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Status Replies posted by p-colossus

  1. define passive-aggressive hahahahahahaha

  2. I don't get jealous, I just get turned off. When that happens, I prefer to say, "Fukc off than go away." Much better and also gets the point across faster. =)

    1. p-colossus


      Always nice to meet someone who knows their self-worth =)

      I have an aversion to people that sulk(mainly because I used to be a sulker too haha!) now I learned that it's easy to burn bridges when you know the person is not worth it. =)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Expat Night every Tuesday! First Drink on the House for all Foreign Guests For Guest List and Table Reservations: (02)869.6204 • 0918.620.1708 • 0935.138.6308 Horizon Gentlemen's VIP Lounge - 5043 P. Burgos St., Makati City https://www.facebook.com/horizonvip https://twitter.com/HorizonVIP https://instagram.com/horizon_vip_lounge ‪#‎HorizonVIPLounge‬ ‪#‎Makati‬ ‪#‎Burgos‬ ‪#‎SexyPoleDancers‬...

  4. I found a simple trick kung pano maaga makauwi. Answer: Dumiretso. Hehehe

  5. I don't get jealous, I just get turned off. When that happens, I prefer to say, "Fukc off than go away." Much better and also gets the point across faster. =)

    1. p-colossus


      True. Lets invest our precious thoughts on what delights us instead. Always better :D

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. I don't get jealous, I just get turned off. When that happens, I prefer to say, "Fukc off than go away." Much better and also gets the point across faster. =)

  7. i know it's effing carbs, pero ang sarap ng LUGAW!!!

  8. Welcome back Promo :) and Birthday promo seeya! @Nativepalmspa.

  9. Thank heavens for Halo-halo delivery! :D

    1. p-colossus


      Indeed! I've never consumed halo-halo as fast as I have this summer season. Too hot! lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Thank heavens for Halo-halo delivery! :D

    1. p-colossus


      Had Razon's halo-halo delivery the other day, Chowking halo-halo today. Too hot, this weather is. Pa deliver ka din :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. ano pwede puntahan d2 sa NAGA?

  12. Weekly clearing of all browser history. Mahirap na, baka mahuli. Hehe offline for until Monday. :)

  13. If ever you feel stupid today, let me just tell you that I once swallowed glycerin suppository to relieve my constipation. Again, swallowed. Okay? Have a good day :)

  14. am really shallow. last night choco mucho dark choco, this morning, pan de sal with sunny side up eggs and coffee!!! yummy!!!

    1. p-colossus


      From what I can tell, you appreciate the simple things. I appreciate the simple things as well, they are the nicest moments.

      As Paulo Coelho put it: "The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them."

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. masarap magmahal ng exotic walang kaagaw.

  16. one of those days when your mind is so tired, it can hardly process information...

  17. am so shallow. kid mode on, choco mucho dark chocolate and am happy already. yup, simple things do make me smile. =)

    1. p-colossus


      Now I want choco mucho dark chocolate. I actually get sad when I'm at my final bite of that treat haha

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Today is the day that I will officially forget and stop loving her, hoping that someday I will encounter someone who will love me for who I am and not of what I am

  19. Beware of Crimson Peak.

  20. Huh ang init sarap mag babad sa tubig

  21. How to make gf more active in bed?

    1. p-colossus


      Find out if she has a specific fetish/paraphilia and use that to your advantage. It has worked for me and my partner :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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