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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. first mtc shag?




    in all honesty i can't remember his handle....


    i wasnt able to write down his nick...


    i do have his full name though...


    all i can remember is this: he used to be a moderator...

  2. hhhaaaa im thinkin of a question..... damn they were all taken na!


    when,who,how was your first time? (sex)


    almost ten years ago with one of my not so close friends... how was it?


    try very forgettable :P


    Abh! at nabuhay ang Hotseat! andito pa kaya yung version ko?! :lol:




    at sis MO!


    goodluck in the frying pan! :lol: :*


    here's my Qs:


    > If you'll be given the chance to live life again, whose life would you want to live? And Why? :D


    > Are you for or against Church marriage? :D


    > at para hindi boring, MASARAP ka ba in bed? :boo:




    sis :D


    salamat :P


    mejo di pa naman ako nagigisa :P


    and to aswer your questions:


    > If you'll be given the chance to live life again, whose life would you want to live? And Why? :D


    i'd probably pick my life all over again... it's no where near perfect, but it's mine... and i can't say that for alot of stuff in this world... plus it will give me a chance to rectify situations that i left hanging, for one reason or another


    > Are you for or against Church marriage? :D


    i'm not really for or against it... if two people want to get married, then they have to be ready for all things that come with it. personally though, i don't think i'll ever get married


    > at para hindi boring, MASARAP ka ba in bed? :boo:


    hell yes, ma'am :P



    i love sis m_o...:cool:



    love you too bro :P

  3. hmmmnn... hotseat :boo:


    i'll try and make this interesting for you people...




    buena mano....


    "Have you ever . . ."

    1) French kissed (tongued)?

    of course

    2) been on a blind date?

    multiple times already

    3) had or given a hickey?

    yes, definitely!

    4) engaged in foreplay?

    uh huh!

    5) read a pornographic book or magazine?

    i used to do this alot when i was younger

    6) masturbated to a picture?

    i did, once. i believe it was richard gere's picture

    7) sucked an MOS's (member of the opposite sex) breasts or had your breasts sucked?

    i have, loads of times

    8) seen a pornographic movie?

    haven't we all?

    9) gone coed skinny-dipping?

    haven't... probably because i don't like the water (especially the open waters) very much

    10) committed an act of exhibitionism (moon, streak, flash)?

    i tend to do this alot, when i'm drunk

    11) masturbated?


    12) purchased contraceptives?

    i did, once, when i was in college (pills)... condoms, i do this everytime, for my extremely shy guy friends

    13) engaged in foreplay for more than two hours consecutively?

    yes! after which, i was to goddamn tired to actually have sex :lol: well worth it though!

    14) been shopping inside a porn shop?


    15) showered or bathed with an MOS?


    16) shaved your pubic hair?

    every day :boo: i like to keep it shaved!

    17) committed an act of voyeurism?

    does watching your unware bf jacking off, count?

    18) had sex with a virgin?

    a 16 year old virgin, as a favor to a very very good friend of mine :P

    19) had sex in a car?

    uh huh! especially back in college, where there were a whole lot of uncrowded parking spaces :P more recently @ the rcbc parking lot, basement 5

    20) had sex outdoors?

    and got caught by the UP police :blush: good thing one of the coppers were my then-bf's batchmate in highschool. would have gotten kicked out for sure, weren't for that

    21) experienced a lap dance?

    nope.. i tend to be the one giving out lap dances, all the time

    22) gone to a strip club or porn house?

    i've yet to... i swear i will before i die!

    23) performed a strip tease for an MOS?


    24) met with someone for sex only?


    25) had sex non-stop for an hour?

    yes! kudos to the guy... mr energizer bunny :P

    26) interrupted a couple having sex?

    no, and i don't intend to... this happened to me and i swear i was cranky the whole day

    27) jerked off or fingered by an MOS?

    yes po :D

    28) jerked off or fingered an MOS?


    29) photographed a MOS naked?

    yeah... i had a collection of naked pictures of my fubus saved on my pc before... had to delete it on account of an overly jealous bf

    30) been naked in photos taken by a MOS?

    had a bf before, who was a shutterbug, so there were loads of pictures... god knows i don't wanna piss him of, in any way, lest i find my utterly embarrasing pictures posted online :P

    31) given oral sex to a MOS?

    this is my most favorite favorite thing to do :P i think i actually enjoy giving bj's more than intercourse, provided that the guy licks like a champion

    32) done 69?

    yup yup

    33) had sex in three or more positions?

    uh huh

    34) experimented sexually before puberty?


