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dapat bigyan ulit ng opportunity si Orton na maging WWE Champ, scrap na muna yung Edge-Cena Storyline... Pwedeng gawan ng Edge-Orton Storyline with Orton as the head and Edge as the Heel...


then pwedeng Cena naman ang bagong makakalaban ng DX, introduce 1-2 wrestlers na makakasama ni Cena to fight DX...


much better storyline....


Orton kasi is the youngest champion at 24 pero sobrang short nung championship stint nya, dapat bigyan ulit sya ng chance like sa smackdown, pagbalik ni Batista balik sa kanya yung focus ng story...



about JBL, after Rey Mysterio beat him nung PPV after Wrestlemania, he challenged Mysterio into another match at smackdown, Teddy Long agreed but there was an agreement na if JBL lose the match, he will be retired. JBL lost the match with Chavo helping Mysterio.... Pero I believe na he will be back, maybe may injury lang coz the following episode before sya naging commentator, sabi nya "ILL BE BACK!!"

malamang injured lang sya...

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WWE News: Kurt Angle's colleagues comment on his release

Submitted by Brian Cantor on Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 3:11 PM EST


A WWE.com article featured Kurt Angle's colleagues commenting on his release:


One word describes what WWE superstars and officials are feeling over Kurt Angle's release late last week from World Wrestling Entertainment: SHOCK.


"I was shocked, I just couldn't believe it," said former World Champion Rey Mysterio. "I go back a long way with Kurt, and this has really affected me. I hope he can get his issues straightened out. We all have issues with this lifestyle because it's not easy. I hope he keeps plugging away because I'd love to see him in the ring again someday."


ECW representative Paul Heyman, who has known Angle for years says, "This is the best thing for both parties. Kurt has spent his entire life driven to be the best at what he does. Kurt's body, however, could no longer preform to the level that he envisioned for himself. (Kurt) was prepared to drive himself into an early grave simply to live with himself striving to be No. 1. This is a recipe for catastrophe, and taking time off to get his mind and body in sync is the only way to deal with these issues."


Former World Heavyweight Champion Batista says he's shocked as well. "I know Kurt is passionate about wrestling, so for this to happen, something must be going on. I am worried about him; I hope he's ok."


Longtime friend and ECW producer Dean Malenko says, "This is a big loss. Kurt is irreplaceable. He goes 130-percent every night; he's one of the best wrestlers I've ever seen. People have to worry about their life first, and Kurt needs to get his head straight and get himself happy."



Chavo Guerrero says he still can't believe Kurt and WWE have agreed to part ways. "He's a machine; there has to be something else going on."

When told Angle was so banged up that he admitted he couldn't enter a wrestling ring without using prescription pain killers, Chavo said, "This isn't ballet. We all get banged up, but Kurt's a different animal; he doesn't know how to downshift into a lower gear. I wish him the best, I respect him and Kurt always has the Guerreros in his corner."


Ken Kennedy says, "I'm shocked, but I'm happy Kurt's doing what's right. He's been in a lot of pain, and hopefully this decision saved his life. It sucks because Kurt is good for this company. He's the most intense wrestler I have ever seen."


Will Kurt Angle ever return to a WWE ring? Only time will tell if the six-time champion can get his head and body back to where it needs to be. If and when that time comes, WWE Vice-President of talent relations John Laurinaitis says the door will always be open.


"We look forward to doing business with him again. Kurt is a great athlete and an even better person. He will be missed."



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Medyo curious din ako eh

Bakit pala si JBL eh panay commentary lang? :blink:

Siguro wala silang makuhang script hehe



injured si JBL kaya di sya naglalaro. nung natalo sya kay lashley at ang condition eh pag natalo sya mag reretire na sya sa wwe(di ko sure kung dito nga yun), yun yung time na may injury na sya. nabasa ko to sa pwtorrent nakalimutan ko na kung kelan. pero babalik din sya di pa alam kung kelan.

Edited by psyc0dud3
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The Raw Report (08/28/06): DX vs. Mystery Opponents

Submitted by Chad Matthews on Monday, August 28, 2006 at 11:17 PM EST



The Raw Report (08/28/06)


A recap aired of the DX antics from last week and the subsequent breakdown of Chairman of the Board, Vince McMahon.


