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Sex Or Love? What Makes Relationship Work?

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Neither sex nor love can make any relationship work, if neither parties to the relationship are willing to make said relationship work. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship it is, whether platonic or romantic, if one or both parties aren't commited to anymore, the relationship will fall apart. So it doesn't matter how much sex or love there is, if there is no commitment to the relationship.


On a side note, you can have love in a platonic relationship. Telling your bro/sis/best bud that you love him/her doesn't mean you want to f*ck him/her it just means you vlaue them a lot. Sex is what differentiates a romantic from the platonic. If 2 persons live each other and are at the stage of having sex (making love), then it is definitely a romantic and not just platonic. But if its all sex and no love, then both parties are just using each other.


This my personal opinion. Feel free to hate or like it.

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