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Cellphone Reviews

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guys you can avoid headaches with phones if you get from the right sources, trust me pag gray market yung telepono ang hirap magpaayos. If you plan to buy cheap, then prepare yourself for some hassle as these phones (specially kapag greenhills) are covered by warranty. Here is also a suggestion, though admittedly more difficult to follow for others, wait for a technology to mature!


I bought my communicators long after they "went out of style" keeping each version before upgrading. Remember that buying the newest model means that you will:


1. be the manufacturer's guneia pig

2. have the bugiest release

3. be the most pissed customer


if you wait for the technology to mature after around 6-12 months, you won't suffer as much as the eager beavers spending throves of money on technology that will depreciate like a rock in water.

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Ive probably used all the phones available in the market since I often changed every 2 months. It would really depend on your lifestyle and progams that suit that lifestyle of yours. Last year I was into camera phones. Too bad its too dang slow to refresh or to take quick consecutive pics. Out of all the phones Ive used the best is the Treo 650. Would love to have my hands on the latest model wc is the treo 700. Since its too expensive ill give it a year then purshase 1 when the prices go down. Why do I like it? its lightning quick. I have excel documents, word pad, and hundreds of progams and application hich are useful in the kind of work im in. usually if i have exel docs and use a Nokia or an Se phone it takes a long time to open. I dont have all the time in the world! :)

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SE K700


no frills, good functionality, good music, good camera with video capability..crisp and very good java games.. small and light.. i could easily download scandal videos and upload it here, so i can watch it privately...


i bought a Palm PDA , and find the PDA of no use to me when I have this phone .. this is the right phone, they just need to add simple organizer functionalities.. so the perfect phone for me is probably a K700 with calendar organizer function..


been thinking about upgrading to K750 i dont know about k750.. but i guess the k750 is bulkier..

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guys you can avoid headaches with phones if you get from the right sources, trust me pag gray market yung telepono ang hirap magpaayos. If you plan to buy cheap, then prepare yourself for some hassle as these phones (specially kapag greenhills) are covered by warranty. Here is also a suggestion, though admittedly more difficult to follow for others, wait for a technology to mature!


I bought my communicators long after they "went out of style" keeping each version before upgrading. Remember that buying the newest model means that you will:


1. be the manufacturer's guneia pig

2. have the bugiest release

3. be the most pissed customer


if you wait for the technology to mature after around 6-12 months, you won't suffer as much as the eager beavers spending throves of money on technology that will depreciate like a rock in water.




yeah.. dapat maghintay muna kayo after how many months ng release.. kasi yung mga unang version ng release e puro bugs pa yun.. like the n70 and n90.. same din with 6680.. ilang buwan lang bababa ng sobra ang presyo.. wag padalos dalos.. hintay lang mga bro..


tipid na.. sigurado ka pa.. bweheheh..

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just a query guys...i bought my n70 six months ago and the phone is good...my problem is my nokia is exclusive only in t-mobile network here in united kingdom...that means when im in different country i can't use my cell using a different sim card...since I'll be having my vacation in pinas, can anyone tell me if they can unlocked my cell, what i mean is ma open line ba ang n70 sa pinas without damaging the 3g videocalling? thanks!

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just a query guys...i bought my n70 six months ago and the phone is good...my problem is my nokia is exclusive only in t-mobile network here in united kingdom...that means when im in different country i can't use my cell using a different sim card...since I'll be having my vacation in pinas, can anyone tell me if they can unlocked my cell, what i mean is ma open line ba ang n70 sa pinas without damaging the 3g videocalling? thanks!


Yup, as long as it’s not a CDMA phone it should work fine. I used to have couple of hand phones tied up to Cingular Wireless and T-mobile which has been unlocked in manila quite sometime now. Currently the phone is working pretty good and hasn’t show signs of any problems.

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