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Songs That You Just Hate


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OPM songs sucks!



I beg to differ.


Perhaps you're just listening on the wrong places. Like jeepneys, radio stations for the 'masa' etc...


In my opinion, OPM is actually blooming like it has never had a chance from producers since the great 90's. Independent record labels have sprouted about everywhere like the mini cooper and our OPM bands are back on the charts.


Of course there are a lot of sucky novelty songs and pop-ballad revivals that are just tiring but these give variety to the music still.


OPM music is still the best for me because it's closer to the heart. :)

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I beg to differ.


Perhaps you're just listening on the wrong places. Like jeepneys, radio stations for the 'masa' etc...


In my opinion, OPM is actually blooming like it has never had a chance from producers since the great 90's. Independent record labels have sprouted about everywhere like the mini cooper and our OPM bands are back on the charts.


Of course there are a lot of sucky novelty songs and pop-ballad revivals that are just tiring but these give variety to the music still.


OPM music is still the best for me because it's closer to the heart. :)



YEAH..A great number of OPM bands are buzzworthy..for me..specially when it comes to the ALTERNATIVE scene..

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Yung mga baduy na kanta ni April Boy Regino. Nakakapangilabot!

many people would call your avatar 'baduy', too :D


honestly, what do u mean by baduy? something maids listen to all day?

i think its relative. just as someone may think of richard gomez as baduy, another one higher in the heirarchy of elitism might think of me listening to dave koz as 'baduy'


if the maids like it, its fine. as long they are not pretending to be something they are not. i'd rather have april boy regino songs (but not blasting) inh my car than rap music. i hate it more when i see the youth of today trying to be 'black', complete with the basketball jerseys and loose pants, when they're brown. worse, social climbers who try very hard to speak english when they cant even speak tagalog as well. add that trying-hard 'american accent' most showbusiness, social, tv and radio personalities are trying to emulate.


but what the heck, i only listen to cds and news stations on the radio in the car anyway. and i dont socialize that much with social-climbing parasites.


Edited by ATONG ANG
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