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The Raw Report (10/16/06)


(CMV1 note- I love the new Raw theme)



The show opened with Lillian Garcia trying to announce the opening contest, but Randy Orton and Edge came to the ring dressed as Degeneration X, w/ Orton dressed as HBK and Edge mocking HHH. Edge had on a plastic nose and fake sideburns (and mustache), while Orton had on a wig. Orton pretended to hurt his back during his HBK pose, while Edge did a very good Trips impression, walking and doing his mannerisms nearly to a T. Randy pretended to tune up the band, as Edge threw his water away ala the Game. Edge took the mic and asked the crowd if they were ready. Well, if that was what it took to get the people ready and if that was what it took to get the DX merchandize to fly off the shelves, then they don’t want any part of it. Edge said that he and Orton were the most talented guys in the industry, and that they didn’t need to make other people look bad to get themselves over. They both pointed around the crowd, signaling that those people, along with 12-year olds, were the only people that enjoyed the DX antics. Orton said that the people were the reason that DX thought that they could do whatever they wanted. He said that they were going to k*ll the Legend of DX…and if they weren’t down with that, then they had two words for them: You Suck! HBK and HHH came to the ramp w/ confused looks on their faces, but those looks quickly turned to their usual jovial smirks. They came to the ring w/ microphones in hand and got a nice pop from the crowd. HBK spoke first, asking Trips if he looked like that much of an idiot (pointing to Orton) when he came out to the ring. Trips turned his attention to Orton and Edge and called them two of the biggest stars in the history of the business. He ran down their credentials and questioned the idea that DX thinks that they are jokes. The crowd thinks they are, according to their response when Trips asked them, but HBK and HHH don’t think they are. HBK said Edge’s Live Sex show was one of the highest rated segments in a long time, even if Edge couldn’t “rise” to the occasion. They said it was okay, because it was a really cold day back in January. HHH called Orton an icon, and notified the people that Orton was the most downloaded superstar on the World Wide Web…amongst the gay community. DX presented half nude pictures of Orton getting out of the shower. Well, they also showed HBK’s Playgirl magazine photo. Randy had enough and challenged HHH to a match tonight. Trips mockingly interpreted that as Orton wanting him sexually. Edge said Orton wanted to beat his ass. Trips asked what Orton wanted to do to his ass. The Legend Killer called Trips jealous and asked him if he had the guts to face him in the ring tonight. Trips got serious at that point and accepted the challenge. HBK said that if they thought they were going to k*ll the legend of DX, then he’s got two words for them. A quick brawl ensued, w/ DX left alone in the ring. (CMV1 note- that’s a big main-event…Orton vs. Triple H rivalry renewed. Edge and Orton were mildly amusing in their mocking of DX, but again DX gets the upper hand. I hope that Edge and Orton actually go over DX at least once in a major match, because if they don’t…who will?)


Aaron and Nick Carter were in the house tonight…



Match 1: Cryme Tyme vs. Spirit Squad

-(CMV1 note- this was a non-title match). JTG started off against Johnny with a lock-up. Johnny grabbed a headlock and knocked JTG down with a shoulder tackle. JTG came back with an armdrag and a dropkick. Shad came in and nailed Johnny with a hard shoulder tackle. JTG came back in and connected on an arm smash after leapfrogging his partner, Shad. Mikey got a blind tag and drilled JTG w/ a running bulldog. Johnny tagged back in and the two Squad members combined for a double suplex. He then locked on a rear chinlock. JTG fought back when he blocked another Squad double suplex attempt and connected on a double neckbreaker. Shad got the tag and cleaned house, back dropping Johnny and hitting a one-man flapjack on Mikey. A big boot to Mikey followed, but then Johnny got involved. The Squad again tried for a double team, but Shad hit them with a double clothesline. The finish came when JTG and Shad combined for a Samoan Drop-jumping/twisting neckbreaker maneuver for the win. Cryme Tyme got the win at 3:56. (CMV1 rating- *) (CMV1 note- solid debut for the new guys, who showed some talent and nice double team moves. I was impressed)


During a commercial break, Kenny got pissed off and went apeshit on his Squad members. They got upset in return. Kenny pouted his way up the ramp.


Backstage, Johnny Nitro and Melina were asked who the big celebrity they had invited to Raw was…They said everyone would find out soon enough…


JR and King talked up the Marine and showed a preview for it. (CMV1 note- doesn’t say too much for Cena that it didn’t do well).


