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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. si rodman2006 :D




    si mobious stripper :D


    kaya lang anlayo naman nya


    at shempre para sa beer date


    ang mga poging poging vaklushes (coolitz, ronzzz, dark horse, tenchie23 atbp from the boarding house)

  2. I've been sick for the last few days. While at home, I've saturated myself with Smallville, seasons 1-5. Pretty productive way of spending my days, considering the fact that I had a hard time trying to stand up. During the time spent embedding the young Clark's features into half of my brain, the quarter was busy discussing some fairly irrelevant stuff with the other quarter. I came to some realizations. I realized that Lex Luthor didn't have a choice. I realized that after years of continuous pounding from outside forces, free will can actually disappear. It's amazing what they say about free will. I was always under the impression that we create our own destiny, that we are responsible for the choices we make, and that we should not hold anyone to blame for the actions that we take. Funny, or even crazy, but what if there really is a set path for everybody? What if irregardless of what you do, you will end up in wherever it is meant for you to end up in?



    Lex was more of a victim than the terribly despicable person he was portrayed to be in the early Superman movies and series. Well, they never offered much of an explanation as to how he came about being the villain that he was. From what I gathered, The most obvious cause of Lex turning out to be such a bad apple is the tree. So considering parental, environmental and social influence, where does free will come in? It seems like the choices we make are all set for us, leading us to a predestined end.



    If it's true, then all the times people spend trying to carefully plan out their lives would turn out to be a complete waste of time. I mean, how many times have you made plans that never turned out the way they were supposed to? I bet it happened to you a lot. It sure as hell happened to me. A whole lot of times. If so, then what do we do? If we are living a Truman show, then why exert any effort at all? Jeez.


    i'm just thinking out loud......

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