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Guest Leviticus
"Eye for an eye". Ganyan ang bagay sa ating mga Pinoy

the same old saying "an eye for an eye" which originated from the bible.


I think religion should be taught more in our classrooms because that quote is becoming cliche.


if you read and understand (but please do not interpret the bible!!! leave that job to the priests and nuns) that saying originated from the old testament (from the book of Exodus if I remember right, or was it.. ehem.. Leviticus?).


in the New Testament, Jesus said we should turn the other cheek; and to give to Caesar what is due to Caesar..


uy.. hehe. hindi pala ako OT. Religion should be taught in our elementary and high schools.


another law:


repeal the DOLE law requiring employers to pay night diff IF the company is in the BPO sector :thumbsupsmiley: kung kaya ng government to exempt companies in PEZA zones why not implement this to encourage outsourcing more?

Edited by Leviticus
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There should be a law prohibiting politicians' relatives from entering politics.Alos there should be a law specifying imprisoned politicaians' kin should also be disqualified from entering public office. It's just a way of passing the torch (kurakot) from generation to generation.

Ex: Erap in prison, son JV mayor, son Jing senator

GMA- son Mikee congressman, husband MA international asungot

Lito Atienza mayor, son Ali also a mayor wannabee


list goes on....

Edited by rockybrawler
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How about a law preventing trapos from changing the names of already historic places & streets just to suck up bug time or to glorify their ancestors & themselves?


We can leave that to the academes as long as they are qualified & impartial or the drunks who'll gladly do it for free.


Take the one time I got drunk one evening ... I told my friend to drive along Dios Ko Napakakapal ng Mukha Mo Highway.

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Anything sold in pill or tablet form, or anything advertised as a cure for this or that, with "no approved therapeutic claims"? What gives? Either get it approved, or ban it, or do not advertise it as a cure for whatever. Paging BFAD, DTI, DOH or whatever government agency concerned.

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How about a law preventing trapos from changing the names of already historic places & streets just to suck up bug time or to glorify their ancestors & themselves?


We can leave that to the academes as long as they are qualified & impartial or the drunks who'll gladly do it for free.


Take the one time I got drunk one evening ... I told my friend to drive along Dios Ko Napakakapal ng Mukha Mo Highway.



In that case, it should be MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT and MANILA INTERNATIONAL CENTENIAL AIRPORT and NOT Kris Aquino's Dead Father's Airport or Cory Aquino's Dead Husband's Airport. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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In that case, it should be MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT and MANILA INTERNATIONAL CENTENIAL AIRPORT and NOT Kris Aquino's Dead Father's Airport or Cory Aquino's Dead Husband's Airport. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

In fairness, there is historical basis for NAIA ... but definitely not in the name you spelled out. Pweh! Better than calling it after the President that built it: Ferdinand Marcos International Airport? :thumbsdownsmiley: Maybe for Laoag, in due fairness to Makoy. He loved the Ilokanos & thje Olokanos love him back.


Here is where the Yanquis outdid us again ... Ronald Reagan Airport at Washington, D.C. while he was still alive. First time I heard it in 1997 before touchdown, I couldn't help but say "f#&k!?" aloud in an unpleasant shock on the plane from Canada ... & everybody around me laughed their heads off. Maybe they were Canadians.

Edited by Mobius Stripper
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  • 4 weeks later...

There ought to be a law regulating the TEXT promos.


1. Ban solicitation thru text messages. Wireless phone service providers are most guilty of this (since it doesn't cost them anything). If I get 1 more text message in the middle of a meeting or when I am sleeping wether I want a Beyonce Knowles ringback tone, I may have to plant an inciendiary device in a globe tower. FCUK!


2. No automatic deductions ever. Not even if you're subscribed to whatever f#&king idiotic service they've made up. Make it a standard protocol to always include in the message an "UNSUBSCRIBE OPTION"! GF had to toss her Globe sim, since it is "stealing" her load! And yeah, an "unsubscribe text" shouldn't cost 2.50 Php or whatever... it shouldn't cost anything! WTF?!


3. Regulate those game shows (on TV) that promote viewer interactivity via txt messaging. Isn't this gambling?

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