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Fat Burners And Diet Pills

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Isuggest you try Lipo-6 or Lipo-6x



thanks jacques! :thumbsupsmiley:


i'll look into lipo 6 and lipo 6x...


i'm not really looking for an appetite suppresant...i actually need to eat and eat on time..

my problem is i have a tendency to let my stomach dictate when to eat and i usually get hungry

just once a day and overeat...bad habit and bad for me since i'm diabetic


i find that when i eat 6 small meals a day, i don't overeat and my ass is not lagging as much :rolleyes:


i need energy booster that won't make me jittery to the point of crazyness...is there such magic pill out there? :rolleyes:

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thanks jacques! :thumbsupsmiley:


i'll look into lipo 6 and lipo 6x...


i'm not really looking for an appetite suppresant...i actually need to eat and eat on time..

my problem is i have a tendency to let my stomach dictate when to eat and i usually get hungry

just once a day and overeat...bad habit and bad for me since i'm diabetic


i find that when i eat 6 small meals a day, i don't overeat and my ass is not lagging as much :rolleyes:


i need energy booster that won't make me jittery to the point of crazyness...is there such magic pill out there? :rolleyes:


Lipo-6/6x doesn't supress my appettite at all. But maybe you'd respond differently. In my opinion, Lipo 6 is actually kinda mild but supported my steady progress. Started at 185 lbs last January and now I'm down to 168 lbs

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Lipo-6/6x doesn't supress my appettite at all. But maybe you'd respond differently. In my opinion, Lipo 6 is actually kinda mild but supported my steady progress. Started at 185 lbs last January and now I'm down to 168 lbs


thanks jacques! :thumbsupsmiley:


your input is greatly appreciated...i'm new at this supplement thing and just trying to see what others have tried

i'm not rushing my results or looking for a magic pill...the natural "high" that i get after my workout is

enough for me...that's an accomplishment in itself...i'm just wandering why i'm flustered and out of energy

after my workout and i do have a life other than working out so i was hoping someone knows of a supplement

that can help my situation...

Edited by hottlipss
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thanks jacques! :thumbsupsmiley:


your input is greatly appreciated...i'm new at this supplement thing and just trying to see what others have tried

i'm not rushing my results or looking for a magic pill...the natural "high" that i get after my workout is

enough for me...that's an accomplishment in itself...i'm just wandering why i'm flustered and out of energy

after my workout and i do have a life other than working out so i was hoping someone knows of a supplement

that can help my situation...


Maybe you're dropping your calories drastically. Or maybe you've dropped your carb intake to a point that your body is finding it very hard to tap an immediate source of fuel/energy. May I see how's your daily eating plan?

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Maybe you're dropping your calories drastically. Or maybe you've dropped your carb intake to a point that your body is finding it very hard to tap an immediate source of fuel/energy. May I see how's your daily eating plan?


hi jacques!


malagay na nga ang diet ko dito....maybe it's the cause of my energy depletion...


and this is honestly the healthy lifestyle that i've adapted to

usually i don't eat breakfast and i eat once a day lang but i eat a lot

i've been eating healthy for about 2 years now



a cup or two of coffee with 3 packets of splenda and sugarfree creamer

1 cap of gluphase (for about a month and half now)

*while on mtc*


20 mins workout

then a whole wheat toast with sugarfree fruit preserve

or/and 1/4 cup of fat free milk with a cup of cranberries & macademia nut whole wheat grain and oat cereal

1 trex and glucorell


*if i start my day early enough, i fit in a mid morning snack...if not, lunch na


for lunch

sometimes i eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of rice (yeah i know it's bad) with whatever ulam

