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Posts posted by johnlove

  1. It is very difficult to get monitors that are 24 inches na up in the local market.

    Even pc warehouses like PC Gilmore, PC Express, & Rising Sun only have prices for big screen monitors.

    If you are going to really buy one, the common reply is 'order basis lang ito' or 'sold out'.

  2. @johnlove - nagupdate ka na ng firmware? may support ba silang ganun?

    Nope, may phobia na ako sa pag update ng firmware.

    The last time na nag update ako ng firmware sa nokia 2730, nasira ang sim card, ayaw na mag tunog ang n2730 kapag may incoming messages.


    Torque/Cherry Mobile Phones are cheap when compared to nokias.

    They are not cheap when compared to Samsung/LG.

    They are exorbitant when compared to non-ntc approved China phones.

  3. Sorry to burst your bubble but not only do you misinform, you also dish out a generous helping of bovine excrement because no one, not even the owner of PAL himself could have got his hands on an Apple iPad to buy and then re-sell. Because:

    1. As telecommunications devices, the iPad has not yet been approved for sale by the US Federal Communications Commission. Both types have radios devices (wifi, bluetooth and 3G in the other model) and these require certification.
    2. The lack of certification is why Apple announced a March ship date for the wifi+bluetooth model and April for the 3G model. This is clear in the Apple web site (www.apple.com) and I attach a screen dump of the relevant page (underscoring is mine).post-188-1265900084.jpg
    3. The shipping schedules were also announced by Steve Jobs during the announcement keynote last January 27. If you wish you can also watch the video at the Apple site.
    4. Perhaps you saw the last Grammy Awards show and thought that because Steven Colbert pulled an iPad out of his jacket, it was already on sale and therefore you might be able to pull off a fabrication about geting some 'firsthand tweaking' time with it. It is not. Anyone with an iPad in his possession now can only get one if Apple gave him one because it is still illegal to sell them until approved by the US FCC.

    So, unless your last name is something like Jobs, Wozniak, Schiller, or Ive it is impossible for you to have had a "first hand tweaking" of the darn thing. You could have been one of the journalists invited during the Apple keynote for a post presentation hands on for your "first hand tweaking" but then you would not have had required the intervention of a friend from Philippine Air Lines.


    There are other more elegant ways to put down a product you don't understand to elevate one that you think you do. I suggest you look into the ones that don't make you look foolish. A good place to start would be one that espouses a bit more research, a lot less fiction.


    I think there is a topic on fiction and fairy tales in the Literature thread. You might find some respectability there.

    I hope it will be available to the average hard working Juan de la Cruz by December.

  4. Civic 1993 model, very reliable, up to now still in running condition. I didn't like the current model because they change the front suspension to MacPherson Strut.


    I almost got a CRV years ago, good thing I was able to road test my friend's CRV first. The 4 wheel drive sucks, it doesn't work in the mud. Got an Everest instead. Wow! The Everest has lots of headroom and legroom for the 1st and 2nd row seats. And the 4 wheel drive works in the mud.

  5. confirmed ! PARADIS is open , i passed by this afternoon and the main tinted door have a big OPEN sign displayed ! with 2 guards on the side !

    Are you referring to the one in Sta Cruz? The guards told me that they are still closed.

  6. Can somebody help me? I'm looking for a standard PCI video card, not PCI-E, not AGP. It seems most of the shops here in Manila only carry the PCI-E and AGP video cards.


    This is so I can add a third monitor to my setup because I only have a standard PCI slot available. Preferably, it should have about 64mb. I don't mind if it's second hand, so long as it's working.


    Have you done it before?



    Only the Radeon 5xxx series can support 3 monitors.

  7. Meron ba ditomay gusto ng Ovation... planning to buy one any feedback?


    Don't get Ovation if you are meticulous about video quality.

    It is better to get a separate monitor for TV & video viewing, & a separate one for computer use.


    My friend got one, & he regretted it.

  8. Due to the difference in race, I told her that if we were to continue our relationship, I would lose all my perks, and I have to go back to square one.

    I am ready to face that consequence if she wanted to continue our relationship . . .

    But unfortunately we have to broke up because according to her: "sawang sawa na ako sa hirap"

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