The show opened with Shane McMahon coming down to the ring. He wasn’t his usual dancing-fool self either, as he came to the ring with a straight face and looking all-business, so to speak. Shane grabbed a microphone and said that DX had a lot of balls and had reached new lows with their sophomoric pranks. He said they’d gone too far when they endangered him and his dad’s lives at the end of Raw last week. He continued by saying that they’d managed to tear out a piece of Vince’s heart, to the point that the man couldn’t even enjoy his birthday last Thursday. Vince, for that reason, was not going to be here tonight and would be staying at the hotel. Shane, thus, was in charge of the show and immediately made a match b/t DX and opponents that were on a strictly need-to-know basis. He said that by the end of the night, DX would not only learn the identity of their opponents, but also their fate for Unforgiven. Shane said that without further ado, he’d like to send DX straight to hell, but at that point WWE Champion Edge (w/ Women’s champ Lita) showed up. Edge, looking frustrated, said that Shane needed to do something about John Cena throwing the champ into the harbor last week. He said he was the champion and you don’t throw him in the Long Island Sound. Edge said he wanted Cena fired and out of his life, but at that point John Cena came to the ring. Cena, to a mixed reaction, called Edge “Skeletor” and mocked Edge’s storytelling that ends happily for the champion. The former champion also made fun of Lita, calling her a whore and suggesting Shane give her ten bucks and enjoy the ride. Cena said that if Edge wanted him gone, then all he needs to do is give him one more match for the title. If he loses, he’ll go to Smackdown (he had already pulled out a signed contract from Teddy Long). Edge agreed, but on two conditions: 1) He gets to decide where the match takes place and 2) He gets to name what kind of match they face off in. Cena agreed to the terms and tried to leave…but Shane said he was not dismissed, yet. Shane said that Cena cannot disrespect the champion like he did last week and get away with it. Thus, he’d have to wrestle in a match that would begin right now…



Match 1: John Cena vs. Chris Masters

-(CMV1 note- Masters apparently got suspended for being on the juice, because he looks much smaller than he did in May…that Masterpiece gimmick doesn’t work quite so well now). The match began during a commercial break, which never agrees well with CMV1. Cena caught Masters with a belly-to-belly suplex as we returned from the break. He followed with a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Masters came back with a boot to the face and a running clothesline. Chris was supporting a goatee. A “Cena Sucks” chant broke out, as Masters continued to dominate. Cena fought back, but ended up getting powerslammed for his troubles. Masters then locked in a modified Camel Clutch. Cena broke the hold and hit a pair of diving shoulder tackles. A Prototype spinning back drop and Five Knuckle Shuffle followed, but when Cena went for the FU, Masters countered and hit a reverse DDT. Chris tried for the Master Lock, but Cena countered into the STFU. Masters was about to tap, but Edge came to the ring and blasted Cena with a steel chair. Thus, Cena won via DQ at around 4:00. After the match, Edge got a ladder from under the ring and clocked Cena right in the forehead. The champ shook his head to indicate he wasn’t finished and retrieved a table from under the ring. He set it up in the corner and threw Cena shoulder-first through it. Edge grabbed a mic, said that Cena’s title match was going to take place in Toronto, Canada at Unforgiven…and it’d be a TLC match. (CMV1 rating- *) (CMV1 note- Solid action from Masters and Cena, albeit in an abbreviated match. The post-match stuff was effective and sets up what could be an awesome TLC match at Unforgiven that yours truly will thoroughly look forward to reviewing. Getting back to Masters, I’d hope that his reduced body mass will help him get better in the ring…tonight’s effort wasn’t stellar, but it didn’t lack for promise, either)


JR and King hyped a #1 contender match for the IC title b/t Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton, plus a Paddle on a Pole match b/t Torrie and Candice.


Backstage, Haas/Viscera and Cade/Murdoch asked Shane if they could face DX tonight. Shane got a call from Vince. Via a split screen, Vince talked of how happy he was to be back at the hotel eating food, drinking wine, and relaxing. The door bell rang at Vince’s hotel. Vince told whoever it was to come in, assuming it was room service. He turned around when he heard the sound of a rooster. DX had delivered to “cocks” in cages to Vince’s room. On the other end of the phone, Shane was asking what was going on.


