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Writings of the Heart

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Ive made this long ago but failed to send it to her.


It had been bygone that I never utter for pardon,

For placing you in unwanted and profound disposition.

Without knowing wreckage came upon your psyche,

I'm so blind to see your countenance filled with sorrow.

How milksop I had been of those days.

Parting is the least tact to reprieve you from me.

As the angels called upon me far away,

In air I whisper "I'm sorry"

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Even though there are times that you really annoy me,

Even though there are times that you upset me,

Even though there are times that you really don't make sense,

Even though there are times that I can't decide whether think of you as naive or just plain ignorant

on some matters.

One thing I know is that I have accepted you, the best and the worst, and to love no matter what.

I have a lifetime to know you even better and that makes this journey in life meaningful with you my love.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear L,


I never thought I'd get badly burned again but I did. And the sweet sad part is that, I did not listen to you. I stubbornly refused to believe that the happy bubble we once shared would eventually burst. And when it did, it was left lost again and longing for what we once had. Even though I would never be able to affirm if you really felt the way I did. Even if the questions remain long after you're gone.


I hope that I did make a difference in your life no matter how short and bittersweet the end was. I hope that you'll still smell the scent of my perfume as you drive alone on the lonely metro roads. I hope that the feel of my hair on your nostrils will haunt you as you lie awake at night thinking that once, you had me beside you, staring at you with loving and vulnerable eyes. My bare body and barer soul wants to linger in your subconscious, so much so that you'll remember me and feel a twinge of longing for my presence every once in a while.


L, I miss you too. Living without you now is harder. Simply because I have known happiness with you. And now that the familiar feeling of pain is back, I ache for the moments when everything in my world is just right. And that's because I know you are there. You were once a part of my life. You once had the power to make me smile whenever I receive your good morning messages. I lived for you. And I'm dying a slow death because of you.


Thank you for the memories. I'll try not to taint those with the ugly truth of what we allowed to happen.




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  • 2 weeks later...

hahaha how mushy did you get when yuo were 22 yaers old? ^_^


My excuse of a love letter (this is really for you)





Escape; yes escape a very damn hard thing to do. At first I thought that it was an easy thing to do, but when I was there it was then that I realized that it was hard. Not calling or sending an SMS was the key so I won’t endure the pain that I feel whenever I see you, when all that I am is a big brother to you. I will admit, although that is what you feel about me, I still am happy because that is what keeps me inside you, but as a human being who cannot get content with what is given, I gave in. So there goes escape.


I was wondering what it would be like when my faith in relationships is returned?


Well now enough of my ramblings and onto my babblings.


I was a romantic when I was young, but something ugly happened and the young romantic died and in his place a jaded young man emerged, that ugly thing was growing up too fast. I believed in every single love quote and saying about love, but as mentioned earlier those beliefs were buried with the romantic that died.


Now jaded, love is but a hallucination that distracts and offers no refuge for me, as I believe right now. The only thing with the word love that means something to me is unrequited love. Sounds mighty deep, indeed it is and may I add freaking painful, I guess I should know about it because that is what is driving me to write this piece.


Being jaded had its ups, but then again it has its downside which makes one a negative psycho, who in defense always say that it is being practical. I’m getting out of the topic here, so let us end my psycho-analysis of my mind lest I really get out of hand and go berserk.


So there, a short description of what my mind is going through, a short word to describe it is turmoil; my half-baked brain is in turmoil, and I would go bonkers if I don’t say this to you.


Really I’m telling you, after that unexpected meeting I’m having sleepless nights again all because old feelings that I kept locked are flooding right back, and I don’t have the slightest idea on how to tell you about them.


I read something in the internet that said, “Damn if you do, damn if you don’t.” well I think I’d be damned with whatever I do so why not go and just do it eh?


Single by my own choice, that was my front, because of being jaded that was the more practical approach that offers me happiness but no other option. Now I’m eating my words.


I’m not being pretentious when I say that the young romantic is revolting and gives innuendos of love being sweeter the second time around. I guess you’re laughing now because you know me as the type of guy who doesn’t get mushy easily, and would keep things more to himself than tell people about it. But hey, I’m human just like you, and I forgot that I was and thought as a machine for a long time in my life. Well now, I’m here again trying to be human, and feeling a strong human emotion that gets stronger as it is suppressed. Maybe it used the suppression to fuel it, now it is ablaze and the only thing that will stop it is to tell you about it.


