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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. i wrote this one. just wanted to share it


    for jajan, and all the others that will follow


    I'll be your sweet november

    I'll pick up the broken pieces

    I'll be your sweet november

    and teach you to love again


    come rest your daunted heart

    into my open arms

    because now your weary soul

    won't need a good luck charm


    let me take you to places

    where you have never been

    and let's unlock such secrets

    no one else has ever seen


    let me show you the beauty

    that's hidden in your heart

    until you see clearly

    all that's in the dark


    I'll help you stand up

    and start your life anew

    I'll push you into walking

    'til you're running through and through


    come the time that you don't need me

    that's when I'll let you go

    for now, I'm sweet november

    and that's all there is to know

  2. reasons -ewf


    alipin-shamrock (eeeeeeeeeeeeeww! but i love it :P )


    half crazy-freestyle (tama ba?)


    perfect-true faith




    lips of an angel-hinder


    sexy love-ne-yo


    hiram (bwahahahahaha)

  3. yes...


    this is both fortunately, and unfortunately for me...


    fortunately, as i find it easy to go out and mix and mingle with people (even after a bad break up)


    unfortunately, this, more often than not, leads to the aforementioned break up

  4. most of the time, i never really take into consideration my current prospect's (for the lack of a better term) status. the thing is, if you guys are gonna click, then you'll click, present status is irrelevant...


    however, there is always that question of the "relationship" lasting... as the status of both parties affect that....

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