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Dreaming To Be A Famous Photographer


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That's absolutely the WORST advice you can give anyone who wants to learn!


Learning is more than just shooting until you accidentally find a setting that works - sometimes. Then the lighting changes, or the camera, or the subject, and all of a sudden nothing works again. And depending on your camera to make all these focusing and exposure decisions for you is certainly no way to learn at all.


The best photographers - film or digital - and the most successful, KNOW THE BASICS.


What's aperture? What shutter speed? How do these relate to ISO? Why would you use one shutter speed over another? Or one aperture instead of another? How do you adjust shutter speed and aperture when your exposure is not right? How do you know when to use a low ISO vs. a high ISO? What is the effect of a high ISO setting on a digital camera? How do you use flash? What does teh guide number mean? When is flash the wrong thing to use? And when can it be the best lighting you can have? What'[s tie difference between a zoom and a prime lens. Why would you want to use a prime instead of a zoom? Why is a large aperture valued by most pros? What is resolution and how important is it? What is LENS resolution and why is it important - and what is the minimum lens resolution you need for a conventional DSLR such as a Canon 350? Is more MP REALLY more important than anything else in digital photography?


The list of questions is endless - and just fooling around is NOT going to get you answers that will serve you well.


If nothing else,buy a good book that explains the technologies of photography, and READ! Hook up with more experienced, more knowledgable photographers. Those who REALLY know, not just those who want to pretend they do. Asking them to explain to you the answers to that list of questions I listed will give you a good idea if they know what they're doing. Any good, knowledgable photographer will be able to answer those questions without having to think about the answers.



exactly. photos don't lie. and you cannot take the same exact photo over and over again since the conditions change. and heck there are a lot of factors to consider. and a lot of techniques to learn.


most photography books are expensive though. the very good ones. however, there are a lot of references now on the net. read it, try it, master it. or browse through the shelves of powerbooks. lol


dont be afraid to ask. good photographers know who needs help and most of them are more than willing to share their knowledge. but then again, (as i have mentioned some time) experience is the best teacher.


start from the basics.

learn it. live it. lol

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here's what i observed lately. Yes, photography has become a fad once again. dSLRs have become the latest fashion accessory of the year. People buy and treat it like it was a point and shoot without realizing the intricacies of the art. i'm not saying that only Pro's should buy but at least LEARN how to use it.


agxo3 is right. Shooting without really understanding what's happening is not the way to do it. Take lessons, ask photographers, READ! Like in any art from, it takes patience, time and effort to understand the basics. Even professional photographers will tell you that it's a continuous process of learning.


just my two centavos worth galing sa isang newbie.



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here's what i observed lately. Yes, photography has become a fad once again. dSLRs have become the latest fashion accessory of the year. People buy and treat it like it was a point and shoot without realizing the intricacies of the art. i'm not saying that only Pro's should buy but at least LEARN how to use it.


agxo3 is right. Shooting without really understanding what's happening is not the way to do it. Take lessons, ask photographers, READ! Like in any art from, it takes patience, time and effort to understand the basics. Even professional photographers will tell you that it's a continuous process of learning.


just my two centavos worth galing sa isang newbie.





if an aspiring individual who have already bought a DSLR has or not have any basic knowledge of photography then make it a point to read the manual that comes with the camera


if you are experienced photographer most of the terms used in the manuals are already familiar to them


if you are inexperienced try to understand the terminologies used in the manual by checking the glossary section of www.dpreview.com

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Hehe...You can't blame him.


Hehehe... kaya nga di na ako nagcomment eh... mahirap na... ^_^


just my two centavos worth galing sa isang newbie.




Yun lang... kung 2 cents lang sa yo yon... worth 200K na sa kin yan... hehehe... diba Master :P


Hello to everybody! :D


Is Canon EOS 30D a good model?

Anybody--Pls. share your personal experience with this model.


