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Found 4 results

  1. Dear Sara, I am willing to sit as consultant in any part of your government that has something to do with science ang engineering, or the misrepresented Night Entertainment sector. Here are my features: I will work for free I speak your dialect I'm experienced in dealing with all sorts of problem (technical and social) Best of luck in the coming elections.
  2. Dear Bong, The other week I was discussing your marketing position with my wife, and I agree with her. You just might win next year. But in order for you to win, the other side must accept defeat. There might be another EDSA next year when the yellows do not get what they want. Since you are now aligned with the incumbent, it will be convenient for the opposition to cry "cheating". When that time comes, will you give way?
  3. Dear Digong We, the Filipino people have spoken. We want change. Oh, how so desperately do we need change. Never mind your foul mouth and uncouth manners, that is the least of our concerns. We don't need a leader with an excellent command of the English language, or one with impeccable manners, statesmanship or demeanor. We've had so many of these leaders in the past. We don't need a leader with a pedigree, we've had these leaders too not so long ago. We have placed our faith in you, just as we did with the leaders of the past, but with the hope that you will do what the others before you have failed to do. We do not know if you will succeed. We can only hope and pray that we made the right choice. Time and again, those before you have fallen short of what should have been. We want a leader who can give us what we have,been denied us for so long as a nation. We have become a nation chronically deprived. All we ask, Digong, is for you to be the leader this nation desperately needs, to emerge from the state of affairs we find ourselves in today. That is all we ask. Moderator's note: No discussion or argument will be posted in this thread. Do it on the other thread instead. Pres. Rodrigo Duterte: What Do We Expect From Him?
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