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Ganito kasi yan.

When my wife went to the US last September, my kid (and I) gave her a long list of requests, mostly Red Sox and Lakers stuff. Then she found out the hard way na wala palang nabibiling kahit anong Red Sox merchandise sa NYC. :lol:


So, ayun, nasa bottom ng list ang nabili -- Mets jersey ni Reyes.

Sa Jersey pa siya nakabili ng Red Sox t-shirt for me.

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That place is swarming with pros that I won't touch with a 20-foot pole. :sick:


Yes, I've told him that, doc.

His school schedule forces him to sleep by 9pm so it's good.

It's the afternoon naps that he hates though; his view is that he loses time to play.


Now, he's looking forward to the baseball glove that Santa will give him this Christmas.

And he wants to transfer to a school which has a baseball field. :lol:

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