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Spider-man 3:



Rumored plot for the new movie:


With his secret now revealed to both Mary Jane and Harry, Peter must face the consequences of his actions and his new life together with Mary Jane as they finally form a relationship. Yet their newfound open display of love has yielded some unfortunate results, not the least of which is Peter's upset boss determined to make his life hell for causing his son emotional distress. Not helping is a young investigative reporter named Eddie Brock who Jameson has hired to find out why Mary Jane dumped his son for Peter - what's Parker's secrets?


At the same time an escaped prisoner hiding out on a remote beach is caught in a dreadful accident and finds himself turned into a shape-shifting sand creature. Peter's investigations into the past of this 'Sandman' brings him in contact with two very different things that will inevitably alter his life. The first a young woman named Gwen Stacy, daughter of the city's new police chief who is developing a soft spot for Peter. The other, a black substance from an accident scene which 'merges' with Peter's costume and gives him new found abilities.


Things come to a head however when Harry Osborn, determined to take revenge against Peter for his father's death and now equipped with what he needs to pull it off, teams with The Sandman in a new variation of his father's Green Goblin guise and causes mayhem. In the ensuing chaos lives are lost, including people very close to Peter, whilst the black substance covering his suit separates from him and merges with a distraught Brock to form something else entirely - a creature unlike anything he's ever faced. A 'Venom' that he may not be able to stop.




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The Simpsons movie trailer:







Wonder Woman:


Writer/director Joss Whedon confirmed today that production on his highly anticipated movie adaptation of the popular comic book series "Wonder Woman" would begin filming in early September with British actress Kate Beckinsale chosen as the lead. Whedon, who has secretly been auditioning dozens of top names in the industry over the past month, said that he was "very happy" with his pick and couldn't wait to get started.


Whedon said that many other actresses had attempted to "woo" him for the part, including such notables as Charisma Carpenter, Alyssa Milano, Evangeline Lilly and even Monica Bellucci and Demi Moore", but that he always had his mind on Beckinsale, especially after he had seen her performances in the UNDERWORLD movies.

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another asian horror movie...



(they kidnapped the wrong girl)




Down on their luck and desperate for money to buy drugs, Mitsuru (Tetsuji Tamayama) and Maki (Asami Mizukawa) have the perfect plan. They decide to kidnap a young girl and hide out in an abandoned school, until their demands are met. Everything is going according to plan, until they realize they have made one gross miscalculation. Their hostage died a year ago today and now it’s their turn.

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Can't imagine why it seems like nobody's excited at all about this. From what I've seen so far, it looks like a real contender for the best ever on-screen video game adaptation. Though honestly, it's not like it has too much competition for that title anyway, Except probably for the first Mortal Kombat movie twehehe.

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Saw III:


True to SAW form, the third installment in the horror franchise will have a short window from filming to release. Shooting on SAW III will begin on May 1st in Toronto for a release this October. As such, casting is currently underway for the film, which will return Tobin Bell and Shawnee Smith to the roles of Jigsaw and Amanda respectively. Two of our new victims are Lynn and Jeff one of whom runs quickly afoul of Jigsaw. Lynn is a married mother in her late 30s who is kidnapped by Jigsaw. As you might expect all is not sunny on Lynn's front who's got some dark secrets she's keeping from her family. Then there's Jeff, a dad who has never recovered fully after his son died. It was an accident but he's never been able to forgive himself. how he fits into the SAW legacy is being kept a mystery. Producers are looking for name actors for both of the roles, which should be cast in the next week or so. Darren Bousman is returning to direct the film with a script by Leigh Whannel.

Edited by sickness
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