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Tattoos And Body Piercings

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Heheh yan din ang iniisip ko eh -- pano ko papa retouch pag 60s na ko ... baka ma challenge masyado ang tattoo artist. But then again I realized, mine is in a hidden part of the body so if I reach that age, I can just let it go.


When I was thinking about whether to get the tat or not, one of my considerations was how it would look like when I got old... but I just realized that its my choice, my skin, my body. When my skin gets all wrinkled up and dry, the tat will form part of the story of me and what I had gone through in life ... the wrinkles in my skin will only add more character to the tat since by then it has gone through my life with me.






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actually gusto ko talaga magpatatoo kaso marami criticism ang matatanggap ko because of the meaning of the tatoo, ang sa akin lang e, tatoo is how you express yourself it is not making yourself dirty, it is showing your true self...haaaaaayz!!kung madali lang makakuha ng trabaho pag may tatoo ka,e di sana nagpatatoo na ako dati pa!!!buhay nga naman talaga... <_<

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Heheh yan din ang iniisip ko eh -- pano ko papa retouch pag 60s na ko ... baka ma challenge masyado ang tattoo artist. But then again I realized, mine is in a hidden part of the body so if I reach that age, I can just let it go.


When I was thinking about whether to get the tat or not, one of my considerations was how it would look like when I got old... but I just realized that its my choice, my skin, my body. When my skin gets all wrinkled up and dry, the tat will form part of the story of me and what I had gone through in life ... the wrinkles in my skin will only add more character to the tat since by then it has gone through my life with me.





nice thought u have. :thumbsupsmiley:

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bat lagi pag mapapatatoo lagi sinasabi express daw sarili.



tamad magsalita?  :P


Because a tat IS a form of self expression - a signature etched on your skin. What could be more personal and expressive of one's self than that.


More than that, its a choice that one makes and stands up for - probably because of the connotation that soceity has put on the tat (eg its a mark of the criminal or one gets a tat only because one was imprisoned).... Before, to have a tat was to defy that social tag and just be oneself. Of course now, that tag has been slowly replaced by a more positive image.


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post ko lang to.. i think this one's related to the topic, and might interest some of you guys/ gals here..


Live Tattooing Contest at mga bandang tattoo enthusiast!


Dec 23, 2005 - 7:00pm @ Club V, Milelong

Compound. Amorsolo St. Makati City


hosted by: Dj Dylan & Katie


Phil. Tattoo Artist Guild and Murari Production



DUTDUTAN nanaman!!!


*Live tattooing contest




*Art fusion

*Gift giving




Best tribal

Best Female Tattoo of the night

Best Small Piece

Best Medium Piece (black & gray)

Best Large Piece (black & gray)

Best Medium Piece (colored)

Best Large Piece color (colored)



Live performances by:





Moonstar 88

Urban dub



Agaw agimat



Tado's LIVE Tilapia

Escola Brasileira De Capoeira

The Youth

and more suprise guest.



Tickets @ 200 only! w/ 2 free beer.


for ticket inquiry:

Rikki sta.ana - 834-5001 / 0915-3519696

Alfred Guevarra - 536-9024 / 0916-3616678


cno pupunta??? :cool:

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