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Crush Mo Si Mam??!??

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i did have a crush on my english teacher in high school. she was kindda young, petite, I'm quite sure she was not over 5 feet tall, wears those skirts that run up when sitting on a chair. I could not help but watch her everytime she sits down or stood up. But her voice was commanding for her size, firm but high pitched. Her face was picture perfect for an angel. Her skin was unblemished whitish. I was never absent in her class and always wanted to chat her up after class on small things just to get her attention. I wonder whatever happened to her.

Edited by knoll1234
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There was this math professor. I was never his student but I met him when I was still in high school and I participated in one of those Math Quizzes.

Anyway, when I went to university I was surprised to see him there! Every time I had an exam in Math, I'd look for him just to see his face and then I'd ace my test. Worked for me. Aced all my math classes. :lol:

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