Further backstage, Carlito and Trish talked about what they were going to do tonight after the show. Carlito asked Trish when she was planning on telling him that she was retiring. Apparently, wwe.com mobile alerts had indicated that Lita found out about Trish retiring after Unforgiven and spilled the beans. Trish got a little pissed about Lita letting the cat out of the bad. Carlito said it was cool and supported her decision…but he gave her a kiss to make sure she was going to get a proper goodbye. Randy Orton snuck up behind them, though, and blasted Carlito, sending him right into Trish. Orton finished up his attack by throwing Carlito into a crate.


JR and King showed footage of Umaga’s attack on Kane, which led to Kane bleeding from the mouth.



Match 2: Back to School, Paddle on a Pole Match- Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle

-(CMV1 note- Candice’s husband is a chiropractor…I’m gonna be a chiropractor…) They each tried to get the pole for about the first-minute, but Candice locked on her unique leg choke hold while draped over the top rope to take control. Candice nearly reached the Paddle, but decided to rip off her top instead. Torrie caught up to her and powerbombed her into the turnbuckle. She then took off her skirt and gave Candice the Stink Face. The finish came when Candice pushed Torrie ass-first out of the way. Candice defeated Torrie and got to spank her. After the match, they took turns spanking each other. (CMV1 rating- ½ *) (CMV1 note- just eye candy stuff, but surprisingly good action all things considered)


WWE 24/7’s moment in wrestling history for this week was British Bulldog defeating Bret Hart to win the IC title at Summerslam 1992 in England. (CMV1 note- great match)



Match 3: Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy

-(CMV1 note- the match was determine the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Please give this match some time before Carlito interferes). Hardy’s got some nice new pyro. Orton connected with a knee-lift to start the match and hammered away on Hardy in the corner. Hardy came back with a running neckbreaker and a running dropkick (in the corner). He followed by clotheslining Orton over the top rope. To the outside Hardy followed, as he connected on a nice springboard corkscrew moonsault. We then got a dreaded mid-match commercial break, but I guess that was to be expected. Back from the break, Orton had Hardy in a rear choke, thanks to a hard clothesline during the commercial. Hardy fought back with a spinning back kick that sent Orton to the outside. Hardy came back with a suicide dive, but Orton kicked him in the head in the process. Back in the ring, Orton raked Hardy’s face with his boot. Hardy came back with a side suplex and a running clothesline. Orton tried to fight back with a dropkick, but Hardy dodged the move and hit a double leg drop to the Legend Killer’s groin. Hardy followed with a dropkick from the second rope for a near fall. Randy finally got some offense in with a poke to the eye and his unique backbreaker. Orton then tried for a powerbomb, but Hardy countered into a hurricanrana. Randy tried to stay on him with an Irish whip into the corner, but Hardy jumped up to the second rope and tried to fly with a cross body block. Orton countered, though, and hit a dropkick. Hardy eventually came back with a modified neckbreaker and went up top for the Swanton. However, Orton rolled out of the ring. Hardy tried to follow, but the ref restrained him. Carlito ran down to the ring, at that point, and struck Orton in the back of the head. Randy went back to the ring, but the ref once again tried to restrain Hardy so that he could get control of the situation. This distraction allowed Carlito to spit apple in Orton’s face, and Hardy to hit the Twist of Fate. The finish came when Hardy defeated Orton after a Swanton Bomb at 10:23. (CMV1 rating- ** ½) (CMV1 note- Yes! Thank you, WWE! I finally got to see a good match on Raw. Ok, so Hardy and Orton put on a strong performance despite some rough spots in the early going. The finish was fine, as it further sets up another potentially solid match-up in Orton-Carlito, while allowing Jeff Hardy to get into a division that could use a unique talent like him. Hardy vs. Nitro could be quite the strong spot-fest of a match).


Backstage, Shawn asked what the new DX t-shirt meant. Vince likes chicken? Shane, w/ some cops, showed up and told DX that the pranks would need to stop. Trips mocked Vince when Shane suggested they grow up. Shawn plugged the Vince DVD in the process…


Cena talked about his new movie, “The Marine.” His costars, Kelly Carlson and Robert Patrick (T1000 from Terminator 2) also talked about the film.



