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Status Replies posted by p-colossus

  1. If sex with three people is called a "threesome", and sex with two people is called a "twosome", then I now know why everyone calls you "handsome".

    1. p-colossus


      hahahah! also loling at choco.nico's response hahah

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Gusto ko ng pusa :D

  3. Gusto ko ng pusa :D

  4. i really dont care about everything, just tell me you love me, im willing to give up everything.

  5. Sex with the right person can be addictive as f#&k.

  6. I love you, i love you so much it consumes me .

  7. teh, wag ka naman pasiopaozoned. matuto kang sumakay. sus!

  8. not so feeling well :( again...

  9. teh, wag ka naman pasiopaozoned. matuto kang sumakay. sus!

  10. I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with that specific someone....

  11. I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with that specific someone....

  12. Ano ba pwede gawin kapag malungkot... Hayyyyyy...

  13. sometimes you just need to pretend that you're ok .. and talk to a friend :)

  14. dahil sa depresyong nararamdaman ko, parang gusto kong hindi muna tuparin sa thera na sinabi ko na titigil ako sa spa... Gusto ko munang makawala sa nakakalungkot na bagay na ito ng hindi kailangang uminom ng alak...

  15. i can now post...yeah

  16. Dafuq is happening to our nation's universities? o_o;

  17. for once, can someone give me a hug. right now.

  18. Subukan mong agawin ang taong mahal ko..ipapakita ko sayo gaano kaganda and impyerno...hahhaa#hugotline ngayon Gabi..:)

  19. I think those people who are against DU30 are the ones who are afraid to lose their job or life. Just saying

  20. Doseng oras na biyahe maraot raot na payo ko. Pero hello maogmang lugar! :)

  21. Parang di ko na kaya :(

  22. Parang di ko na kaya :(

  23. Doseng oras na biyahe maraot raot na payo ko. Pero hello maogmang lugar! :)

  24. Lengthy road trip tomorrow. I hope I don't go crazy haha

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