* this is usually when i haven't prep my food ahead of time or there's nothing else to eat

otherwise if i have tuna in water (i usually have plenty in my pantry) and wasa crackers

that's what i'll have for lunch

o kaya, healthy choice, lean cuisine, south beach t.v. lunch dinners microwavable stuff

or a turkey sandwich



my cranberry macademia cereal with fat free milk

or a bar of south beach granola like bar



1/4 to 1/2 cup of rice with whatever ulam


do my cardio/strength workout


i drink lots of water throughout the day

on the days that i'm lifting, i've started to eat more steaks, fish, into my diet

i'm conciously eating more on my lifting days


my bad habit is that i don't eat on time...i have to tell myself to eat even when i'm not hungry so i don't overeat when i do get hungry

and i don't eat enough veggies and fruits


it frustrates me that after my workout in the morning, instead of being energetic, i'm out of energy

and i find myself needing to take naps to sustain me throughout the day


i'm fine tuning my workout and habits

i think i need to sleep early and start to workout in the morning

not just my 20 mins cardio but my real challenging workout


it's a work in progress...i'm trying to pin point where this lack of energy is coming from

i work out late at night, like midnight and i don't sleep until 2 to 3 am sometimes

this might be my biggest culprit of why my energy is depleted

i've always been nocturnal so my energy is at it's peak at night

but i vow to change that...i'm going to sleep early tonight and do my streneous workout in the morning


i'm planning on taking L-glutamine since i suffer from rhematoid arthritis

whey protein shake in the morning and maybe even throughout the day to supplement

the lack of protein in my diet

i'm going to start taking omega-3 vitamins also


looks like a bit much but i need supplements because of my insufficient diet and truth be told, i'm not a spring chicken anymore

so i need supplements...not magic pills just supplements :lol:


let me know what you think and if you've come to the same conclusion as i have...

Edited by hottlipss
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hotlips, bump the carbs for breakfast and PWO.


Naps are fine, if you sleep late, that's the only way you can compensate.


If you have arthritis, take glucosamine and chonditrin, glutamine doesn't really help that much


so far the plan looks good, you just need to know when to put in you high carb meals to boost your energy

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hi jacques!


malagay na nga ang diet ko dito....maybe it's the cause of my energy depletion...


and this is honestly the healthy lifestyle that i've adapted to

usually i don't eat breakfast and i eat once a day lang but i eat a lot

i've been eating healthy for about 2 years now



a cup or two of coffee with 3 packets of splenda and sugarfree creamer

1 cap of gluphase (for about a month and half now)

*while on mtc*


20 mins workout

then a whole wheat toast with sugarfree fruit preserve

or/and 1/4 cup of fat free milk with a cup of cranberries & macademia nut whole wheat grain and oat cereal

1 trex and glucorell


*if i start my day early enough, i fit in a mid morning snack...if not, lunch na


for lunch

sometimes i eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of rice (yeah i know it's bad) with whatever ulam

* this is usually when i haven't prep my food ahead of time or there's nothing else to eat

otherwise if i have tuna in water (i usually have plenty in my pantry) and wasa crackers

that's what i'll have for lunch

o kaya, healthy choice, lean cuisine, south beach t.v. lunch dinners microwavable stuff

or a turkey sandwich



my cranberry macademia cereal with fat free milk

or a bar of south beach granola like bar



1/4 to 1/2 cup of rice with whatever ulam


do my cardio/strength workout


i drink lots of water throughout the day

on the days that i'm lifting, i've started to eat more steaks, fish, into my diet

i'm conciously eating more on my lifting days


my bad habit is that i don't eat on time...i have to tell myself to eat even when i'm not hungry so i don't overeat when i do get hungry

and i don't eat enough veggies and fruits


it frustrates me that after my workout in the morning, instead of being energetic, i'm out of energy

and i find myself needing to take naps to sustain me throughout the day


i'm fine tuning my workout and habits

i think i need to sleep early and start to workout in the morning

not just my 20 mins cardio but my real challenging workout


it's a work in progress...i'm trying to pin point where this lack of energy is coming from

i work out late at night, like midnight and i don't sleep until 2 to 3 am sometimes

this might be my biggest culprit of why my energy is depleted

i've always been nocturnal so my energy is at it's peak at night

but i vow to change that...i'm going to sleep early tonight and do my streneous workout in the morning


i'm planning on taking L-glutamine since i suffer from rhematoid arthritis

whey protein shake in the morning and maybe even throughout the day to supplement

the lack of protein in my diet

i'm going to start taking omega-3 vitamins also


looks like a bit much but i need supplements because of my insufficient diet and truth be told, i'm not a spring chicken anymore

so i need supplements...not magic pills just supplements :lol:


let me know what you think and if you've come to the same conclusion as i have...


