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What Is The Hardest Thing For You To Say...

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Saying "I Love You" is harder for because when you say that you're sorry, you know what you're giving up and you know you're letting go of your proud so it really couldn't get worse. When you say, "I love you," you're giving up so much more and you also don't know if the person's gonna reciprocate it (at least not the first time that you say it) so it's scarier.


I meant letting go of your PRIDE. Goddang I can't type :D

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Most people who responded here says "NO" to second chance. But I truly doubt if thats what they're going to do when time comes that this thing is going to happen to them.


It is not that easy to let someone go, no matter what he did, especially if you truly love that person.


correct ka dyan!!!!

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Most people who responded here says "NO" to second chance. But I truly doubt if thats what they're going to do when time comes that this thing is going to happen to them.


It is not that easy to let someone go, no matter what he did, especially if you truly love that person.


Heh heh, maybe that's what you did. Love in a relationship is between two people. If that other person cheated on you, then it hurts all the more because they've basically spat on your feelings for them. Your love was a joke to them. All that time being in a relationship with them, all those "I love you's" were nothing but words.


You let her go, you'll hurt, you'll grieve...but you'll get over it and move on. Only the weak try to cling to dead relationship and believe the lies the cheater tells.


There is no "okey lang" when it comes to betrayal.

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