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Who Are Your Favorite Authors? Favorite Books?

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Michael Crichton - i like his stories... technologically updated mga stories niya


John Grisham - was okay until nagsawa ako sa lawyers and judges...


JRR Tolkien - i bought the seondhand Two Towers for around P5 when i was a kid... i liked it very much then, but didnt know it was a famous trilogy... i collected a 2nd set of LOTR books mostly from booksale before the films came out... guess how much it cost now... hehehe.


CS Lewis - it has biblical... how do i call it... analogies or conotations?... read them also when i was kid and just enjoyed the adventures...


Agatha Cristie - Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple were great...


Stephen King - my dark side's favorite.


Nero Wolf series - w/ Archie Goodwin makes an interesting team


and more.... book lover ako talaga... started with hardyboys and am now intently studying the kamasutra! hahaha! till next time pipol!

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Michael Crichton - Congo, Timeline


Harold Robbins - The Betsy, The stallion :D


Tom Clancy - all books


Robert Ludlum - The bourne series


frederick Forsythe - The day of the jackal


david Baldacci - Absolute Power


Harper lee - To k*ll a Mocking Bird


John Grisham - The Partner, Runaway Jury

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Some favorite authors, poets, and cartoonists...



Neil Gaiman

Isabel Allende

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Frank Herbert

Pablo Neruda

Robert Burns

Terry Brooks

Stephen King

Isaac Asimov


Carl Sagan

George Orwell

FSionil Jose

Ernest Hemingway

Harold Robbins

Michael Crichton

Stephen Hawking

Richard Feynman

David Guterson

Bill Waterson

Jim Davis

Charles Schultz

Tom Clancy

James Herriot

Nick Joaquin

Lualhati Bautista

Renato Constantino

Schaum (Editor ng Schaum's Outlines and Solved Problems... helped me through many tumultous times during college) :lol:


Dami pa... :D

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Good evening booklovers!


fyi, there's a great sale now ongoing at goodwill bookstore. i know, their titles aren't as varied as powerbooks, but i did get "the art of the comeback" by donald trump and "my country versus me" by wen ho lee (the chinese american scientist who was falsely accused of stealing nuclear secrets) - both at 50% off!


to the dune fans, both house harkonnen and house atreides are available - at 80 pesos each!


hope this info proves useful :)

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hello people!

I finally was able to go to Books For Less at Pearl Drive and I got three travel adventure books for some fun reading (malachi - madami ngang travel lit dun).

Running the Amazon - by Joe Kane. An account of the only expedition ever to successfully traverse the whole length of the Amazon River - all 4,200 kms of it.

Expats - by Christopher Dickey. The Arab world as seen through the expats living in those countries, as the author travels from Tripoli to Teheran.

The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck - by Rory Nugent. The author's fascination with a fowl last seen 50 years ago takes him on a journey from the Himalayas to the Brahmaputra River.


Happy reading, folks. Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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  • 2 weeks later...
to the dune fans, both house harkonnen and house atreides are available - at 80 pesos each!

Darn! I bought my hardbounds for about 900 to 1200 a pop! I knew I should have waited about two to three years and went paperback. Would have saved me a bundle.




Any word on the next book after Machine Crusade?

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It's great to see so many people reading books. Anyone know if there's some sort of book exchange place or site where you can trade in your books for others? Or some site where you can find listings of used books for sale?

If you are really serious about trading books, might as well go by the way of e-books. It is much easier to pass around than the dead tree versions. All you need is a good reader program for your cellphone and you're all set.

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Non-Literary: The Millionaire Next Door - This book is one of the greatest influences in my life.


Literary: 1. Here Comes and Other Poems by Erica Jong - Although the works present a very strong feminine voice, it made me understand better how women feel and where they're coming from.

2. In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works by John Lennon - Very playful use of words. Plus I have always had a fascination with the way the British write and speak.

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dan brown all the way...


angels & demons

the da vinci code

deception point

digital fortress


reading his books makes you feel like your watching 24, but with more content.

I've only read Da Vinci Code, and though I have to say I'm smitten by his presentation of ideas and theories, I was most put off by the action-packed misadventures of the main characters. It was pure pop fiction in the guise of a daring literary piece.


I especially hated the love angle in the end. Oh, and also the revelation of the true villain. It's like he was expecting his readers to jump up and down and yell "Oh my god! I did not expect that!"


And yes, as expected, they're making a Hollywood movie out of it.

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Guest chunky
I've only read Da Vinci Code, and though I have to say I'm smitten by his presentation of ideas and theories, I was most put off by the action-packed misadventures of the main characters. It was pure pop fiction in the guise of a daring literary piece.


I especially hated the love angle in the end. Oh, and also the revelation of the true villain. It's like he was expecting his readers to jump up and down and yell "Oh my god! I did not expect that!"


And yes, as expected, they're making a Hollywood movie out of it.

Dan Brown has a definite pattern of writing: Someone dies in the first part/prologue. Main character get's introduced in the first chapter, often dreaming (as with the case of DVC, Angels and Fortress).


The villain is often the last one an unexpecting reader expects, but since Irecognize his pattern of writing, I have identified the bad guys 3 out of 3 (I have yet to read Deception Point, although I'm currently readind the excerpt in "Angels". But then again, I don;t really consider them bad guys, only misunderstood.


All-in-all I;ve read the three books in less than a week's time.

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If you are really serious about trading books, might as well go by the way of e-books. It is much easier to pass around than the dead tree versions. All you need is a good reader program for your cellphone and you're all set.

Hey thony! What's a good site to download free ebooks from? Good ones ha? Not self-help (so far I found a site with HP 1-4 EBooks, LOTR, and The Little Prince).

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Hmm, my fave genres are sci-fi and fantasy.


My fave sci-fi author is Larry Niven.


My fave fantasy non-ad&d author is Piers Anthony.


My fave fantasy ad&d author is Ed Greenwood.

Hey! I've read two or three Piers Anthony novels na! The one about TIME and the other one i forgot. But i enjoyed the Time story immensely :)


My favorite authors are: Graham Greene, Milan Kundera, Robert James Waller, Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic series), Clive Barker, and whole lotta more. I'll go back to my stacks of books at home muna :lol:

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