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Posts posted by resident_big_evil

  1. as i said, real firearms are not included in this. and its simple, you do the crime, do the time. hey even america had longer jail sentences for using unlicensed firearms!

    that's all & good assuming or course that it stops there...

  2. & i thought i'd be protesting against lacson over this matter... i don't own a gun myself but this really isn't right... i don't believe anyone should have a right to impose or force restrictions on how i should defend myself, my family or what's mine...

  3. Just saw the sex video. Was actually fortunate enough to stumble on it over the internet. This video is edited and scored. It does not look amateur at all no wonder a major porn production company wanted to own it. It was so well made that half of the time it had me thinking that there was a camera man while they were doing it. At di hamak na mas magaling si Kim kesa kay paris, hahaha. Take note, this is not a raw sex video. I think they half meant for this video to be shown to the public.


    I am wondering lang if Hayden Kho could actually top what Ray J did. Ray J definitely knows how to shoot a home made porn video.


    he won't... specially if you compare sizes... :evil:

  4. i just finished the killing joke & man it was brutal & traumatizing... i've read the plot outlines of it before but it still didn't prepare me for it... the joker was already brutal in some of the regular issues with but this sure gives you something else about the character's personality, good ending too...

  5. You did not mention it, but is it your shoulder that has calcific tendonitis..? in most cases the pain will resolve in two to four weeks, otherwise other treatment options should be considered...


    Unlike other forms of tendonitis, calcific tendonitis must be treated by a professional. In most cases it's just a matter of dealing with the pain and waiting for the condition to resolve, however some cases require further attention. Here are some of the treatments that may be administered by a doctor:


    1.Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.

    2.Physiotherapy. This helps to keep the shoulder strong and reduces pain and irritation.

    3.Ultrasound guided Lavage - under ultrasound guidance the calcium deposit is injected with a salt water solution and the calcium is also sucked out into a syringe.

    4.Cortisone is sometimes given to control the pain.


    If any of the above treatments fail to remove the calcium deposit and relieve pain the doctor may recommend you have surgery on the rotator cuff. During the surgery two events will take place. First, the calcium deposit is removed from the rotator cuff tendon. Second, the doctor will increase the amount of space between the rotator cuff tendons allowing more movement and less inflammation.


    have you consulted with an orthopedic surgeon na ba..? i think it would be wise on your part to do so...





    i have & he says it may have something to do with my my diabetes, he had me do FBS, my blood sugar & uric acid were high... he didn't want to proceed any further until i talked with my diabetologist... i did & it was suggested to do some more tests but unfortunately i got screwed-over at work with the schedule so i haven't gotten around to it yet... it's the right shoulder by the way... there's no constant pain, not even when doing simple movements... it's just when i have to scratch my back or have to put my right arm in unusual positions...

  6. Backstage Heat on Michelle McCool


    A couple of weeks ago, there were reports that Michelle McCool was having friction with Natalya Neidhart. According to sources, Natalya Neidhart was offended by Michelle McCool trying to teach her how to wrestle despite having a lot less experience and skills than the 2nd generation star.


    Well, sources are now stating that Michelle McCool is also rubbing the other divas wrong as well with her constantly trying to teach what she views as the "WWE style" of wrestling.


    There's a theory going around right now that her relationship with the Undertaker, who has a ton of stroke backstage, is causing her to act in a different manner.


    what's this thing with michelle mccool & the undertaker? one minute it's up the next it's gone... can anyone set the record straight?

  7. ^ the blood's just for dramatic effect i guess. the few times i've seen it in an actual MMA fight (it's only been done 3 times as far as i can remember) the one who gets trapped gets choked out. the gogo is basically a choke, cuz the one who slaps it in pulls his opponent's head towards him as his shin traps the opponent's neck.


    me seeing the UnderMMAker slap a gogo it's more amazement than dread for me, cuz the other big guy that i've seen slap a gogo is TUF Season 2 runner-up Brad Imes, who's like 6 ft. 8 in or something. the others who have slapped a gogo is Shinya Aoki, who's 5'10, and Nick Diaz, who's 6'1.


    So relatively, mas madali mag gogoplata maneuver ang malalaking tao, ganun ba? or otherwise?


    ^ otherwise. the fact that the UnderMMAker has no real formal training, he's almost 7 feet tall and he still has the agility to pull off a gogo is amazing. i wouldn't be surprised if it's someone the size of Rey Mysterio or Jamie Noble, but Taker? that is amazing for me.


    as with every submission hold in any grappling or wrestling art, it's all about being in the right position to apply the hold, the gogoplata is no exception...


    i think the reason why the gogo is rarely used by big guys is because of the advantages & disadvantages of their body physics...

    advantage: when a big guy is able to slap the hold it's effectivity is doubled because of his longer limbs, it's a long way to go from the shins to where your head is being pulled to...

    disadvantages: all big guys are physically slower, it doesn't matter how long or how hard the training is there is always that fraction of a second you'll always be looking for, since the gogo involves unorthodox use of the legs it will takes some time to slap on the hold & big guys rely on the legs purely for support & prefer more upper body activity...

  8. sometime ago in the 90's during the first steroid scandal vince mcmahon got mixed up in, i saw a news feature on pro-wrestling, they showed a match between bob backlund & some old schooler who i don't remember... during the match, apparently the mic on the camera was a little too high because bob & the guy were caught discussing their next series of moves...

    it went like this, the other guy had bob on a rear chin lock or sleeper hold & said:

    - make a comeback, i'll throw you to the ropes & you grab them so i can botch a dropkick...

    bob then touches the guy's elbow signalling that he understood & the next series of moves was exactly what was discussed...

    imogen's right it's mostly the wrestler's & the ref's show, the only thing the promoters & bookers have anything to with it is to make the match, decide what kind of match, decide who wins, decide how to win(dq's, count outs, run-ins, etc...)& who gets a belt... the making of the match & the details is the scripted part...

  9. i take glucovance... its a combo of both Glibenclamide & Metformin i think... my doc was just going to prescribe one or the other but considered that they shot me up w/ insulin when i was confined so she decided to give me something of both...

  10. agree... to name some of recent: mvp, great khali, horn-y mcmahon...


    belts / titles OF RECENT only became instruments of monumental push... a nobody who is high on vkm's list will be virtually awarded the belt and the rest is history...


    ...heck, before, even cena had to wear color coded trunks & boots during his wwe debut and his earlier years, and had to job many times, too - prior to the thuganomics gimmick and the us title and the wwe title...


    yeah... one year with the belt is quite long... well, as if it is cena's decision to hold on to it, huh...

    blame vkm... blame johnny laurinatis... blame the creative team...

    dont hate the player... hate the game...

    and no, i didn't say hate "The Game"...



    ^ those others who were given big pushes like Cena were (and still are) hated as much as him, but he has more heat because he is WWE Champion for 1 year.. guys like Benoit, H, Taker, Angle, & the others (especially Taker & Angle) had title reigns as short as Hornswoggle, and it's unfair..


    definitely agree it's not cena's decision to hold on to it... it's VKM & johnny "ace" laurinaitis who decide who should be champ & for how long...

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