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Posts posted by socratesaristotle

  1. Don’t think it’s sad but confused as fuck is more likely the term.. met this hot chick and got to know her and finally get her into bed. Once the panties come off, staring at me is the biggest bush in the universe. It seemed like the bush had never been shaved since birth…I dare not dive in, not knowing what manner of creatures were in there. Forget eating pussy, I was scared something in that bush would eat me… I’ve never lost a hard-on quite like I did in that moment… made a note to myself to always ask if they are shaved or at the very least, trimmed…

  2. On 2/28/2024 at 12:31 PM, Midlurker2005 said:

    Here’s an old personal tale that can be a warning:

    Just a few weeks after my top-thera GF and I broke up, I attended a by-invite only dinner conference in a fine dining restaurant in Makati. Since the conference was intimate, my male industry colleagues, the ones who I knew beforehand, were a little relaxed and the free flowing fine wine loosened the locks of the story vaults. The topic of massages, escorts (or PR), theras, and ES came up. As expected everyone inebriated had a story to tell. Imagine my shock when the name of my ex-gf came up. I knew that she was popular but I didn’t expect for her to be THAT popular.

    Worse, two of the gents knew her much deeper than the others and before we had a relationship. They knew her background, surname, address, and even her personal digits. It didn’t stop there. I heard details where they would eat dinner prior to the trysts, or the resorts they went, or even the bars they would frequent with other therapists. Of course, I pretended to have been amazed. I even took the offer of getting her number (confirmed). 

    I was brokenhearted, of course! Not because of the information I got. It’s the details that contradicted the stuff she swore to be true about her (i.e. she said she didn’t do ATW. I was so naive). This was a girl I dreamt of building a new life together. 

    But that wasn’t even the worst. Apparently, while we were together, she went hanging out with them (gents) and with fellow therapists a couple of times, with wild after parties in condo units. 

    Anyway, again, and again. Fair warning. It’s the biggest delusion of all. And the hurt doesn’t stop at the point of break up. It goes further and beyond. 

    Happy Hunting! :) 

    Hope you are ok now and back to loving someone. Only let this hurt you as much as it needs to. Any more and it’s a mistake. 

  3. Saying GoodBye! 
    I wish I had said to you,”There are many roads we have yet to travel, I wish I have you by my side, for the journey will be long and the roads winding but with hope in our hearts, with courage entwining, we’ll face our fears and carry on.”

    I guess I’ll walk those roads alone but I am mine.

  4. It’s subjective really. Not all handsome men fall for ugly ladies. The ones who do are probably looking for something or someone that fills the gap in their lives. Most good looking men/women have certain insecurities which they are never able to share with equally good looking partners for fear of being ridiculed. However, if they are able to share their feelings with someone less attractive than them, then the rationale is something like this: 

    ugly girl: This guy is better looking than me and is a catch. I need to make sure I am attentive to his needs and give him a shoulder to cry on so that he will like me.

    handsome guy: She is such a good listener and is so calm and she has no drama. 

    The roles could also be reversed. How many times have you heard the “beautiful or handsome partner” say that their “ugly” partner is sweet and caring? This happens a lot more than we realize. All people ever want is to be cared for and loved and if someone gets love and attention  from a less attractive person then maybe that’s all they need. It’s about validation and fulfillment for humans.

     If that validation can be had with a beautiful gorgeous partner rather than an ugly one, then 100% of folks would choose the former. However, it does not happen that often so people settle for the easier option.

  5. On 9/19/2023 at 2:22 AM, Anomynoua said:

    It sucks knowing that hardwork doesnt mean success. Knowing how hard you push yourself to accomplish something, only to be let down by reality, that the world would rather see you fail then succeed. They would rather pull you down if they ever so much as see you rising up. It sucks that i know alot of people experiencing this everyday, and the only thing i could do is wish them luck.

    Agreed. Like someone said, it's especially true in the workplace. To add, you do the work but someone else gets the credit.

    It sucks that ass lickers get ahead in the workplace.

    It sucks that bosses love folks like that and get them  promoted but the hard workers get over looked.

