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hannibal smith

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Status Replies posted by hannibal smith

  1. To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      hi.. i couldn't send any messages in your inbox... can you send me a pm tho?



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. “We do not want to wake up someday and see our beloved country teeming with foreigners and aliens posing as natural-born Filipinos while the real natives are thrown into oblivion or relegated second or third class citizens,” Justice del Castillo

  3. yes we agree that we should allow the people to choose their leader... but i would not choose an someone who turned her back on the very country she wants to serve... please prove that you are qualified and stop confusing the people that you are being prevented from running...

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      armchair analyst paps... erection lawyer ako...



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. yes we agree that we should allow the people to choose their leader... but i would not choose an someone who turned her back on the very country she wants to serve... please prove that you are qualified and stop confusing the people that you are being prevented from running...

  5. Paano magmura ang coñong Ilokana? Ukenamshet

  6. See you guys.. Pasay or makati next week.

  7. Gusto ko mag sisha!

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      Ako rin mod... Hehehe

  8. time to hit the shower!! can't be late for class at 6pm :) ciao!

  9. This is a sad sad day... Just when you think everything is ok, things turn for the worse.

  10. Morning.. mag pakanton naman ung may bday jan ;)

  11. My imperfections make me human... ;)

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      yeah.. i tried to texting it just now... i remeber saving it kasi im also from the city on the mountain eh

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. My imperfections make me human... ;)

  13. My imperfections make me human... ;)

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      will pm you... you posted your number before... i saved it... can i just text?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. My imperfections make me human... ;)

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      but someone has to love those perfect imperfections to borrow a line from john legend... naimbag nga aldaw mo... i went to school in the summer capital decades ago

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm sooo back! What's up?

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      wasn't able to follow mtc that well buuuuut please allow me to welcome you back

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. someone who's worth the pain ♥♥♥

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      very true... found that someone, lost her and it still hurts me everyday

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Here's to the tired, and broken, but never dead. Cheers to you!

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      hang in there bro... i think we are on the same boat... cheers...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Alone again, naturally.

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      Ay sayang... Adda nak manila..


      Pero taga-banbantay ako... Hehehe

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. naimbag nga bigat kadakayo apo!

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      an ilocano in the house... naimbag nga bigat kanyam met kabsat...

  20. still thinking of the road to ultra event last saturday... W&W and skrillex were amazing... fedde legrand was awesome... ang galing... hope they come back next year

    1. hannibal smith

      hannibal smith

      Actually ako rin di ako fan ng dubstep.. Mas progressive ako... Pero nak ng... Ang galing... Nag FU nga ako eh... Hahaha... Kaya mejo grabe yung crash ko after the event

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. Hey gurls... sino gusto sumama sa hotel party @ October 10 ??

  22. I want vanilla ice cream with crushed koko krunch, nuts and choco syrup. Fuuck.. where's the nearest DQ

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