I have a simple suggested guideline for you:

1.) Strive to have 5-6 meals a day with 2-3 hours max intervals in between (which means, you eat even if you're not hungry)

2.) I don't think supplements are the missing link in your diet but consistency and proper proportion of protein, carbs and fats.

3.) L-Glutamine aids muscle recovery and supports immune functions but I doubt it will help athritis. I think you mean Glucosamine.

4.) Are you sure you're getting at least 8 hours of sleep a day? Because lack of sleep may result to big time over-training, limits body recovery and weakens your immune functions.

5.) Try taking melatonin and have that good nights sleep and take it from there.

6.) Lastly, you may want to invest in a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement because judging from what you're eating, I don't see sufficient sources of foods that contain essential vitamins.

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hotlips, bump the carbs for breakfast and PWO.


Naps are fine, if you sleep late, that's the only way you can compensate.


If you have arthritis, take glucosamine and chonditrin, glutamine doesn't really help that much


so far the plan looks good, you just need to know when to put in you high carb meals to boost your energy



I have a simple suggested guideline for you:

1.) Strive to have 5-6 meals a day with 2-3 hours max intervals in between (which means, you eat even if you're not hungry)

2.) I don't think supplements are the missing link in your diet but consistency and proper proportion of protein, carbs and fats.

3.) L-Glutamine aids muscle recovery and supports immune functions but I doubt it will help athritis. I think you mean Glucosamine.

4.) Are you sure you're getting at least 8 hours of sleep a day? Because lack of sleep may result to big time over-training, limits body recovery and weakens your immune functions.

5.) Try taking melatonin and have that good nights sleep and take it from there.

6.) Lastly, you may want to invest in a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement because judging from what you're eating, I don't see sufficient sources of foods that contain essential vitamins.


hey muscle men!


I'm getting it! I think I know what you guys have been telling me all along...and my body. :P


I'm taking my PWO which I mix a scoop of this Greenery from ProEnergy to take care of my insufficient amount of

veggie intake and protein...and i throw some berries in there too. I'm taking my shake post my a.m. workout and as a meal and snack.

I also ordered some raw almonds and Omega Mix Blend and oils to mix in there...those should be coming in any day now.


I threw out all my bad carbs in the garbage and bought new groceries filled with good carbs.


I'm on my ZCA stack for the 3rd day...first day, wired me up pretty good. It was crazy! So yesterday i decided to take it after my meal

as oppose to the 1st day when i took it on an empty stomach and that didn't give me the jitters. I'll see how this do if not i'm going back to Thermorexin.


So here's what I got


ProEnergy Whey Protein Isolate with ProEnergy Greenery

Omega 3 fish oil capsules

ZCA stack

and protein bars from the same company


I'm also on the market for some multi-vitamins...I'm researching that right now...


the energy level is up...my sched has been mad crazy over the last week and it's gonna get crazier

with school and brand new job next week. not to mention my full time mommy duties.

so these protein shakes and energy bars couldn't come at a better time


and i'm adjusting my workouts to a.m. instead of my middle of the night workouts

and going to bed at 9/10 pm (that's why i haven't had the chance to respond to this thread :P)

i still have to work on waking up at 5 a.m. :P


it's alot of info to take in my quest for a healthy and fit lifestyle...and expensive :rolleyes:

i'm sure learning alot from you guys and i appreciate all your input...it's saving me some pennies

by asking here first.


thanks guys and stay fit! :thumbsupsmiley:

Edited by hottlipss
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I threw out all my bad carbs in the garbage and bought new groceries filled with good carbs.


