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Posts posted by DELISYUS

  1. i get a massage!!


    none of the fancy schmancy spa thing where you may enjoy a steam bath and shower... but end up with a so-so masseusse lang na dinadaan na lang sa scented oil yung massage...


    i prefer going to the blind actually...bur right now, am in love with Olive from Massage King (?)

  2. Okies... i was checking all the topics but couldn't find (or maybe I didn't look hard enough) where I can post stories about my school days, which are not necessarily embarrassing..




    1) when i was in grade 3, the cutest guy in class sh!t in his pants... we didn't have a teacher present that time and we suddenly started smelling this awful poo smell... and then, the whispers that ______ sh!t in his pants accidentally... of course, we were all shocked... and he ended up crying and wiping his chair with his hanky (and then i think he forgets sometimes and ended up using the same hanky to wipe his tears)... i don't think any of us laughed... but all of us steered clear of his area (because of the smell)...and ok.. kids can be real cruel...


    2) when i was in 1st yr HS... a classmate (girl, we were con-institutional na by then) was dumb enough to think that the teacher wouldn't excuse her... so she tried holding her wiwi in until she couldn't anymore... and we were all surprised to hear this 'shower' sound as her urine flowed... well, she cried and the teacher asked her to clean herself up while some classmates got rags to wipe the floor under her chair... the minute she walked out of the classroom, we all started laughing..


    3) i had a teacher/adviser in grade 5 who was such a bully... she'd make pingot... or ask us to hold out our hands palms up and hit them with a ruler... or pull our hair... and one time, she just suddenly threw a Johnson & Johnson baby powder container across the room but missed her target... and I learned to say PUNY*TA and BULLSH!T from her... (and she was corrupt too! she offered her services to my rich classmates which was unethical given that she's our teacher too... and she'd give her charges some answers to the quizzes... and she kept getting pissed that i still manage to perfect every test and quiz while her charges can't...so she convinced my Mom instead that I needed tutorial lessons... gawsh)


    4) during my college days... my friends and i loved skipping classes and going to Intramuros... sometimes we'd even sleep in the dungeons... and even the Metropolitan Church people seeking to convert us all the time couldn't keep us away... and we'd meet diff. sets of boys there... and my friends and I will have our best conversations about life and the future as we see it, and as we hope it to be...

  3. i have a canon s2 which i bought last Dec (and kasi we have a videocam na) because i told myself, i couldn't yet handle my then dream cam... the eos 350D



    pero ngayon super crush ko talaga ang eos 400D... nag-iisip na ako kung san ako pede magnakaw... and goshness, add P13k for basic studio lighting and i'd be happy as a lark na am sure!

  4. not to sound cold and non-sympathetic but... giving in to emotional blackmail of self-destructive threats is only enabling the unhinged person to keep being unstable and insecure...


    if you know in your heart of hearts that you didn't literally go out of your way to hurt him/her... that you didn't use and abuse him/her... and that you just really don't want to be with him/her anymore... stand your ground and be firm...


    and if you believe that he or she is really going to hurt him/herself... speak to a friend or family memeber so they can watch him/her... but again, stand your ground...


    and if ginawa nya na lang na walang threats and whatsoever... feel guilty all you want... but know that though you may have contributed, you must have been the last straw na lang talaga in his/her list of failures that he/she couldn't deal with... it was his/her choice to make... you didn't pull the trigger...


    seek counseling or support from friends and move on...


    there is just no winning with unstable people...


    and the last thing you want is someone who doesn't really love you... but who uses whatever feelings he/she has for you and twists it around to hurt you just so she can be assured that she controls his/her life...

  5. before..i took up Masters in Measurement and Evaluation, because it was THE elite course and there was nothing better to do...


    I managed to sit through all 36 units... but didn't bother submitting requirements in some... and just couldn't get Factorial Analysis (so am sure i flunked that one)


    now... i'm really interested in taking up Non-Formal Education... but i haven't really found a univerity yet where it's given enough priority... that's also at least convenient for me in terms of time and logistics...

  6. haay



    98 lang :D may isang set of questions na mali-mali ako sa numbering (potek, sa abstract ata or geometry ba yun, ewan) pero nde ko na binago answers ko... we were sooo warned about how erasures can confuse the computer when it's checking na for the answers so pinanindigan ko na lang :)

  7. unclassified :)


    i wasn't a campus queen... but i still attracted men... and had a BF most of my college life


    i wasn't exactly a geek but i was one of those who knew how to use the library... and one of those who actually read books... and used several reference materials


    i wasn't exactly a b!tch that everybody hated... but i was outspoken and blunt and ended up offending lots of people


    i wasn't exactly miss friendship...but people came to me when they have problems...


    i wasn't exactly an achiever and a class-brain... because i'd cut classes just to watch movies and hang-out in malls... but i still graduated top 22nd of the whole graduating class of '98

  8. i'd never forget this oral exam in college....


    we were given 10 scenarios 2 weeks before...and asked to choose 2-3 Personality theories for each scenario to explain the behavior/situation...


    and then we were called one by one... and the Prof would choose 3 out of the ten scenarios and ask us to defend the personality theories we chose for each scenario...


    powteekkk.... ang hirap talaga sagutin ng question WHY!!!! my gosh... even though you had 2 weeks to come up with the theories and explanations...there was just no preparing for the Prof's rebuttals and follow-up questions!!!





    but dang... that was the prof I respected and admired the most!

  9. sa pinagkatagal-tagal mo nang MTCer, ano yung kino-consider mong time na parang 'height' ng pagiging MTCer mo at bakit?


    kung nde ka taken, committed, involved, conflicted, etc... sino-sinong MTCers ang nakilala mo ang naisip mo na masarap sigurong gawing gelplen?


    give at least 5 MTC personalities na you really think are interesting, who you respect and would like to continue knowing more of...


    give a ballpark figure kung ilang indecent proposals na ang ginawa mo dito sa MTC? eh yung indecent propositions made to you?





    mwehehehe.... ala na ako iba maisip :D

  10. my gulay... for the past two months, my allergic rhinitis has rendered me sick and sniffling a lot... siguro every 3 days, i have to nebulize, steam inhalate, take antihistamines, etc aside from the nasal spray everyday... and twice, it got so bad it turned na into sinusitis.... and i had to take bloody antibiotics...


    the erratic weather is bad for my sinuses ever!

  11. Not exactly to complete me... but I think I really need something else to feel passion for.


    I thought photography woudl do it for me... but its challenge for me has waned... and now I'm just not feeling productive anymore... I feel like am not contributing anything... i've taken to just letting life pass by...


    I've never aspired for great things career-wise, since my ineterstes have always been the kind that doesn't really get much financial rewards...


    Hopefully though, i'd free myself from this rut soon... and maybe take the low pay so long as im' doing something i love...


    Oh and kids would be nice as well... and more opportunities for travel :)

  12. NEVER


    yung nde pa nga sure kung gusto ng break, bini-break ko na eh... sakin kasi, kahit pa mahal ko, kung nde sya sigurado sa intentions nya sakin, or sa role na gusto nyang i-play sa buhay ko... better let him be...


    kahit hinabol, wala akong ginanun... madali ako kausap eh... more than a pride thing, it's also a self-preservation thing... why would i allow myself to be hurt more than necessary diba?


    then again, i can't think of an occasion din naman nga na i've been dumped or outright rejected... more like betrayed siguro :) and why beg after someone who has betrayed you?

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