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Just to set the record straight, I dropped by and the OWNER happened to be there. I asked him if the 1/32 Hasegawa FW190 was the new tooling with the recessed panel lines. He assured me it was. While he was attending to some other customer I asked one of the salesladies to open the box. It was the old one. Anyway, do you still get complaints after the winners are announced during the competitions?




I'm looking for the polished aluminum and aluminum colors of Alclad II. Testors Metallizers are fine with me, I'll be happy to buy them from you. I tried the spray paint cans for NMF before but I found the grains to be too big.


I still have Aluminum Plate and Stainless Steel in 15ml bottles, and sealer and thinner in 51ml bottles.

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Hi po, just a little question


How much do you guys spend on a model? Average figures. I like models, but I really can't get around making one.


The kits I buy now cost between P800 and P1,200. But I've already invested in airbrushes, sable brushes, hobby and oil paints, putty, tools etc. so it would come out to higher than that. I still remember when a Tamiya kit would cost around P200 - P300 but that was a long time ago.

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Hi po, just a little question


How much do you guys spend on a model? Average figures. I like models, but I really can't get around making one.



The kits I buy now cost between P800 and P1,200. But I've already invested in airbrushes, sable brushes, hobby and oil paints, putty, tools etc. so it would come out to higher than that. I still remember when a Tamiya kit would cost around P200 - P300 but that was a long time ago.


I still remember matchbox kits in tri-color sprues for P30-P50 only! hahaha


Nowadays, I'll spend 1K to 5K on a kit that I REALLY like. There are some that are in the range of 12K up, but I can't afford that anymore.


How much to spend on a kit really depends on what you are interested in, and how far you'd like to detail it. If I were to start again from scratch today, I guess I'd spend:

Model kit: P150 to P1000 (simple but nice kits first)

Spray Paint cans: about P100 to P200 per can * usually 3 or 4 colors (depending on the subject)

Paint bottles: about P75/bottle * 4 (for detailing)

Paint Thinner: about P300

Small Brush (00 or 000): P100.


It gets cheaper as you go along since you'll accumulate the paint colors. The spray cans get pretty much used up per kit, so if you're really into this hobby, it would be better to get an air brush (costs from 5,000 to 20,000 including the compressor).


Pride of displaying your creation: PRICELESS

Edited by floppydrive
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I still remember matchbox kits in tri-color sprues for P30-P50 only! hahaha


Nowadays, I'll spend 1K to 5K on a kit that I REALLY like. There are some that are in the range of 12K up, but I can't afford that anymore.


How much to spend on a kit really depends on what you are interested in, and how far you'd like to detail it. If I were to start again from scratch today, I guess I'd spend:

Model kit: P150 to P1000 (simple but nice kits first)

Spray Paint cans: about P100 to P200 per can * usually 3 or 4 colors (depending on the subject)

Paint bottles: about P75/bottle * 4 (for detailing)

Paint Thinner: about P300

Small Brush (00 or 000): P100.


It gets cheaper as you go along since you'll accumulate the paint colors. The spray cans get pretty much used up per kit, so if you're really into this hobby, it would be better to get an air brush (costs from 5,000 to 20,000 including the compressor).


Pride of displaying your creation: PRICELESS


During the 70s I had neighbors who often went to Japan or Guam or had access to the PX in Subic and Clark. So it was the Tamiya kits that I got hooked into and never really saw a Matchbox kit. I also remember using Duco Cement and loved the smell of it. Of course, my thinking then was the more cement, the better. Besides I really loved the smell of Duco, and maybe that's why I really loved building the kits.


I now use Painter's Touch commercial spray cans for priming and for the base coat (the have flat camo colors). I used to buy them for P130 but I've seen them selling now for about P160. For me it comes out much cheaper than buying the hobby sprays like Tamiya or Gunze. They also used to have clear flats but I don't see them anymore.


The most I've spent for a kit is about P6K but I really really wanted to have it and now it sits on a shelf gathering dust.

Edited by Dr_PepPeR
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Meron po kayo display cabinet sa bahay or nakapatong lang sa mesa?


My completed model kits, which are actually about 1% of my unbuilt kits, are kept in a glass cabinet. If you leave it outside, it acts like a dust magnet. What is worse is your domestic helper/wife/mother/children will actually try to clean it and knock off all the delicate parts in the process.

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Welcome to our somewhat esoteric hobby. Most people think of it as 'toys' so I don't exactly broadcast what my hobby is. You can actually brush paint camo, especially if the camo is hard-edged or has well defined lines. Whether you use enamels or acrylics, you may have to use thinners to make the paint consistency smooth enough so that it will lay down properly yet has enough color so that the plastic will be covered. I think you may have to consult some armor dedicated websites for more info on painting and weathering. Try finescale.com, missing-lynx.com, armorama.com, pmms.com and others you may want to google. As to kits, I suggest you try your hand on the simpler and inexpensive kits like the old Tamiya and Academy kits before tackling something that has photo-etch and individual track links. Good luck and happy building!

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I still remember matchbox kits in tri-color sprues for P30-P50 only! hahaha


Nowadays, I'll spend 1K to 5K on a kit that I REALLY like. There are some that are in the range of 12K up, but I can't afford that anymore.


How much to spend on a kit really depends on what you are interested in, and how far you'd like to detail it. If I were to start again from scratch today, I guess I'd spend:

Model kit: P150 to P1000 (simple but nice kits first)

Spray Paint cans: about P100 to P200 per can * usually 3 or 4 colors (depending on the subject)

Paint bottles: about P75/bottle * 4 (for detailing)

Paint Thinner: about P300

Small Brush (00 or 000): P100.


It gets cheaper as you go along since you'll accumulate the paint colors. The spray cans get pretty much used up per kit, so if you're really into this hobby, it would be better to get an air brush (costs from 5,000 to 20,000 including the compressor).


Pride of displaying your creation: PRICELESS


Hey FD, just text me if you're in the Harrison Plaza area, will unload you of you unused paints if it's convenient for you.

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Nice meeting you sir FD and thanks for bringing all the stuff!

Hi Doc,


It was great to meet you finally! Will work on the low-cost paint booth we discussed this summer. Looks like that will be completed ahead of the model I'm working on now. hehehe


If you need any more wire, just let me know.


BTW, I passed by JMN, and was able to get the same kit my son "crash landed". At least I'll get to replace it.

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