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Everything posted by AngGwapo


    1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.

    2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.

    3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the closest thing to a king.

    4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.

    5. Request the late check-out.

    6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.

    7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.

    8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.

    9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…

    10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.

    11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.

    12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.

    13. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.

    14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.

    15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.

    16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.

    17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.

    18. Never turn down a breath mint.

    19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.

    20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.

    21. Thank a veteran. Then make it up to him.

    22. Eat lunch with the new kid.

    23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.

    24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.

    25. Manners maketh the man.

    26. Give credit. Take the blame.

    27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.

    28. Write down your dreams.

    29. Take time to snuggle your pets, they love you so much and are always happy to see you.

    30. Be confident and humble at the same time.

    31. If ever in doubt, remember whose son you are and REFUSE to just be ordinary!

    32. In all things lead by example not explanation.

    33. Dress how you want to be addressed


  2. Realizing the milestone I landed for my business is a HUGE deal. Thank you, God! This means, less MTC. Hehehe
  3. I don't refer my bed partners as therapists... I've also been told that "You're too good to be true." Bwahaha!
  4. From one of my regulars before: "A guest will believe what he wants to believe."
  5. Wow. Thank you for your observation, insights into this topic, and expertise in human behavior likening women to dogs. Personally, I've been with someone around 10x previously and she made it clear that our relationship was limited to the four corners of the room. Was she acting during the times we were together? She may very well have been. BUT the boundary was very clear that I was the most important person during our time together. She would even send me pics when she's on vacation and bring pasalubong... Bravo and hats off to you!
  6. Again, "Hindi Tayo Pwede" by The Juans https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=sWEiGc0CptE& https://open.spotify.com/track/47DgfSmVQVwHkJJct5c3sV?si=5FUMnW6PRi6O6eniEbWlmw&utm_source=copy-link
  7. Knowing a partner came 8x in a 30-minute period.
  8. Yesterday, she sent me a solo picture of herself. Very beautiful.
  9. Go for it! Hope things turn out the best for you to be together @AD3 I personally dont care so much about people's backgrounds though there are non-negotiables such as making each other satisfied and happy. I let someone go a few months ago but she wasn't in love with me... though I started falling for her.
  10. Fate can always be controlled. Reach out to her (I am assuming you can still find her). Say that you're ready to take the chance with her... if she'll have you. But you need to be ready to see if she is willing to take that chance with you now. All the best to you @AD3
  11. "Be comfortable being uncomfortable." I learned that from one of my former bosses. It was one of the best quick talks I ever had with anyone. It's a phrase that I somehow manage to impart to people I coach and mentor at work. It means tha you have to step out of your comfort zone because it's the only way to experience new things, get better at something where one was previously mediocre, achieve bigger things, learn from failure, and for you to shine. People don't shine doing what they already know. People shine when they go out of their way to be comfortable with something they had previously been uncomfortable. Be happy for your friends -- put a similar line in the "What Made You Smile Today". "Seeing my batchmates having their graduation pictorial." All the best on your next step in this journey. Looking forward to the day you shine @Shinju!
  12. Remember:


  13. @Shinju Filipinos of the last 3 generations, maybe even since WWII, have been preconditioned that life is better elsewhere. But then, it is human nature to want to improve one's life by seeing the greenery at the other side of the fence. Living in another country gives you a different perspective in life. Note that it's not easy - in fact, it is incredibly difficult especially for those who have close familial and social ties. I am a returnee and it's the best decision I ever made. All the best in your decision-making process.
  14. It's not too much to ask @Shinju. You just need to meet the right person.
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