Backstage, King Booker and Queen Sharmell were welcomed to Raw by the Coach. Coach said that VKM wanted to make sure that all the champs were present for his big announcement tonight. Cryme Tyme came into the picture and took advantage of the catering. They hugged Coach and talked some Ebonics to the World Heavyweight Champ, trying to give him a hug and touch his jewelry. Booker said he doesn’t speak Ebonics and reached for his wallet to give something to Coach, but apparently Cryme Tyme stole his billfold.



Match 2: Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Masters vs. Super Crazy vs. Shelton Benjamin

-(CMV1 note- title was on the line). Masters and Hardy, Benjamin and Crazy paired off to start the match. Crazy caught SB with a head scissor that sent him out of the ring. Hardy, meanwhile, caught Masters with a jumping clothesline. Benjamin and Crazy battled outside, while Masters overpowered Hardy with a running clothesline in the corner. Masters followed with a suplex. Benjamin and Crazy continued to battle on the outside, w/ Shelton having the advantage. They eventually joined the others in the ring, as Hardy regained momentum on Masters and mounted him for 10 punches in the corner. He tried to follow with a double leg kick in the corner, but Crazy caught his legs and threw him over the top rope. Crazy went to the top for a high risk, but Benjamin jumped up to the top rope in a single bound and tried to suplex him off. As they struggled for position, Masters got under Shelton and powerbombed Benjamin as he sky high superplexed Crazy off the top rope. Masters tried to make the cover, but Hardy got back in the ring to prevent the pin attempt. We then got a dreaded mid-match commercial break, but I guess that was to be expected. Back from the break, Hardy was in control, stomping away at both heels in adjacent corners. He tried for a suplex on Masters, but the Masterpiece countered into a stalling suplex. Benjamin then tossed Masters out of the ring and made the cover on Hardy. Shelton went for a powerbomb, but Hardy countered into a sunset flip for a near fall. Hardy followed with a dropkick that sent Shelton to the outside. Masters came back in the ring, but nearly fell victim to a Hardy Twist of Fate. Chris countered and pushed Hardy right into a Shelton Benjamin roundhouse kick. Masters then threw Hardy out of the ring and brawled with Shelton. Super Crazy got involved with a missile dropkick off the top rope to Shelton. Crazy then scored two unique pin attempts on Masters for near falls, but Masters came back by countering a wheel barrow bulldog into the Masterlock. Shelton broke the hold with a springboard neckbreaker! Hardy got back into the action and took control with a running leg lariat onto both Benjamin and Masters. He followed with a mule kick to Crazy and the Whisper in the Wind on Shelton. Hardy then hit Benjamin with a baseball slide and back dropped Crazy over the top rope. The finish came when Hardy hit the Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb on Chris Masters. Hardy retained at 10:12. (CMV1 rating- ** ¾). (CMV1 note- really exciting match that, while sloppy during one or two sequences, provided for several nice moves and near falls. I’d love to see Benjamin vs. Hardy on PPV. If rumors are true, he’ll get my vote for the guy that faces Jeff at Cyber Sunday)


Backstage, Booker T spoke to cops about Cryme Tyme having stolen his wallet. Big Show came into the locker room. McMahon came in soon after and asked where John Cena was. He said he needed Cena so that he could make his announcement to all the champions.



Johnny Nitro and Melina came down to the ring and introduced Kevin Federline, K-Fed, as their special celebrity guest. Nitro referred to him as an A-list actor, rapper, and close friend of Nitro and Melina. K-Fed got a not-so warm welcome. His crappy rap song played him to the ring. Federline grabbed a mic, hugged Nitro and Melina, and gave a thumb down to the crowd. He thanked Johnny and Melina and said it wasn’t really that great to be in LA. He said that the people needed to start treating the three of them with some respect. K-Fed said these same people bought magazines w/ his face on it every week. He called the LA crowd a bunch of superficial posers. Melina took the mic and called what K-Fed said “profound” before asking him to debut a new song off his album. K-Fed asked the crowd if they wanted to hear him rap. He said that if they did, they could wait until his album came out. At that point, WWE Champion John Cena came out to the ring. Cena said that he couldn’t allow K-Fed to make a promise for a rap and then not deliver. So, Cena decided to, for the first time in a long time, cut a rap. Thus, Cena rapped about K-Fed’s album, his marriage to Britney, the sexual orientation of his entourage, etc. Nitro took off his mink coat and took a swing at Cena, but the champ quickly disposed of the former IC champ. At that point, ECW Champion Big Show came to the ring…and then World Heavyweight Champion King Booker (w/ Sharmell) came to the ring, too. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon was right on their heels. The Chairman and the champions were all in the ring, finally. Vince said that at Cyber Sunday, the fans would get to choose which championship would be on the line. And with that, the big announcement was made and Vince, Book, and Show left the ring. Cena wasn’t ready to leave, though, and apparently neither was Kevin Federline. K-Fed got back in the ring…but got an FU for his troubles. (CMV1 note- The crowd liked Cena tonight…giving a nobody like K-Fed the FU certainly didn’t hurt. Interesting stipulation added to the champion of champions match, but I doubt a title would actually change hands)


