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PacMan's Corner


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Round 1


Here we go.


They touch gloves.


Morales with a pawing range finding jab. Pac flicks a couple jabs out. Morales comes forward, with a right, as Pac backs up. Nothing landed so far. Morales short with a jab, and so is Pac. Pac to the body with a left. Pac short with a left. Morales witha right, just misses. Pac moves forward, and Eric slides to the side. Pac with a straight left that lands. Pac comes forward, firing to the body, but Erik moves out of the way. Pac just short with a left. Pac comes forward, and goes to the body. Nice exchange. Both land solid shots. Pac looks stunned. Morales landed a solid right, after Pac had landed a right hook. Pac comes firing back. Pac with a nice left. Morales with a good right. Another nice ecxhange. Action heating up. Pac fires to the body. Morales back with a right. Good stuff here. Another big exhange, as the round ends. Great stuff early!

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Round 2


Pac coming forward. Morales looks like he's waiting to counter. Pac moves forwad, and Morales fires a right. Pac responds with a left. Pac moves forward with the jab. Morales fires back. Good exchange. Pac to the body. Pac to the body again. Morales with a jab, and a right. Pac fires the left back. Pac nails Erik with a huge left. Big exhange. Eric looked hurt for a sec, but fired back huge, and Pac backed off. Pac comes back and nails him again. This is impossible to keep up with. Eric with a jab. Pack with a huge left!!! Erik looked hurt as he stumled back into the ropes. Pac tries to follow up and Erik bangs him with a right. Good god, this is crazy. Pac again lands a bomb. Erik fires back, but Pac is doing more damage, but Erik keeps firing back. I can't keep up. There's the bell. Crazy crazy action, and I missed 3/4's of it. Bombs away.

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Round 3


Pac comes forward to start the round. Pac with a nice hook that lands. Pac with a left. Erik fires back and stuns Pac with a hard right. Pac looked stunned for a sec, but fires back. Amazing ability to take a shot and come back by both guys. Pack fires to the body. Pac with a jab. Erik short with a right. Erik comes forward, and is short, and Pac comes bck and lands a left. Erik with a jab. Pac to the body. Morales misses a hook. Pac with a jab. Pac short with ajab. Misses ahook. Nice counter right by Morales. Morles to the body, and then upstairs and both land, but Pac fires back strong. Great action again. Pac with a hook, and comes forward with a left. Eric with a jab. Eric another jab. Pac with the straight left. Pac with a hook. Erik with a jab. Pac with a hook. Erick with a right. Pac flurries to the body. There's the bell.

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