    35) been caught masturbating?

    once, by my sister :P totally humiliating, i tell you :P

    36) masturbated with another person in the room?

    yes, an ex bf of mine liked watching :P

    37) watched another person masturbate?

    said ex bf liked returning the favor

    38) watched another party have sex?


    39) had sex in a public place?

    uh... how public can the UP track oval be? :lol:

    40) had sex during menstruation?


    41) gotten a woman pregnant, been pregnant?

    not yet... a couple of years back, a bf and i were trying to, but to no avail..

    42) (arranged, had) an abortion?

    nope... i won't ever..

    43) have a child or children?


    44) had a V.D. test?

    yup... i try to do this regularly...

    45) had a V.D.?

    never, thank god!

    46) orgasmed three or more times in one night?

    yeah... again kudos to the guy!

    47) traveled over 100 miles just to get laid?

    no... i don't go to them... they have to come to me :lol:

    48) cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse?

    yes, unfortunately loyalty was not one of my strongest traits (note to bf: the operative word being "was")

    49) picked up a stranger for sex?

    :boo: i have! scary and fun at the same time

    50) had sex with a member that you've met on MTC?


    51) had sex with a MOS with an age difference of 10 years or more?

    yes, i usually go for guys over 30, even when i was younger

    52) had sex with a MOS with an age difference of 20 years or more?

    i believe so... yeah i think he was 42 ( i was 19 back then)

    53) put an inanimate object up your vagina or anus?

    dildos... haller :P

    54) had anal sex?

    nope... no offense to the whole gay population and the girls who do this, but i strongly believe that the assh*le was never meant for anything else but body waste removal, and (please note that it has to be throughly cleaned first) rimming :P

    55) had sex in front of a third party?

    uh huh

    56) had an alcoholic drink?

    i don't drink -_-


    57) been drunk?

    loads of times!

    58) used alcohol to lower an MOS's resistance?

    hehehe! very very effective :D

    59) had an alcoholic blackout?

    again, loads of times

    60) smoked tobacco?

    did! the first time i tried it, some f**ker told me that you smoke it like a regular ciggie :( was dizzy for a good 15 minutes!

    61) smoked pot or hashish?


    62) used LSD, PCP, heroin, or Mushrooms?

    mushrooms, but it wasn't a very good experience

    63) used cocaine?


    64) used three or more recreational drugs in one night?

    three or more kinds or three or more pills? :evil: partee!

    65) been arrested?

    no... i don't intend to give my mother a heart attack... did come close be being arrested once...

    66) been convicted of a crime?


    67) accepted money to remove any clothing?

    won't do it...

    68) gotten laid on the first date?

    numerous times already

    69) had a threesome?


    70) had a foursome?

    haven't tried this one yet

    71) attended any of the orgy or swinger parties held by our members?


    72) rimmed a partner?


    73) Sought out a hooker?

    i don't believe in paying to get laid... if you can't get it for free then....

    74) engaged with a hooker or gigolo?


    75) had sex with two MOSes at the same time?

    yes! fun fun fun

    76) had sex with two different people separately in a 24 hr period?


    77) videotaped yourself having sex?

    never tried

    78) accepted money to perform a sexual act?

    no... i do it for free :lol:

    79) gave or received sex with a strap-on?

    uh... nope

    80) slept with a married MOS?

    i had two ex boyfriends who were married... and some fubus...

    81) been engaged?

    i don't think anybody would be that crazy to propose to me :lol: i'm a brat by nature

    82) been married?


    83) had sex with a friend of a current boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse?

    nopey... i'm not that mean :P

    84) had sex with a relative of a current boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse?

    uh uh

    85) had sex with more than 10 different people in your life?


    86) had sex with more than 30 different people in your life?


    87) had sex with more than 50 different people in your life?

    yes, and i have list :P

    88) had sex with an unconscious person?


    89) been propositioned by a homosexual?

    yes... i had a lot of these back in high school

    90) accepted?

    nope... never had sex with a girl....

    91) kissed a member of the SAME sex?

    ....however, i have kissed numerous girls, just for the heck of it

    92) been masturbated by a member of the SAME sex?


    93) been orally stimulated by a member of the SAME sex?


    94) had sex with a member of the SAME sex?

    please refer to my answer to q#90

    95) lived in a threesome (sex with 2 others) for a month or more?


    96) been involved in an orgy or swingers party?

    swinger parties but not mtc-organized... but i didn't hook up...

    97) engaged in bondage?

    hell yeah :D

    98) engaged in sadomasochism for sexual enjoyment?

    yeah... but pretty light stuff

    99) engaged in group (5 or more people) sex?


    100) recommended MTC to another person?

    loads of times! :mtc:

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