Match 4: Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Eugene vs. World Tag Champions The Spirit Squad

-(CMV1 note- The Highlanders joined King and JR for commentary). Kenny and Mikey defended the belts. Mikey and Eugene started it off. Eugene connected on two JYD-like headbutts to take control. He followed with an atomic drop that sent Mikey outside. The Highlanders got into it with the other Squad members, prompting the ref to toss them all from the ringside area. Once back in the ring, Mikey scoop slammed Eugene and tagged Kenny. The Squad hit a double suplex. Mitch, apparently, did not get ejected from ringside. Mikey tagged back and synched in a front face lock. Eugene tried to inch toward the ropes for a tag to Duggan, but Mikey released the hold and blasted Hacksaw to prevent it. Duggan eventually got the hot tag, anyway, and cleaned house. At some point, Mitch took the cover off the turnbuckle. Thus, when Duggan tried for his running shoulder tackle, Mikey was pulled out of the way, sending Hacksaw into the exposed steel. The Spirit Squad retained. (CMV1 rating- *) (CMV1 note- standard stuff designed to set-up the tag title rematch for the Highlanders). After the match, Umaga destroyed Eugene and Hacksaw. Armando Alejandro Estrada took the mic and told Kane that he stuck his nose in the wrong man’s business at Summerslam (during the DX-McMahons match).


JR and King showed footage of Melina turning on Mick Foley after he kissed VKM’s ass to save Melina’s job, and then hyped a Melina and Nitro press conference, set to come up next.



IC Champion Johnny Nitro and Melina made their usual entrance to the ring for their press conference. Nitro started things off, revealing that the reason they called this press conference was to address those who had questioned Melina’s “firing” of Mick Foley. Nitro hyped himself and asked what these people had expected. He said he was everything Foley and the rest of the people were not. Nitro said he goes home, gets freaky w/ Melina, and cuddles w/ the IC title. He said that it killed Mick Foley that he was w/ Melina and not him. Nitro said that they could all fantasize about Melina, but they were not him and could not have her. The IC Champ called Foley a quitter, while Melina called him an ass kisser. She said he kissed her ass, the people’s asses, and Vince’s ass…plus, he’s a disgusting old man. The crowd turned once Melina started fumbling over her words…She was shaken by that and continued to screw up. She said Foley never touched her. She called what Foley had for a “school boy crush.” Melina mocked Foley for being regular and hyped herself and Nitro as stars. She had pulled it together by that point. Nitro closed the segment strongly, stating that Foley should go back to his computer, write his blog, watch Nitro’s career go places his could never go, and see Nitro do things that he could never do (he hugged Melina). Nitro claimed himself to be the future of sports entertainment. (CMV1 note- this was Nitro’s first chance to really show what he could do on the microphone…and he did quite well. He doesn’t have a very deep voice, but he was strong with what he wanted to get across. He was fluid, he was well-spoken, and he showed charisma. Melina, on the other hand, did not thrive on the negative crowd reaction she received when she fumbled thru the early part of her promo. She recovered by the end of the segment and finished okay, but she didn’t do her part as well as I would’ve expected)


King and JR talked briefly about Kurt Angle’s departure from the WWE. (CMV1 note- rest-up, Kurt. Get healthy…get your life back in order…we want you to enjoy entertaining us, but not at the expense of your own well-being. I personally think Angle is, along with HBK, the greatest wrestler of the current generation when it comes to WWE-style of pro-wrestling. Best of luck, Kurt)



