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Posts posted by DELISYUS

  1. over the weekend, i finished


    bergdorf blondes

    it's such a light read, wittily written, very un-boring, yes... characters are generally shallow but it's still fun to read... ended up laughing many times...


    go, go, go brazilians!!!!!!


    the five people you meet in heaven

    it's a light read but it gets you thinking....really loved it... really can't stop from contemplating who i'd meet... even blogged about it at http://delisyusness.blogspot.com


    now i wanna see the movie

  2. I bought it in college

    loved its design

    but then you came into my life

    its purpose, you modified


    your letters were kept there

    all your sketches too

    it was what i picked up

    when i was missing you


    it remained sacred

    even after we lost touch

    knowing i wasn't losing

    nor misplacing your letters

    was enough


    and while it gathered dust

    its contents remained sacrosanct

    and even when GOODBYE was decided

    and LETTING GO a seeming must

    on my bedroom wall, they stayed

    i valued you that much


    but then, the love affair

    has truly ended

    and i needed a bigger bag

    am now using it for a higher purpose

    it now contains my lesson plans


    and your letters are now

    tucked away in some other box

  3. as long as they add thrill to the rides




    kasi yung sa ocean park... you'd just be amazed at how rich they are, but the EK rides are more thrilling...


    i just felt bitin and bored in all the rides... except that skyrocket thingie (syempre i forgot na the name of the ride)

  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/770468_bb30a947a2.jpg


    to C


    may the flame of love you inspired in L

    continue to burn

    and the fire in your heart and spirit

    continue to keep L warm

    as we all learn a little from the short time we knew you

    and as L and all those you left behind

    come to terms with their loss

  5. avoid girls who have a lot of bad things to say about other women... or a lot of bad things to say about the men in their past (esply if there's no occasion naman to be dishing criticisms)


    chances are, she'd also project her innate insecurity on you when your relationship (in whatever form) turns sour...


    and of course, badmouth you a lot!!!


    and of course, avoid women who get entertained at other people's expense :) lalo na if she's using other women as pyschological punching bag...


    you don't want any woman with a lot of baggage




    unless ofcourse, it's only for sex :D

  6. Places i'll never stay:


    1. Pearl of the Pacific- Yuck



    actually their rooms are ok naman, only service is sh!tty... plus, since the rooms are scattered on a hill of sorts, they really should have emergency lamps in case a blackout happens, and it's night.. and you're on your way to your room... climbing those hundreds of stairs...





    oh yeah, food there sucks too...


    again, cheap but really delicious food... SHANGHAI ish da best!!!

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