  6. 10 hours ago, AngGwapo said:

    Question to those in this thread:

    Who would win in case the woman has to choose between the love of her life who is married (but can support her somehow) or the sponsor who is single but older than the boyfriend?

    The boyfriend has not met the family due to his baggage but the sponsor has and is accepted by the family. The sponsor has asked her to marry but she has turned her down and will do so if asked again. 

    Depends on the lady. The emotional type will go for the boyfriend while the practical one will choose the sponsor. The adventurous one will choose the sponsor while fucking the bf on the side.

    • Winner! (+1) 1
  7. 12 hours ago, AD3 said:

    Update: I reached out to her before Christmas. One time as I was cleaning my phonebook, my heart skipped a beat when I reached her name in my entries. Should I delete or should I try to see if she still has the same digits? I chose the latter and dialled her work number, it was already unreachable. Then, i tried her personal line, it rang. 

    When she picked up the phone, all I could say was "Hi". I did not expect her reaction, she immediately recognized my voice and blurted out my 1st name twice. 

    Me:"How did you know it was me? Iba # gamit ko ngaun".

    Her:"How can i forget? kmsta kna?"

    We began to catch up on our personal lives. She totally quit the industry after paying of her families debts brought about by her sisters sickness and eventual passing. Her family sold their house and paid in full a condo unit in Pasig to be their new home. She went back to her corporate career she put on pause when she became a walker. 

    Then I asked the question I have been meaning to ask:

    Me:"Are you with someone now?"

    Her:"Yes, I am...You?"

    Me:"Yes, there is someone as well."

    Silence. Dead silence. It took awhile before I finally spoke:

    Me:"I hope you are happy?"

    Her:" I am. He doesnt know my past. Perhaps, thats for the best."

    Me:"Good, thats all I wanted to hear. You deserv to be happy after what you have been through."

    We have been speaking for 30 minutes or so but the convo was getting awkward when this topic came up. I was about to say goodbye and wish her well but she spoke first before I can do so:

    Her:" Maybe we can meet sometime, coffee or lunch...would be nice to see you again."

    Me:"Yes, maybe we can do that."

    Afterwhich, i ended the convo. I havent contacted her since for a couple of reasons, one she said she was happy and I did not want to complicate that. Second, I wanted to giv her a chance to completely leave her past behind. I was a remnant of a stage in her life she would rather forget, and I feel her seeing me would remind her of what she had done.


    Thank you for sharing your experience @AD3. Here's to unrequited love!

  8. On 1/19/2024 at 4:59 PM, Bluelantern said:

    This happened to me long ago. There was a woman I liked, but she had a long distance boyfriend far far away. We started flirting and spending lots of our free time together. There were definitely some vibes developing. However ultimately I wouldn't cross the line and get intimate with her. I refused to do that to her relationship. So I eventually cut contact and we drifted away. Years later she later reached out and hinted at hooking up, but at that time I was in a relationship and had to turn her down.

    Looking back I'm proud of my previous actions. I stuck to my morals and beliefs. Sure I could have had wild and crazy sex, but at the cost of destroying a relationship she obviously treasured, or vice versa later on. I believe that if we are meant to be, an opportunity will happen where we are both available for each other. Destroying relationships for my selfish desires isn't a way I want to live my life.

    I respect you for your stand @Bluelantern.

    i have a different opinion though. If the girl was truly happy in her relationship, would she have even given you the chance? Attraction is not a choice and in your case there was tons of it from both parties. She gave you an opening because you clearly had something that she was missing in her relationship. In such a case, if it was me, I would have gone for it. But, that’s me. 

    I seriously believe in survival of the fittest. If you are able to give something to the other party that their current partner can’t, then it boils down to a matter of choice between consenting adults. To each their own.

     Like I said, I respect your choice and I’ve done it many times but if I felt instant chemistry with the other party and it was an option, I’d go for it.

  9. I was sitting in Dr. Wine with a few clients. Across our table was this group of 4 ladies. All mature and classy. This one woman was absolutely gorgeous. I can still picture her face. Radiant skin, lips that could suck my cock through a straw…

    If I had not been with my clients I would have walked up to her and asked her on a date. No clue if she was married but damn she was something else..

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