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Would You Go After Someone Who is Taken?

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i'd say yes, although not as aggressively as you'd want to and as long as you mean no harm and with no malice in mind, your intention pure, conscience clear and with your heart full and bursting with love and adoration to share and to cherish.

hey, guys, we're only human; we live to love and be loved. if that person of your desire happens to be in a relationship, respect that relationship yes, but at the same time let her know that you're there, anytime she'll need you anytime she'll want you. she'll appreciate your gesture and would either allow you to get close to her or ask you to stop. from there, you'll be able to gauge how strong her current relationship is. from there, you decide to move on or to persevere and wait. patience is a virtue but the clock's a-tickin and it's a whole wide world out there.

to guys with their women being wooed by other men: do not take offense -as long as the admirer does not offend your woman one way or another, be proud that what you have is also being sought after and be confident that your woman won't leave you -she will never leave you so long as you never take your lady for granted and doing everything to keep your relationship healthy and strong to weather all tests and temptations.

just my two cents' worth

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i don't think i would. if the guy falls for me (theoretically speaking) and is currently involved with someone, i don't think he will be faithful enough in our relationship. that means he is weak and will fall for temptation anytime. i need someone with a strong character.

Edited by phookie22
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