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What Has Love Taught You Lately?

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Love is patient and kind.


Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.


Love does not demand its own way.


Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged.


It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.


Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.


Love will last forever.

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What has love taught me lately???????



Well...when you're willing to give up all that you have in the past....I mean the stable life that you first had.....even your family just because of 1 girl who showed you what life really is....and ended up being dumped like a trash cause she fight for your love over her parents' religious principles....Whatta Damn life.....



'hope this wont happen to every guy in the mtc thread....

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not to trust even for the last moment..hahhaha..dont fall too deeply xe pag malalim na mahirap ng bunutin!hehehe



not actually trustin' someone deeply......but on how to think twice before makin' decisions....just remember that nasa huli ang pagsisisi.....


but for me.... I don't have any regrets....wala naman sila masasabi sa akin when we had our time....

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Hmmm, this made me think.


Cause right now its complicated and I'm thinking of a graceful exit. I love her but its just too damn complicated. And the hard part is, at this stage in our relationship I know that she has grown to love me even more.




Oh well,


What has love taught me lately?

I'm scared of it.


hmmm, this made me think, too...


that no matter how scared you are, and no matter how much pain you can inflict and get, you gotta do what is right....


problem is....you have to decipher which is right, and which is not.

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True love.. its when u get blinded with such great emotions that you see through everything.. despite the pain the misery all the heartaches your love one caused you.. you see all that positively as in something that would help the both of you be stronger.. recently me and my gf has been through a lot.. i love her so much that its hard for me to accept all that happend.. but i love her so much that i know that it'll be much harder to live my life without her.. Loving someone unconditionaly was the best feeling that i ever felt.. i felt ALIVE to be able to feel happiness and sorrow joy and misery.. Love thought me that a person wouldnt be strong if he dont first become weak.. I thought with what happend i would be broken for the rest of my life.. Now i feel that im a much better person.. a stronger, open minded, and a person that is capable of loving someone unconditionaly..

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never hate the person who hurt you..


dont worry too much, he doesnt even bother to care...


live simple.


expect a little thing...coz when u expect something in return it will hurt you big time!!!


give a lot.


and always smile even your not ok, youll look much better. hehehe



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