What good carbs are you taking now?


I'm also on the market for some multi-vitamins...I'm researching that right now


centrum works well for me. If you can find something cheaper with the same contents, go for it.


and i'm adjusting my workouts to a.m. instead of my middle of the night workouts

and going to bed at 9/10 pm (that's why i haven't had the chance to respond to this thread )

i still have to work on waking up at 5 a.m.


Having hectic skeds all boils down to time management. And, as always, quality sleep plays a big factor as well.


Just remember not to take too much protein. iots the hardest to digest among all 3 macros and gets converted to fat easier than carbs if excess amounts are taken

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this is my first time to browse this forum, something to help me out of my bad habits hehehe. i used to weight around 230 lbs last december. now i've dropped to 175 lbs by taking hardcore hydroxycut,combined with an intense workout tska steady diet. problem ko na lng is ung loose skin mostly sa belly area. do any of you guys know how can i shrink them off? can u recommend me any supplements or whatsoever pra mwala ung loose skin with the surgery?

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this is my first time to browse this forum, something to help me out of my bad habits hehehe. i used to weight around 230 lbs last december. now i've dropped to 175 lbs by taking hardcore hydroxycut,combined with an intense workout tska steady diet. problem ko na lng is ung loose skin mostly sa belly area. do any of you guys know how can i shrink them off? can u recommend me any supplements or whatsoever pra mwala ung loose skin with the surgery?


parehas tayo dud ng problem. from 243lbs to 165lbs. problem talaga saggy skin sa belly area, thighs and arms. some say it will return to its original elasticity but it will take some months or years. but some suggest tummy tuck. im not open to ideas regarding operations. will just wait and enjoy what i have right now. hindi naman kasi ako nagmomodel.hehe. so hindi naman nila kita tummy ko. ang important is hindi na malaki tiyan natin. db?just enjoy muna what we have right now.

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parehas tayo dud ng problem. from 243lbs to 165lbs. problem talaga saggy skin sa belly area, thighs and arms. some say it will return to its original elasticity but it will take some months or years. but some suggest tummy tuck. im not open to ideas regarding operations. will just wait and enjoy what i have right now. hindi naman kasi ako nagmomodel.hehe. so hindi naman nila kita tummy ko. ang important is hindi na malaki tiyan natin. db?just enjoy muna what we have right now.


I think Belo Medical Group or Calayan's have a solution for this. You may want to ask around.

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the problem with hydroxycut is that since it is a fat burner , tendency is you will have saggy tummies pag nag decrease ka nang weight. i did take hydroxycut for about 3 months just so to lose the fat , but after that i stopped and do strenouss workout to maintain and sculped the fats lost. same problem with the others mag pulpitate talaga at start and have trouble sleeping ( i think this it has a high caffiene content of meta*********ne content ) , after the pulpitates your body will adjust the new food intake since its going to be less than your normal habits.

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for those needing to lose a lot of weight, excess skin may soon be a problem. how do you prevent this? would anyone know of an alternative to shedding off excess loose skin in the belly other than having a tummy tuck operation?


I've heard of radio frequency (RF) to help tighten the skin. does anyone know if this works?

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what can you say about hydroxycut hardcore Effects and possible problems?



you just have to take it maximum of 2 weeks...


some people got resistance to this after taking for too long like a month...


still you have to watch what you eat...


and do some exercise...


not to be taken at night time...it may cause sleeplessness...



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you just have to take it maximum of 2 weeks...


some people got resistance to this after taking for too long like a month...


still you have to watch what you eat...


and do some exercise...


not to be taken at night time...it may cause sleeplessness...





i just want to try it because im stuck at 174 my weight before is 196.. i want to reach 165!

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