Match 5: Women’s Champion Lita vs. Mickie James

-(CMV1 note- the title was on the line, here. Prior to the match, the Slam of the Week showed highlights of how Lita won the title a couple weeks ago). Mickie attacked before the bell rang, but ended up getting tossed out of the ring soon after. Lita brought James back in the ring, as Mickie favored her knee. Lita worked over the knee, as the former champion screamed in agony. The current champion hammered away at her challenger in the corner and threw her across the ring. Lita mocked Mickie, prompting James to make a comeback with an enziguiri. Mickie stayed after it with a running clothesline and a dropkick. She then caught Lita with a monkey flip out of the corner and followed with a Perfect Plex for a near fall. Lita came back soon after with an elbow to the jaw and went outside to retrieve the title belt. The ref took the belt away and the distraction allowed James to school boy Lita for a near fall. Mickie proceeded to try for a hurricanrana out of the corner, but Lita countered and hit a powerbomb. The finish came when Lita pinned James to retain the title at 3:28 with some help from the ropes. (CMV1 rating- *) (CMV1 note- solid, but short action from these two ladies. The finish didn’t come off well)


JR and King recapped the announcement of Edge vs. Cena in a TLC match at Unforgiven (in Edge’s hometown).



Match 6: DX vs. Mystery Opponents

-DX did their usual pre-match schtick, w/ Trips throwing in during his part that Vince was at his hotel “choking the chicken.” Shane O’Mac came to the ramp and brought out DX’s opponents, from Smackdown, US Champion Finlay, William Regal, and Mr. Kennedy. The match started off during a commercial break, which sucks…Back from the break, Regal drilled HBK with several knee strikes to the face before locking in a wear down hold. The heels had apparently taken control during the break. HBK fought back, but Finlay dragged Michaels to the outside and clotheslined him. The Little Bastard was then used to splash HBK. Back in the ring, Regal connected on a running knee strike. The heels continued to dominate via cheating and other cheap tactics. Finlay tagged in and drilled HBK with a hard right hand and a running shoulder lift in the corner. A rear drop to HBK’s mid-section followed. Regal tagged back in soon after and again used alternating knee strikes to keep the future Hall-of-Famer at bay. Finlay tagged back in and went for another running shoulder lift, but HBK moved out of the way and sent the US champ shoulder-first into the ring post. Triple H got the hot tag and went wild on the heels, hitting facebusters, spinebusters, and a running high knee. Trips went for the Pedigree, but Kennedy blasted him and headed to the top. Kennedy came flying off with a Swanton Bomb, but Trips moved out of the way. HBK and Trips threw Kennedy out of the ring. Meanwhile, Regal got a chair and tried to hit Trips w/ it. Trips ducked it, causing Regal to hit Finlay with a chair. The finish came when Trips got the pin on Regal after a Pedigree. DX defeated Kennedy, Regal, and Finlay at around 7:00. (CMV1 rating- * ½). After the match, Shane brought out the Big Show. The ECW champ headed to the ring and teamed up with the SD guys to take out HBK and HHH. After Finlay worked over both DX members w/ a shillelagh and Show chokeslammed the both of them, Vince came to the ring with a lead pipe and blasted each of them in the face, busting both members open. Vince struck each of them with a camera, as well. Shane finished them off with running shots with that lead pipe. VKM said that it wasn’t over between them, and that at Unforgiven, he and Shane would team up with Big Show to face DX…in a HELL IN A CELL match! (CMV1 note- the main-event was decent while it lasted, but the aftermath that ensued was just what the doctor ordered to freshen up this feud a bit. HIAC is a gimmick not used by the Raw brand in a long time and is just the kind of gimmick match that can keep me interested in McMahons vs. DX. Adding Big Show to the mix is a good idea, as it makes sense for Vince to seek the help of the largest star in the business)

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for reals? or nagbibiro ka lang? if totoo, ano nmn daw ang dahilan and san mo nakuha info mo? kakagulat lang kasi sobrang active sya then retired all of a sudden? me iniinda ba sya?


Nawala na rin kasi si Tazz sa SD kaya kailangan nila ng Wrestler/Commentator. Just like Lawler.


dapat bigyan ulit ng opportunity si Orton na maging WWE Champ, scrap na muna yung Edge-Cena Storyline... Pwedeng gawan ng Edge-Orton Storyline with Orton as the head and Edge as the Heel...


then pwedeng Cena naman ang bagong makakalaban ng DX, introduce 1-2 wrestlers na makakasama ni Cena to fight DX...


much better storyline....