Steve-O from Jackass was in the house tonight…



Match 3: Carlito vs. Rob Conway

-Conway attacked Carlito before the bell rang and wailed away on him in the corner. Carlito came back with two knife edge chops and a dropkick. A springboard back elbow and a Million Dollar Knee lift followed before Carlito took Conway down with a hard clothesline. Conway tried to score the upset with a roll-up and a hand full of tights, but Carlito hit the Back Cracker for the win soon after. He then spit apple on Conway. Carlito defeated Conway at 1:09. (CMV1 rating- ¼ *) (CMV1 note- just a squash).


Backstage, Edge and Lita praised McMahon’s decision for the champ vs. champ vs. champ match. Vince thanked them and said that he and Orton would face DX at Cyber Sunday. Edge suggested the stipulation be that the fans get to choose the referee…someone like Coach, Eric Bischoff, or Vince McMahon himself. Vince liked the idea and said he’d think about it…


WWE 24/7’s moment in wrestling history was Don Muraco and Jimmy Snuka’s cage match from MSG in ’83…


Todd Grisham invited two jackasses (from the movie Jackass 2) into the ring. They wanted to kick some ass. Armando Alejandro Estrada came to the ring and said that he heard the jackasses like to do a lot of crazy things. The jackasses said they will do anything. Steve-O pushed AAE, prompting Estrada to call out Umaga. The Samoan Bulldozer came to the ring, as the jackasses playfully warmed up in the ring. Steve-O did a moonsault out of the corner and tried to do some wrestling moves, but Umaga destroyed them. Steve-O no sold the offense Umaga gave him, so Umaga came back in the ring and gave him a flying body splash.


Backstage, Maria was getting ready for a match…


Three Six Mafia were in the house…



Match 4: Bra-and-Panties Match- Maria vs. Torrie vs. Candice vs. Victoria

-(CMV1 note- this was the final first-round match-up in the Women’s title tournament). Victoria gave Torrie a running shoulder thrust, while Candice stripped Maria down to her bra. Victoria then stripped Torrie down to her bra after nailing her with a tilt-a-whirl side walk slam. Candice showed some athleticism, but got her pants taken off. While Candice celebrated w/ her pose, Maria stripped Torrie’s pants off. Thus, Maria became the final semi-finalist in the Women’s title tournament at 1:17. (CMV1 rating- ¼ *) (CMV1 note- the semi-finals will be Maria vs. Lita and Mickie vs. Melina…that’s a good final four)


The SD! Rebound aired…



Match 5: Triple H (w/ HBK) vs. Randy Orton (w/ Edge)

