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Status Updates posted by Viola

  1. :(
    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      you exert more muscles frowning than smiling


  2. You are driving me crazy! I cant keep on waiting for you forever. Last chance, after today I am moving on.

  3. Lunch time and Im still waiting. how long do I have to wait?

  4. Good morning!!!

    1. Alex_Corvis


      Morning! You should create your own room na, where we can visit and drop by messages :)

    2. Viola
  5. Hoping that something exciting comes along.

  6. still waiting. waiting and waiting... and waiting... anong movie uli ung may line na 'to

  7. Roller coaster day... Worried, then happy and then pissed off and then happy again and now worried again. I must be getting old.

    1. Crassus


      Enjoy life to the fullest

    2. king23james


      yah..enjoy while you're here

    3. Viola


      i enjoy it a lot. the past few days were just challenging.

  8. Finally got an update. This will last me a few hours before I start to worry again. Why cant this process be done in one day?

    1. Viola


      you really shoul just text me. easier. you have my number naman.

  9. Still waiting. I hoped that when i wake up it'll be here. Still waiting. Betterliving people, anyone up for coffee?

  10. Waiting game again. This is maddening. I need a distraction.

  11. Halfway there. Please let me have good news for a change.

    1. uwatog324


      hi mam...just read your commnet. im from betterliving but now out of the country....hope to chat with you soon..


  12. finally some good news... goodnight mtc.

  13. Ang bilis ng weekend and I didnt get anything done.

    1. slurpeesadme


      Same here. Bawi na this coming week... Ingats

    2. slurpeesadme


      Same here. Bawi na this coming week... Ingats

  14. Patience is not my virtue. It drives me crazy when I am asked to indefinitely wait for something.

  15. you wake up from a nightmare and you feel disappointed that the nightmare isnt real, because somehow real life is worse.

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Had episodes like this back in the days.... But Im thankful I still kept waking up anyway

  16. To cheer me up, I spent my night with a Paul and a Stella... I was thinking if I'll spend it with a Hoe too... but it is quite depressing to drink alone. This is going to be a bad hangover tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viola


      dont get me started on a white russian.

    3. Viola


      text me. you hve my number. im getting a headache. i'll do the white russian, you do the blck russian. that's stronger .

    4. Viola


      i need food.

  17. Rock bottom: the point when you are in the middle of a crowd and you still feel alone.

    1. Duel of Fate

      Duel of Fate

      Loneliness is a silent scream

    2. Viola


      yes. today is really tough.

  18. tough day to be alone.

  19. I can choose to say yes or no. I don't like you so i'm saying no.

  20. hahaha funny day!!! Can't wait for De Lima's sex scandal!! hahahaha

    1. Viola


      someone just managed to piss me off.

  21. really mad. really really mad.

    1. cxxxavier


      Chill lang.... want to chat about it?


    2. darksoulriver


      relax... magkakaroon ka agad ng wrinkles nyan


  22. You cant imagine the bullshit I've heard today!!! Just for tonight, can I talk to someone who is not sick in the head.

    1. sweeney_todd


      try me... plain conversation..

    2. TantorBlack


      Sorry to hear that. You okay?

    3. Viola


      yes i'm ok. just lost faith in humanity.

  23. Tell me there is someone out there that is still decent.



      indecently decent ^_^

  24. Wala na talagang tao masyado sa MTC

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bigbaddann


      Meron pa naman. Masyado lang kasing strict ang MTC regarding personal messaging

    3. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Patapos na MTC tingin ko, napapabayaan na masyado ng admin. Kahit moderators di na mahagilap


    4. tmhatyp2


      usap tayo PM? :)

  25. I want some Stella or Paulaner.... Pilsen pwede na rin.

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