Orton kasi is the youngest champion at 24 pero sobrang short nung championship stint nya, dapat bigyan ulit sya ng chance like sa smackdown, pagbalik ni Batista balik sa kanya yung focus ng story...

about JBL, after Rey Mysterio beat him nung PPV after Wrestlemania, he challenged Mysterio into another match at smackdown, Teddy Long agreed but there was an agreement na if JBL lose the match, he will be retired. JBL lost the match with Chavo helping Mysterio.... Pero I believe na he will be back, maybe may injury lang coz the following episode before sya naging commentator, sabi nya "ILL BE BACK!!"

malamang injured lang sya...


Nice storyline! For sure mawawala fan base ni Cena tapos malalaos na sya! Bwahahaha! Pero I agree, Orton is a very good wrestler and he is a man with championship material. Puwede rin siguro, makuha ni Cena ung belt tapos si Orton naman ang lalaban kasi di na natuloy ung Smackdown vs. Raw 2005 cover na si Orton at Cena magkatapat.


All I can say is DX should pick other feuds naman. Kakasawa na eh...

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My favorite wrestlers of all time:


1. Undertaker

2. Bret Hart

3. Shawn Michaels

4. Razor Ramon

5. Triple H

6. Brutus Beefcake

7. Mr Perfect

8. Stone Cold Steve Austin

9. The Rock

10 Rob Van Dam


My favorite Tagteams of all time:


1. The Islanders

2. The Steiner Brothers

3. Hart Foundation

4. Demolition

5. Edge & Christian

6. Legion of Doom

7. Rock & Sock Connection

8. The Hardy Boyz

9. The Dudleyz

10 The Rockers

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The Raw Report (08/28/06): DX vs. Mystery Opponents

Submitted by Chad Matthews on Monday, August 28, 2006 at 11:17 PM EST

The Raw Report (08/28/06)


A recap aired of the DX antics from last week and the subsequent breakdown of Chairman of the Board, Vince McMahon.


wer u get ur recap summary report? ok :) complete story hehe :)


keep it up bro :) :) :)

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Triple H comments on "backstage power" in WWE

Submitted by Stu Starrs on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 2:30 PM EST


# The comments below are by Triple H when asked about his "backstage power" in the October issues of WWE Magazine:


"I haven't read a dirt sheet in 10 years. And that's the damn truth. Yes I'm in a top position. Yes I'm married to the boss's daughter. Yes I sit in production meetings. But, at the end of the day, there is only one person with the stroke in this business. And that's Vince McMahon. If he doesn't like something , whether it's my idea or not, it's not going to happen. I want guys like John Cena around. I want to bring new guys up and help make them. People always accuse me of not wanting to drop the belt to a guy. That's complete crap. I didn't drop the belt to RVD because no one asked me to drop it to RVD. I've yet to see Hulk Hogan lose to anybody. He wrestles once every 6 months, and it doesn't matter if you're the biggest name in active competition today, he's not going to lose to you. There was suppose to be a Hogan/Michaels 2, and Hogan was supposed to lose. All of a sudden his knee starting "bugging" him."



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Angle talks about his release

By Michael Cole

August 26, 2006


“My body is so beat up and run down, I can’t even think straight,” Kurt Angle tells WWE.com in an exclusive interview Saturday concerning his early release from his contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. Angle and WWE officials mutually agreed to end Angle’s relationship with the company on Friday.


Angle says nearly 30 years of non-stop wrestling (between amateur wrestling, the Olympics and his WWE career) has taken a major toll on his body, his mind and his family. “I need my body to reheal and rehab, I have done this for too long without a break. I haven’t been able to really enjoy my life. I haven’t seen my family, I’ve had problems with medication - I’m just fried physically and mentally.”


Angle’s business manager David Hawk claims, “Kurt’s in a tremendous amount of pain, he’s used prescription medication to deal with it. Kurt has come to the conclusion that unless he can get in the ring without the use of pain medication then he doesn’t need to be in there. He realizes he was just endangering himself and his opponents.”


The last straw for Angle seems to have occurred on August 13th, 2006, at an ECW live event in White Plains, New York. Angle was wrestling Rob Van Dam in a match where both competitors were fueled by the passionate ECW fans. “The crowd was wild,” Angle says. “Early on in the match, I pulled my groin, but I kept going, feeding off the crowd. Then I pulled my abdominal muscle off the pelvic bone, but I kept going as the crowd grew more wild. Finally, I blew out my hamstring, but we finished the match. The crowd stood and applauded - a standing ovation and that meant so much to me.”