I’m a schmuck, I can’t promise you anything big and I’m not the perfect guy, not the sweetest of the lot, not the popular jock, not the handsome dude, not the richest man, and not the coolest star, but I know that I could fake it to make you content.


Maybe now you can see where this is leading to.


I saw a shooting star last night while driving home from the drugstore and, I was just wondering what if we started all over again? I was wondering how wonderful life would be (well that would be in my case, for I know not what you are thinking) with you. I was hoping that you would be the one who would be the answer to my question in the beginning.


But all I can do right now is muse in my thoughts, and say all of this to you nothing more.


Rewind back in time, the time when I asked to hold your hand for you to feel my love for you. Still remember that time? Find it corny today?


If you are laughing now that you’ve remembered it, I guess it is only fair to laugh about it. It was a very old line of teenagers to tell their sweets of their undying love. But now again I am asking to hold that very same hand, to hold mine and accompany me as I hope to earn the owner’s love.

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Dear L,


I still miss you. I still think of you. I still ache for you.


Three weeks have passed without hearing anything from you and it saddens me to know that you opted for the silence and the distance.


I know I mustn't hold on to the memories that were fleeting but real.


But I do. And it hurts to long for you when I do not know how or what your feelings are.


L, I just want one more chance to see you again. To hold you again. To feel you, the warmth of our souls, the magic of our kisses.


I long to break the silence and reach out. But I respect you enough not to do that.


But damn, it's so hard to forget you.


I want you badly.


Ever yours,


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“Saying goodbye is always hard. You hug a little tighter, inhale a little deeper, and attempt to commit the smell and feel of the person to your memory. You want time to stop, but you know you can’t. So you cling on for as long as you can and press your lips to their cheeks and murmur, “I’ll see you soon"

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There were roses in profusion, the most beautiful in the world... From among those lovelies, I was drawn to you and all the others faded slowly. As I drew nearer, Eros let loose his arrow with such force that it entered my eye and penetrated my heart. The arrow, which was named Beauty was so fixed in my heart that it could not be pulled out: it remains there still.


Then, as I began to make my way even closer to you, the god of love had already grasped another arrow, worked in gold and named Longing. It has caused many to fall and it wounded my heart as well. No man or woman will ever cure me of it. My longing increased and as the pain grew more intense, so did my desire to be with you. It would have been better for me to draw back, but I could not refuse the bidding of my heart.


I was scared and my mind was urging me to stop .But Cupid was without mercy, and he loosed his third arrow named Courage. The wound caused me great distress, but the fear was gone. And my heart rejoiced at the melody and sweetness of you. My eyes were filled with delight as I looked at yours.


Venus' son was not done yet. He launched a new assault and wounded me once more in my heart with his arrow named Company. It made me want to be with you for always and a day. There was no other cure or relief for such sweet pain.


Meanwhile, the archer took another arrow, which he prized dearly and which I hold to be most wounding: It was Fair Seeming, which does not permit anyone to regret serving Love. It was sharp and piercing and keen as a steel razor, but Love had thoroughly anointed its tip with precious ointment that it did not bring any pain but only happiness. You are my happiness.

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For those who understand Cebuano... It's silly, but I wrote this years ago.




itulo na lang ang mga luha

nga nag-ung-ung sa akong mga mata

kining akong kasakit

unta maanod sa imong tubig


ikaw ra ang nakadungog

ning dugdog sa akong dughan

ning bakho sa hilum

ning syagit sa kalaay ug pag-inusara


ikaw ra ang nakakita

sa kangitngit sa akong palibut

sa kaguol likod sa katawa

sa samad nga dili makita


ikaw ra ang nasayod

kung unsa ang mga kaagi

kung unsa ang mga pangandoy

kung unsa ang gibati


ang tingog sa bundak mo

maoy hele sa pagkatulog

ang dampi sa tulo mo

maoy hapyod sa akong kalinaw


kitang duha nagdamgo

sa sa tulog, ako dili makamata

pahuway kong dayon

matag adlaw gi-ampo

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i know someday we might be together.