I'm a Nikon user... so I don't think my opinion matters much... but I was able to use Canon cams through my friends... and those guys will tell you to go what works for you... 30D is a good camera model... especially in the hands of a photographer who knows what he/she is doing... that goes for any cam as well...


I know a guy who uses a 31mpx hassie... and personally... I think his photos suck... and thats coming from an amateur guy like me... hahaha :P


what's the best advice you can give for those newbies who wants to be a professional photographer?


Read and learn the basics of the trade... and keep on practicing... don't be afraid to ask questions... learn to appreciate constructive criticisms of your work...


Personally... I never think of it as a job... I always think of it as recreation... that way... I get better results :P

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hello kapwa photographers! sobrang tagal ko na di nakakpagshoot dahil busy sa work but luckily itong long vacation, nakapgshoot ako ng onti.


anyways parang dko ma-enhance ung speed ko sa pagshoot pag nakamanual focusing ako. tapos ung ibang shots ko pa blurred. so is it ok na mag autofocus ako when i shoot outdoor, tapos magmanual focus nlng ako pag still life at portrait?


thanks in advance!

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just to give you comparison of shots between Canon EOS350d vs. Nikon D40x

both shot w/ ISO settings of 100, i use tripod since the exposure time were 15 to 30s


Canon EOS350d



Nikon D40x




i into photography too. bro, do these shots have the same WB settings? it might be diffrent kasi which caused the diffrence in color

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what's the best advice you can give for those newbies who wants to be a professional photographer?


Can somebody give me some tips and tricks for my Canon A570IS?


Thank you?


take lessons and learn the basics and continue getting lessons from pros, from the internet ,from books or magazines, or from being a volunteer assistant (VA) to a photograper. after all the lessons, apply and practice what you learn and dont think about the money or the hoochies or booties when you practice, beleive me, it will come :thumbsupsmiley:

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Guys, ok ba dyan sa pinas yung Manfrotto Tripod? i mean price, quality, stability?


its one of the priciest here. I have a manfroto 055B and a 322 ballhead and it holds the camera snuggly and its very stable. quality wise, it was durable enough to survive the PAL cargo bay coz in a recent trip i had to check it in (damn those bombers)

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quote- " Im a Nikon user... so I don't think my opinion matters much... but I was able to use Canon cams through my friends... and those guys will tell you to go what works for you... 30D is a good camera model... especially in the hands of a photographer who knows what he/she is doing... that goes for any cam as well...


I know a guy who uses a 31mpx hassie... and personally... I think his photos suck... and thats coming from an amateur guy like me... hahaha -Phrozhen.Khold


Thanks for the input Phrozhen.Khold


Well I finally did it---I bought the Canon 30D... its really expensive. But I really like this model.

Ayokong bumili ng ibang model, tapos magsisisi ako later dahil hindi yun ang binili ko.


Im still trying to figure out how to use it. (still a newbie).

Right now Im taking shots in Auto mode, note the settings and improve them by making my own.


And I want to thank those who gives advice and share their professional views like -pnoize2k4.


Thanks guys :)


Sample shot I took yesterday in Sharja near Mamzar (UAE)


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what's the best advice you can give for those newbies who wants to be a professional photographer?


First, learn , learn, and learn some more - both from the technical side and from the artistic side. What makes an image a good photograph? Why do images of the smae subject look so different, where one look sso much better than others? How do you use your tools (that is, the camera and the associated software) to get the ffects you want? Why does each control do what it does? Why is it that sometimes, a poorly exposed image still looks better than a perfectly exposed image? How do you print to get the best out of every image?


THEN practice, practice, practice. When you are technically proficient, then you can start marketing yourself. It's hard work being a photographer. With the advent of digital cameras and computers, EVERYONE thjinks they can be a photographer. After all, you just have to point and click then throw the image into the computer and print it on eny old printer, right? Yeah, right! You want to do this? Do it right, and start by finding someone who can teach you the basics. Learn them well, then expand on them.


It's not really that hard, or that expensive, but it does take patience and time.

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