Ironically that would be Angle’s last match.


WWE.com asked Angle if he would ever return to competition in WWE. Angle says “I can’t tell you that right now, I need to heal up mentally and physically. Until then, I can’t even think about returning.”


But Angle says WWE Chairman Vince McMahon told him the door is always open. “Vince says when I’m ready, if I’m ever ready, to come back just sign on the dotted line. I’ll tell you if I do return I’m going back to my roots, training on the mat like my amateur days. Longevity is the key.”


Hawk seems confident Angle will be in the ring again someday.


Angle has a final message to his legion of WWE and ECW fans. “Don’t be concerned, this move was for the best. It was a privilege to be able to compete for all of you. I’d like to say thank you.”


WWE.com will continue to follow up on Kurt Angle over the next several months.



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SmackDown intrigued by Cena's possible return

By Louie Dee

August 29, 2006



Monday night on RAW, John Cena made a blockbuster announcement. Holding a three-year SmackDown contract in his hand, Cena said that he was prepared to leave RAW and sign with SmackDown if he could not defeat Edge for the WWE Championship. They will meet in a TLC Match at Unforgiven with Cena’s RAW life at stake.


If Cena were to lose and head back to SmackDown, many SmackDown Superstars told WWE.com that they would welcome him back with open arms. Of course, everyone had a different motivation for wanting to see Cena tear up Friday nights.


First and foremost, General Manager Theodore Long would love to have the former WWE Champion back under his employ.


“I think it would mean great things to have Cena on SmackDown; he was a great champion, and I hated to lose him to RAW in the first place,” the General Manager told WWE.com. “But hey, what goes around comes around playa, so hopefully we’ll see Cena back on SmackDown.”


Rey Mysterio, who teamed with Cena when he first came to SmackDown in 2002, would also love to have his friend back on Friday nights.



“John Cena was first recognized on SmackDown; this is where he blew up. He made our show better, and it would be a pleasure for me to see Cena back on SmackDown,” Rey Mysterio told WWE.com. “Knowing how competitive he’s been and the name he’s made, I would be pleased to have him back. This is where he became known, and so I think the SmackDown fans would be happy to have him back as well.”


The current World Heavyweight Champion, King Booker, had a long rivalry with Cena over the United States Championship in 2004. And while the King wouldn’t mind having Cena in his Kingdom, he did say that Cena would have to know his role.


“John Cena…a man I underestimated in the past. That is something I will not do in the future,” the King declared. “Cena has proven that he is worthy of where he is; but if he comes back to the SmackDown kingdom, he will have to, just as every other person who walks into the promised land has to, and that is bow down to his benevolent King, King Booker. We would welcome Cena back to King Booker’s SmackDown kingdom.”


JBL also had a long rivalry with Cena, just prior to Cena being sent to RAW in the 2005 Draft Lottery. Now that he’s a commentator, however, JBL said that he would like to see Cena back for the good of the brand.


“I would enjoy seeing Cena back. I was the top dog when I was around, but now that I’m a commentator, I’m rooting for SmackDown,” JBL explained. “I believe that King Booker is the best talent in WWE, and if you add Cena to that mix, the battle would be phenomenal. The match between Cena and Edge at SummerSlam was one of the best matches I’ve ever seen. Having Cena back here, despite my personal disagreements with him in the past, would be great. In our "I Quit" Match (at Judgment Day in May 2005) we took each other to the limit; I know him better than almost anyone in WWE, and I’d be thrilled to see him back.”


And of course, there are those Superstars who want to see Cena on SmackDown solely for personal gain…such as the brash Mr. Kennedy.


“I’ll tell you what…I especially would welcome him back with open arms, because I would enjoy nothing more than whooping his ass in a SmackDown ring.”


It would be foolish to believe that anyone on SmackDown would not want a Superstar the caliber of John Cena to come to Friday nights. But after Unforgiven, everyone will know whether Cena will be burning up The CW this fall or not. Will his 15-month stay on RAW come to an end in Toronto?









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