that you will be my lifetime partner.


and we can look back at this time.


laugh at our mistakes and crime.



i hope we can start that life right now.


but im far away yet i know somehow.


i can express my feelings for you.


emotions for you that are true.



i wish that your here beside me.


having a beer or some coffee.


but for me just holding your hand.


will get me through this land of sand.



i know your scared, i am too.


the past we cannot undo.


we just have to learn from it.


so we wont do the same misfit.



you know this poem is for you.


i know its not something new.


i wish you like blurt out zero two.


hoping you feel the same way i do.



my 2nd poem for the girl im courting. who is my ex at the same time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Significant Other,


Let's sleep together one day. No, not sleep as in f*ck, but in whatever the simplest way sleep means. One day, I'll just wake up next to you. Waking up to your arms wrapped so tightly around me, securing me. Turning to face you to see that wonderful smile that always gives me butterflies. Being happy beyond reality from the moment I wake up. Before you know it, this happens everyday for the rest of our lives. Yeah, that'd be nice.


Edited by Leyna
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Dear Goddess,


I’ve had relationships in the past. While most of them ended badly, I did learn a lot. Back then all I knew was that I loved; now I love myself, so I know what I want. And if we meet soon, I have a few requests:


1. Please never say "I don't know." What I mean is that if I ask “do you think this dress makes me look fat?” you can tell me that I’m being an annoying idiot, or if I ask you "what is your opinion on the Morong 43 case?" you have something to say about it. I’d prefer that you agree or disagree, and if you could back it up.


In short, don't be a sounding board. Every single person in this planet has an opinion, and I especially want to hear yours, because you are beautiful and brilliant and I want to pick at your brains for hours.


2. Please don't complain all the time. I am not patient as well, and I’d bitch every chance I could get, but if possible, never complain about the little things, like how it's too hot when it's obvious, other people can feel it, and it is easy to solve. Grumble about the big things: equal rights, the government, the lack of jobs. Then do something about it if you can, in your own way, no matter how big or small the gesture. I will help you through it all.


3. Please work hard. You don't have to be wealthy, just stable. Work hard for living expenses, but also for extras like books, a good computer, trips to the museum. Work hard for new knowledge, and work hard for travel expenses!


4. Please travel around the world with me. I wish that we could get lost together, talk to the locals, eat every strange delicacy for the sheer heck of it, just enjoy life and ignore the tourist-traps at the main streets.


5. Please embrace me when I'm angry, rub my back when I'm having an awful day, tease me when I’m happy. Please teach me everything you know, and let me teach you in return. Please tell me if I hurt you, and I'll make it up to you. Please allow me to make you my guinea pig for my desire to cook different recipes. Please eat them and frankly tell me what you think. Why don't we cook together? Please don't hog the shower – we can always shower together, we save more water that way. If you're not too busy, please read to me before we go to bed. On Friday nights I can let you pick the movies we watch, and I can take Saturdays. Please hold my hand when I'm nervous, even if it’s sweaty and cold. Please honestly tell me if I'm boring you, and we can talk about something else. Please kiss me on the forehead when I've accomplished something for the day.


Yours truly; your ever loyal.



note: i just read it. and it's not mine

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  • 3 months later...

Dear "B",


Nasasaktan ako kahit alam kong hindi naman totoo, alam kong panggap pero tinutuloy ko pa rin...natutuwa ako sa tuwing kasama kita at alam kong mahirap paniwalaan na posibleng mangyari ang ganito, hindi ko alam kung hanggang kailan etong kahibangan kong ito sa yo....basta....naaaning na ako sa yo...... sa tuwing magkikita tayo sa :ninja: room. sobrang ang saya ko....sobrang ang saya saya ko! hindi ko alam kung bakit basta masaya ako....at kahit sa mga oras na ito ay alam ko kung nasaan ka...oo aaminin ko na tutal hindi mo naman malalaman ito, simula pagkagising ko...hinihintay ko na ang text mo..hanggang ngayon...hindi ako mapakali...ahhh ewan!! nasasaktan ako pero hayaan mo na lang akong danasin eto....balang araw...mawawala rin ito....sabi mo bat pinapatagal ko pa? Dahil handa akong maghintay...


Dek :(

Edited by futechyan
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