nature does take its toll. you still get old, your boobs will sag with or without children. what can you do? biologically speaking, your BODY WILL CHANGE.


be the BEST f#&king LAY - a wife, a tigress, a mistress, a f#&k buddy, etc. Do everything he wants. REALITY - there will always be someone BETTER than you in bed. It doesn't matter if you've mastered all the badass things in the Kama Sutra, someone may have learned it 100times over and then some.


be a good MOTHER - you take care of the children, you make sure their homework is done, feed them,bathe them, etc. You will hear that you DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR THEM.


be a GOOD LISTENER - don't ask questions too much. let them vent. Either way, it may seem like YOU DON'T CARE or you NAG when you ask.


give them ME time without getting paranoid - and you do without questions, Yet he goes home late smelling like cheap aftershave with the smell of a different shampoo on his hair.




He says he UNDERSTANDS AND RESPECTS YOU, he will cheat because he will say, I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS TO MY WIFE/GF, I LOVE AND RESPECT HER. So, I'll just find someone okay with the porn movie sex that I want. f#&k ass reality, he doesn't respect women in general.


when you get older with a few lines on the face, some will use it as an EXCUSE to wanderbot juat with their eyes but their penises as well.


You can be respecting him, BUT if he lacks respect for himself and YOU, rest assured he will wander.


IF after doing everything in your power and he still cheats on you (excuses like technology, MTC, temptation), DUMP HIM LIKE A SACK OF POTATOES. There are still those who do not cheat, though rare. Have respect for yourself. Make him feel that the world does not revolve around him, he's not the sun which is the effing center of thia universe.


Forgive him in advance for being human prone to committing errors? BS! He should also forgive you and understand in advance that we are not all wired to forgive, that we keep grudges, etc.


In short, you wanna keep a man faithful? Find someone who respects you as much as he respects the women in his family. Find someone who sees the your value,your worth beyond sex, a good f#&k, a good lay; someone who sees your value as a HUMAN BEINGworthy of being kept safe from harm and hurt caused by his own actions, words, lustful desires,etc. Look for someone who KNOWS AND ACCEPTS THAT HE IS IMPERFECT, UNDERSTANDS THAT YOU ARE AND CANNOT EVERYTHING HE WANTS YOU TO BE, YET HE DECIDES TO BE FAITHFUL TO YOU. That's the way the world goes.Simple? Not really, because it takes a real man to make a man faithful to his partner.

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Meron ba nito?




Kung meron, paki PM na ako at papakasalan na kita!


(Me nag PM nga! Nakabasa ka lang ng ad na pakakasalan ka, go agad! Malande!)



Siguro para sa akin lang, you should embody someone respetable also. Loyal. And Faithful.


Manlalande man yan ng iba, i cocompare ka pa rin niya at ikaw pa rin ang aangat na lamang.


Incomparable ika na. Uuwi na yan at salubungin mo!

Meron ba nito?

Edited by BoredChik
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men are like mountaineers. they climb a mountain put a flag there, celebrate, go down and tries to climb another mountain. so forth. so men tend to find adventure and excitement in something new. men cant be tied to something that is repeating. men love to explore. create alternatives. yes it is a choice, but is a basic instinct for a man. and yes, men would try to court a girl to submission hehehe MMA. after he makes the girl submit a few times, then life becomes boring and he tries find other mountains to climb, in the case of women perhaps. anyways, men like variety, a comparison on their heads. then from there somehow, somewhere he will choose one of course, but that doesnt guarantee faithfulness. what makes him faithful is... what a girl can give that no other girl can give. an edge, a trait, a gesture, words, that one thing that he can see that no other girl have. thats where faithfulness begins. so on a positive note, girls, be unique, be someone that he would love to have forever.

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you want to keep me engaged....



show me that there's more to you than just a pretty face and a hot body because one day, i am going to get tired of looking at that beautiful face and ogling at that hot body and i will wonder if there is actually something between the ears

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Respect your partner. A lot of people are caught up looking like they respect their partners and yet they put themselves in situations that result in them having to explain themselves. Respecting your guy and supporting him are half of the formula, the other half depends on what kind of guy he is.

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  • 5 months later...

i don't think there is a sure way, pero ito ang payo ng mom ko sa ate ko when she was younger:

piliin mo yung mas matanda ng konti kasi nakaranas at nagsawa na sya sa mga ganyan. kumbaga graduate na sya sa pambababae. at least kung mag enjoy man sya sa labas ng paminsan minsan, walang feelings yun.


pero para sa akin it's all about trust and mutual respect. a man may claim that he loves his wife and it may very well be true even if he cheats. but i think he doesn't love her enough because cheating is basically disrespecting the woman whom you claim to love. and you decided to disrespect her by having an affair.


just my opinion. sabi nga nila, love starts as a feeling but eventually it becomes a decision. so when one cheats, he momentarily decided not to love his wife, which doesn't speak well of his character as a person. di naman mahirap umiwas at mag resist ng temptation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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