-DX did their usual schtick before the match. Orton attacked Trips from behind as the match began. Trips came back with a hard pair of clotheslines. Orton came right back with a back elbow, but soon after got thrown out of the ring and came up grasping his knee as we went to a dreaded mid-match commercial break. (Orton, according to the spoilers, appeared to have legit injured his foot/knee/ankle). Back from the break, Trips was in full control, giving Orton a suplex and a running knee drop. JR made mention of Orton’s knee injury, and it did appear upon looking at the replay that RKO may have been legitimately hurt. Lita came to the ring, allowing Orton the chance to take advantage of a distraction and toss Triple H over the turnbuckle and to the floor. Edge gave Trips a DDT on the outside. Orton was moving around a little better as he stomped away at the game inside in the ring. Randy applied a neck vice and turned it into a neck breaker for a near fall. He continued to wrench at the Game’s neck, as a “Randy Sucks” chant broke out. Orton followed with a powerslam and began to get frustrated that he couldn’t put Trips away. He hammered away on the Game in the corner. The two then traded blows, w/ Trips getting the advantage with several jabs in a row. He proceeded to drill Orton with a running high knee, but Orton came back with a thumb to the eye. Trips didn’t let up, though, as he caught Orton with a facebuster and went for the Pedigree. Edge jumped to the apron to prevent Triple H’s finisher and succeeded. The Game came after Edge, but Orton caught the former 10-time champion with his patented backbreaker. The Legend Killer then set-up for the RKO, but Triple H countered and hit a spinebuster. Lita hopped up on the apron to distract the ref, allowing Edge to give Trips a low blow. Orton got a chair and tried to use it on Trips, but HBK got into the ring undetected by the ref and gave Randy a low blow. The finish came when Trips grabbed the chair and blasted Orton b/t the eyes. The pin was elementary. Triple H defeated Orton at 9:42. (CMV1 rating- **) (CMV1 note- average main-event that furthered the feud along in a satisfactory manner. Again, the faces get the upper hand. I sure DX eventually falls to Edge and Orton, because I neither want to see DX dominate this talented heel duo nor do I think it’s good for business. That’s just my opinion, of course, but man DX is just mowing thru everyone. Edge and Orton need to balance the feud out and gain the upper hand, too)


-FROM lordsofpain.net

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Naalala nyo ba sila Sean O'Haire (WCW & WWE) & Mike Plotcheck (Bart Gunn).


They're now competing in MMA.


O'Haire (MMA record W1-L1-D0) will face Butterbean on October 21, as Pride makes its USA debut.


Plotchek will be in Pride Bushido in November.



Plotchek (W1-L0-D0) defeated Cabbage Correira. Some years back, Plotcheck was KOd by Butterbean at Wrestlemania.


Edited by fatso8
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Lapit na tour. I'll be back in Manila na by tomorrow.


Can't wait. Kahit Upper A tickets yung akin, ok nako.


Sana may bago ng release ng WWE Shirts.


May shirt na ba for Ken Kennedy sa Gateway or Greenhills ?!?





wala pa new shirts sa gateway eh... naghahanap nga ako nung DX with chibi-HHH/HBK eh, wala pa.. baka sa weekend na

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wala pa new shirts sa gateway eh... naghahanap nga ako nung DX with chibi-HHH/HBK eh, wala pa.. baka sa weekend na



actually nasa gateway ako last sunday... sinabi ko sa saleslady sa may gateway last month kung meron na silang dx ung 2 sila hhh at hbk backtoback, then ung chaingang batallion tapos ung kay carlito na hawak nya ung mansanas eh ang sagot nila darating ung mga bago ngaun october.... then ung bumalik ako nga last sunday... dumating na ung bago nila... kaso ang nasa gateway lang ung vince like cock na dx... pero ung sinabi ko sa kanila last month ung mga bago... may stocks na sila... kaso nasa loob ng araneta kaso for 500 pesos... ung sinabi ko sa saleslady... kung kailan nila ilalabas ung mga bago... ang sagot siguro after ng 2 days of shows...


all new stocks of wwe shirts... nasa loob ng araneta.... for 500 nga lang... pero pag nasa gateway na for 300...

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Matagal pa siguro bago maibenta sa wwe retail shops ung bagong designs

Sayang..Mahal nga lang sa lobo ka ng araneta bibili..

Dami ngang bumili kait 500 isa nung feb nung Raw tour..


Grabe hehe pinakita dumating na kanina sa Airport sina King booker etc

Hehe mukhang wala pa silang tulog lol

Too bad wala si Jeff Hardy -_-

So sino manunuod sa Sat?

Edited by kUrTsKY
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Sana meron pa ticket sa araneta mismo the day itself

Too bad ubos na ung reserved seats ticket.. Shucks



don't lose hope dude. ako last time sa raw tour, since di ako nakapag pa reserve

ng tickets earlier e nag bakasakali na lang ako pumunta sa araneta mismo. surprisingly, meron pang 2

upper A tickets na di kinuha nung nagpareserve kaya kinuha ko na agad. :P


swertehan lang din. sa ticket booth nako mismo nagtanong.



sa mga manonood, kita kits bukas...

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