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Women To Avoid - merged thread

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Signals that will make me say "See Ya!" in a heartbeat:


1. She doesn't offer to pay for the bill after the 2nd or 3rd date. Naturally, I would insist in paying, but a woman who expects everything to be shouldered by the boyfriend/hubby... That's not your reflection in her eyes, those are $ signs.


2. She's an ex-gf of someone I know, or she has a reputation for being easy. These kinds of girls are good for ONS, SEBS, and FUBUs. Trying to turn this into a serious relationship is like buying a 767 for the peanuts.


3. Parents are divorced / seperated. Not to generalize, but based on experience, all the girls I've met who's got this kind of family situation always has some personality issues or stigmas. It's like hitting myself in the head with a hammer.

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Signals that will make me say "See Ya!" in a heartbeat:


1. She doesn't offer to pay for the bill after the 2nd or 3rd date. Naturally, I would insist in paying, but a woman who expects everything to be shouldered by the boyfriend/hubby... That's not your reflection in her eyes, those are $ signs.


2. She's an ex-gf of someone I know, or she has a reputation for being easy. These kinds of girls are good for ONS, SEBS, and FUBUs. Trying to turn this into a serious relationship is like buying a 767 for the peanuts.


3. Parents are divorced / seperated. Not to generalize, but based on experience, all the girls I've met who's got this kind of family situation always has some personality issues or stigmas. It's like hitting myself in the head with a hammer.



I agree on points 1 and 2... on point 3 however... it can also happen that because the lady came from a broken family, she will try harder to make the relationship work... That can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on the extreme it is taken to.


For me ... if I were a guy, I would avoid women who are dense and slow on the uptake... I doubt if I would have the patience to explain things over and over to a woman like this so ... for her sanity and mine (more mine than anything else), ill just stay away.



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in a relationship... at the first sign of problems,misunderstandings, arguments etc.- parang may eject button & parachute or headed agad sa fire exit. pag napansin ko di kayang ipaglaban ang relationship, come hell or high water, ako na ang kumakalas...

Edited by tabouki
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I agree on points 1 and 2... on point 3 however... it can also happen that because the lady came from a broken family, she will try harder to make the relationship work... That can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on the extreme it is taken to.


For me ... if I were a guy, I would avoid women who are dense and slow on the uptake... I doubt if I would have the patience to explain things over and over to a woman like this so ... for her sanity and mine (more mine than anything else), ill just stay away.




Unfortunately for me, I have yet to experience a girl with the above mentioned quality of trying harder. Usually they're usually the first ones to let go. Again, I'm not generalizing. Ms. Wyld, if there are girls like that out there then the world is a better place. But as for me, I can only base it off what I've experienced so far.


I agree with your second take. Being with a girl who I can't relate to on an intellectual level is frustrating, to say the least. Not being able to discuss about anything higher than what fashion is in for this season and who America's next top model is gonna be makes me wanna shoot myself in the head. I remember I was on a date with this girl and we watched that new SUNSHINE movie. My god, she didn't understand anything about the movie, or the plot. I kept explaining things that usually belonged to a 2nd year high school classroom. Needless to say, I never went out with her again.

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My very pretty literature teacher in high school told us that girls usually are turned off by men with dirty shoes. She said "kung iyong mga sapatos ninyo hindi ninyo kayang linisin, puso niyo pa kaya"? Since then I always see to it that my shoes are always clean.

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