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torture + bitay sa mga corrupt government officials. para matakot.

my suggested means of torture for these corrupt officials...strip them naked tie them to a post and allow Manoling Morato and Boy Abunda to give them body shots 24/7... :thumbsupsmiley:

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There ought to be a law...



1. That bans any presidential child from entering show business.


2. That bans any presidential relative from running for elective post.


3. That jails police officers who uses stolen vehicles and vehicles without license plates or expired registration


3. That bans mayors running for congress after their 3 term limit, and vice versa.

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wont backread na. i just wish that the proposed laws here will be conveyed to the lawmakers. who knows? thru MTC, nagakagawa ng sensible law ang mga mambabatas natin.


anyway, kung wala pa nito, i hope that:


1. DIVORCE will be allowed finally.


2. There should be a law that will run after men who impregnates women or fathers a child that will make them obliged to sustain the child's educational and other economic needs. usually kasi madaming kawawang single mothers.

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We all want to rant against this current administration (yeah, ok, even the past administrations). But let us not be blinded by our fury. Let's channel this negative vibes into something positive.


Maybe it is just wishful thinking... but who knows, we might get something here.






3) The national budget should not be greater than what the government ACTUALLY COLLECTTED in taxes the previous fiscal year


This will more or less ensure that there will be no budget deficit. Ang hirap e, the government does not know how to live within its own means -- sobrang gastos kahit wala ng makolektang buwis... The government should only spend what it is capable of earning, at wag nang UMUTANG PA! baon na baon na tayo. (Ako, I am not rich, but I have ZERO debt, because I apply this basic principle in my life).


Where can we sign the petition?

If you can collect enough signatures, maybe it will make a difference.


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A law that will "insure that all laws will be implemented to the letter". :hypocritesmiley:


There are thousands of these. The problem is with the justice system, not the laws. Think about the idiots who think that Erap should be immediately pardoned. The law states otherwise, but there are plenty of online law degree holders here apparently.


But, for the sake of argument, if every law is obeyed to the letter, there would be no more street protests or rallies without proper permits. Thousands could be rounded up for seditious acts and even more would be ready for the needle.


Discretion is the reason we have judges, because some laws aren't able to be implimented to the letter. Say a man beats his wife, rapes her when she doesn't want to put out and then berates her in front of the neighbors. He does this a few times and immediately after one beating, while he is sleeping off his drunk, she takes a bolo to his skull. Should she be on death row for that act? She killed a sleeping man and the law clearly states that homicide is a death penalty offense (not that the moratorium matters).


A better law for proposal...cameras on street corners and intersections for traffic offenses. The fines generated would supplement the education program. Eventually, people will stop driving like assholes or as if they are on shabu.

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Repeal the stupid Lina Law. Anti-Squatter Law that allows property owners to burn/destroy/shoot squatters on sight.


there is no implementing rules for the lina law so in effect this law died a natural death...no law in itself can be self-enabling but i agree it was a stupid law to begin with

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on presidents having children run for office there is actually a constitutional ban on political dynasties, but of course our self-serving solons always shoot down a proposal to introduce this into law.


just like the lina law, it needs an enabling law which congress since have failed to act on since 1986.


this is precisely the reason alan peter cayetano said when asked how he can justify running for senate when there is a constitutional ban and that his sister has yet to finish her first term in the senate


not being a lawyer, is it possible to file charges against congress for dereliction of duty if they continue to turn their back on the constitution by not enacting the anti-political dynasty provision?

Edited by ron9
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