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Posts posted by p-colossus

  1. Any tips on how to waive the annual fee for credit card principal and supplementary? My credit card issuing bank is BDO. Thanks!

    I just got off the phone with a BDO customer service representative. My annual fees of Php 1500 and Php 750 for both principal and supplementary cards have both been approved. She said that the reversal will take around three banking days and it will show in the next billing cycle.


    It was a very quick and easy transaction. She simply asked for some of my information for verification, placed me on hold for a bit, and then informed me that my request for reversal of the annual fee has been approved.


    Overall, I am satisfied and pleased.

  2. In my experience, I just kept on paying on time. I've had credit card for more than 7 years and I've been waiving my annual fee yearly.

    Thanks for the reply :) Were you approved the full amount or only half of it? I asked my friend who works in a bank and she said it's possible to only get half waived.

  3. My love language:

    Physical Touch

    A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, and thoughtful touches on the arm—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive. Appropriate and timely touches communicate warmth, safety, and love to you.

    Quality Time

    In Quality Time, nothing says “I love you” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful. Whether itʼs spending uninterrupted time talking with someone else or doing activities together, you deepen your connection with others through sharing time.

    We have the same love language :D


    My partner and I are as close as we ever were because we spend a lot of time together (we live together) and we share physical intimacy. Not just intimacy in bed, we like to touch frequently during the day. It is imperative to us to show our love to one another.


    At the center of our relationship are our unwavering trust, understanding and unconditional love. That really is the foundation of a relationship. Of course these were built through the experiences we went through together. No matter how rocky things got, we chose to make it work. All relationships need attention to flourish, I hope those venturing into love are aware that it is a continuous effort :)

  4. Today, we celebrated our 3rd year anniversary! ;)


    It started as the usual client-therapist relationship...then friendship...and later on a much deeper relationship.


    These kind of relationships must be built on the foundation of trust, respect and understanding. Lines of communications must constantly be open and used frequently.


    At the end of the day, you have to savor it while it still last, and should one day that the relationship will end, only fond and happy memories will be remembered.

    Hats off to you and your lady. :)


    It's always nice reading successful relationships with the circumstances at hand. You've also highlighted what is needed to keep all relationships flourishing--trust, respect, understanding and communication.


    To those that have found themselves in tangles of love with a therapist, there is always hope if both parties are willing to make it work. This love doesn't have to be painful as long as both parties are mature and emotionally strong to keep the relationship.


    To those that have been bludgeoned with heartache, you can just charge to experience, let it mold you into becoming better, and when you're ready: love again.

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  5. More practical advise I'd share from personal experience, is not to give up control. just in the spirit of self preservation. I've seen people close to me become reduced to lap dogs para lang sa minahal na thera.


    Not sure if that helps, just compelled to share. cheers!

    I second this. One must never forget that he is his own person. Never give up something that you would end up regretting in the long run. Give what you can, accept what you can, but never try to assert control over your partner.

  6. Kasi sa bawat flirtatious conversation sa thread, sa bawat malupet na fr graphic man o cryptic,sa bawat pm ng mga gms ay parang mga punyal na isa isang itinitirik at ibinabaon ng ibinabaon hanggang umabot sa sugpungan ng espiritu at kalukuwa ng gm.


    This is very true. Any man planning to pursue a Thera should keep this in mind and think things through.

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  7. I agree. Many GMs profess love to theras too early to find out if he really is willing to shell it out for her in the long run.


    Love can't be defined by a few sessions inside the cubicle or a few dates outside in the real world. If it's serious, then it would require effort and sacrifice for as long as the relationship exists. Commitment is imperative for it to work and last.


    Also, many GMs may be driven by the Messiah complex. Kind of a knight-in-shining-armor role. They believe they can show the Thera a better place, give them a better life and all good that comes with it. In return, the GMs affirm their wants to be needed by someone. They like that they're making a significant change in the thera's life, and in a way, that fulfills them too.

  8. Di ko rin to magets... So malamang Malabong Usapan nga...

    Hi Coffeeholic :D


    If you've watched 500 Days Of Summer, this is probably Summer's way of treating her relationship with Tom. Like a sort of unspoken agreement that yes, we are more than friends, but no, we aren't going beyond that.


    Judging by how their relationship ended in the movie, talagang mas appropriate na idefine ang MU as Malabong Usapan haha

  9. For me, any sexual or intimate encounter that can betray your partner's trust in you is cheating. Hell, even watching porn in some cases have been considered as cheating if it damages your partner's self-esteem and morale.


    The thing is you made yourself exclusive to somebody when you decided go steady. That means you should be intimate only to your partner, as she is with you. Then you decide to do something with somebody else, an act which you should only be doing exclusively to the one you promised yourself to. It is betrayal, no matter what degree.


    The damage it can do is vast. If you were keen on trying other intimate things with others then maybe exclusivity isn't for you. Have an open relationship, get consent from your partner to try things with other people or include your partner in these endeavors.

  10. I remember a line similar to that, sorry, I'm just a James bond fanatic.

    "I have no armour left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me, whatever is left of me,whatever I am, whatever I may be, I'm yours". Casino royale.

    This line perfectly sums up how I feel.


    It is now one of my favorite quotes of all time. And from James Bond too. That guy really did have it hard for Vesper Lynd.


    Thanks Simikiel :)

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