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Status Replies posted by C.Unicron

  1. Ung mga mhhrapan umuwi jan.. makitambay na sa cbtl greenbelt :) otw n me!!

  2. Often times, I wish I am skinny and sexy rather than being chubby and voluptuous. But then I remembered, I have PCOS and it's killing the physical sexiness in me. But hey! That doesn't make a lesser person and that doesn't affect my performance. As a matter of fact, I can carry myself well despite of my weight. I'm sure this is how other fat people feels. But as long as you are healthy and trying, don't deprive yourself that much. You are sexy just the way you are!

    1. C.Unicron


      Who said thin is in? Fat is where everything's at :P

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. I wanna have lunch in Mogu Tree Noodle House. Yum yum yum yum.

  4. Ummmmmmmm... Rainy day, cool breeze, organic stuffing in my pipe from sagada, strong black sagada brew coffee Perfect afternoon

  5. Ummmmmmmm... Rainy day, cool breeze, organic stuffing in my pipe from sagada, strong black sagada brew coffee Perfect afternoon

  6. Damn its pretty foggy here in dubai *_*

  7. Hi, any book/s about self development that you can recommend as a good read. Thanks! =)

  8. Promos of mine lalabs limang piso per song sa kantahan eb bukas ;)

  9. pm nyo po ako ok.

  10. Peanut Butter and Traaaaaaffic Jam!

  11. I ain't playin' dumb! My dumbness is REAL!

  12. I ain't playin' dumb! My dumbness is REAL!

  13. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

  14. It's weird to think that people who smoke probably go out more often and get more fresh air than I do. #homebasedproblems

  15. It's weird to think that people who smoke probably go out more often and get more fresh air than I do. #homebasedproblems

  16. craving for something sweet :* ugh...

  17. wanna do something new tonight... anything just to blow off some steam! shoot me a PM

  18. Ang Dry naman ng Lips mo , Gusto mo Basain ko ? :*

  19. wanna greet every one a goodmorning, but I'm still sleepy -_-

  20. i need somebody to talk :( i feel down ..

  21. i need somebody to talk :( i feel down ..

  22. i need somebody to talk :( i feel down ..

  23. Coming home to an empty room after a long and tiring day is so depressing... postive vibes.. positive vibes for tomorrow.

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