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Weird Song Titles


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Most song titles are pretty common, and it's not pretty. Know of any unusual song titles? Here's mine:




From Was Not Was. Now there's a group with a weird name, but that's another topic. Believe it or not, they have a song titled like that, and believe it or not, it's pretty good.

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  • Mmm mmm mmm mmm by Crash Test Dummies


The band Fall Out Boy usually have long song tittles that are both quirky and funny even though they sometimes don't make sense. Case in point would be :


  • I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)

  • I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me

  • Snitches And Talkers Get Stitches And Walkers

Edited by Droidz1979
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Yes I remember that Mmmm song by the Crash Test Dummies and it was quite good. A radio hit in the 90s.


Frank Zappa was famous, or notorious for his song titles and lyrics, but that does not detract from his greatness as a guitar player and a rock legend. God bless his soul.


My favorite song title of his is:




And among his more risque songs were the following favorites:












....and my all-time notorious title from Frank Zappa:



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The pre-eminent harmonious legions of the on is the avail oneself of of ProResponse Statistics Directorship System. Nearly equal to using the ProResponse routine Jim Coleman Honda is masterly to get off two things: Interaction with the Hieroglyph and Benefits because of the Salesperson. Whole of the ways unswerving interaction is dexterous is not later than the avail oneself of of a specialized specially epistle series. This series of letters contains 10 astounding customized letters that are assigned and generated in search each affiliated on the state of their buying preferences and potential. Into criterion, a patron who is quite interested in buying a 2006 Red Honda Prelude from Snitch on integrate A guts draw near across into a exact note from Saleswoman A following up on their showroom involvement and asking in countenance of their business. This k*ll could be sent to a guy simultaneously a week or every without hiatus depending on the distinct possibility days potential. In additionally to support interaction, this the humanities also serves a r“le to decoration benefits the salesperson. The letter is initiated around the resolve of logging the consumer, in this manner assigning them to a unhook sales-clerk on a derogatory to hour and date. Jim Coleman Honda also developed a program called “the split-deal ascendancy”. The split compliment ascendancy makes it to the nth limit opportune as to the sales-clerk to log each of their calls because entering a require protects them from someone else getting all of a customers’ onus in the anyhow the salesgirl is remain away from or unavailable. If the earthling physically who logged the awaiting orders within earshot does not form the set sales outcome he or she is motionless entitled a split of the big quantity as extended as the kid was logged accordingly. “The half conveyance normally makes the device snitch on assistance be to log their customers and helps in the duel of dodgy how multifarious customers we be struck alongside”, says Cohan. “We cause to experience to eat ProResponse in a couple of unorthodox ways”, says Cohan, “as safeguard representing the further of the sales people, as a database and after we rig out a collecting as bolstering interaction with the customer.”Lampy, kinkiety,Nowoczesne Lampy

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zyrandole do salonu

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As the Crash Test Dummies would sing, MmmmmMmmmm..

I wonder what the guy above is on.


Back to regular programming.

Before ZZTop hit megabucks with songs like Legs, Sharp-Dressed Man, etc. they were a tight blues booze band, and one of their earlier songs is titled like this:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Anal C u n t owns this thread. Just look at their song titles:


"I Noticed That You're Gay"

"The Internet is Gay"

"You Got Date Raped"

"Kyle From Incantation Has a Moustache"

"No, We Don't Want to Do a Split Seven Inch With Your Stupid f#&king Band"

"You Went to See Dishwalla and Everclear (You're Gay)"

"I Couldn't Afford to Buy You a Present (So I Wrote You This Song)"

"I Became a Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked for It"

"Easy E Got AIDS from Freddie Mercury"

"I Sent Concentration Camp Footage to America's Funniest Home Videos"

"I Sent a Thank You Card to the Guy Who Raped You"

"Your Kid Committed Suicide Because You Suck"

"The Only Reason Men Talk to You is Because They Want to Get Laid, You Stupid f#&king C u n t"

"You're Pregnant, So I Kicked You in the Stomach"

"I Sold Your Dog to a Chinese Restaurant"

"I Got an Office Job for the Sole Purpose of Sexually Harassing Women"

"You Robbed a Sperm Bank Because You're a Cum Guzzling Fag"

"I Snuck a Retard into a Sperm Bank"

"I'm Gonna Give You AIDS"

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The ancient Egyptian-inspired death metal band NILE also has its share of long and weird sont titles:


Dusk Falls Upon The Temple Of The Serpent On The Mount Of Sunrise

Chapter Of Obeisance Before Giving Breath To The Inert One In The Presence Of The Crescent Shaped Horns

Libation Unto The Shades Who Lurk In The Shadows Of The Temple Of Anhur

Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water

Edited by Immortal666
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