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Status Updates posted by bigbaddann

  1. I just got back from a vacation, and now I'm sick?!? #justeffinawesome

  2. The weekend is here.

  3. Monday na naman! Ugh!

  4. NW: Legion. What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bigbaddann


      @QD: good evening to ya as well, ma'am!

    3. bigbaddann


      @sOin2you: EP4 is now

    4. sOin2you

    1. B.C.


      Yung mga ganitong eksena yung mag dedecide kang bumili ng kotse eh.


  6. Back from an awesome long weekend, and I'm starting the week sick. I need another vacation, Prompto, I mean Pronto!

  7. Seriously, stop wasting MY money on superficial stuff. #StoryOfMyLife

  8. Wasting MY money on superficial stuff. #StoryOfMyLife

    1. ARIES💋


      hahaha sakit ko rin yan

  9. So after a year of playing with the norm, Playboy is bringing nudity back with their #NakedIsNormal issue. I know it doesn't apply to the Philippine version, but what are your thoughts on the shift back?

  10. Thank God it's gonna be Wyatt vs. Orton for WWE Wrestlemania 33

  11. Seriously, who thought of putting V-Day the day before payday? #SHITDAY

  12. Day's starting out shitty. Oh yeah, it's also a Monday. #DOUBLESHITDAY

    1. Queen Darkeinjel
    2. bigbaddann


      Hey QD. Just having a really bad start of the week.

    3. Alex_Corvis
  13. ooxxooXoXXx

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      that's a lot of kisses and hugs.

      happy thinkday!

  14. What I hate most about being deployed at a client site? Their internet connectivity is almost vaporware-like in existance

  15. 03/11/2017. Set the date.

  16. Ahhh Oooo Ahhh Oooooooo You should know that a man with the power of nature Can bring you to the end of your luck And you should know by my stride and the look in my eye That you're about to be massively forced to give up!

  17. Feeling a little effin' lost. Damn!

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      need help? good morning, my friend.

    2. bigbaddann


      Hey QD, good morning.

      Just analyzing my work life this past 2 weeks.

      SLA is like really down; all because of this recurring code issue that constantly loops backs and bites me in the ass...

  18. That moment in time when the your inputs and outputs become hybrids. *FACEPALM*

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel



      good day, sir.

  19. The park is empty, my beer’s already warm And the shoppers have all gone home Drunken and weary, I almost thought I forgot About that someone who hit that spot

  20. It's a little wet, a little crisp, but otherwise it's starting to look like a good morning.

  21. You know it's a cold morning when someone who loves the cold puts on a hoodie to work. Hehehe

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bigbaddann


      Not so much coughing, but my voice is a bit shot now. So it's all good; I can go with brooding, silent type for the day

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      awww. take care sweet friend. hope you feel better soonest. hugs for a great day!

    4. bigbaddann


      Thanks, QD. Same goes for you; have a nice day.

  22. Monday Blues at work, coupled with a persistent cold. What a way to start the week. :(

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      i know how that feels, my friend. good morning still, let's make the day awesome!

  23. A slight fever. A cough that does not stop. What a way to start the week.

  24. Coffee, Bacon, Morning Sex. Rank and explain. :D

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel



      morning sex

      bacon and coffee


      need i say more? good morning sweetness.

    2. bigbaddann



      Good morning QDE.



      Morning Sex

      Bacon+Coffee+Morning Sex


    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      wouldn't it be better if it's


      MS first like just after you open your eyes? hahaha.


      then you cook the bacon while waiting for the pot to boil.


      what happens next? sex of course! LOL!


      the pitfalls of having fever - brain ain't functioning well.lol!

  25. #bodyache Guten Tag.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigbaddann


      Feeling sick QD; have a lump of cold in my throat.

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      same here, my friend. flu since yesterday. get well sir.

    4. bigbaddann


      Same to you, ma'am

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