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Status Updates posted by bigbaddann

  1. Yung until Sunday wala ang SO mo. #wtg #wtd

  2. Oh great, it's a Monday again.

  3. First MONDAY of the year that I have work. GREAT. JUST EFFIN' GREAT.

  4. First day back to work. Feels just like a Monday


  6. I want to go back to the time where I only had three to four emotions: HAPPY, APATHY, ANGRY, SPITEFUL. Life was easier for me that way.

  7. MONDAY: What a way to start the work week. #AwayNaNaman

  8. I need to up my stamina/endurance.

  9. Oh Green Palace Spa! We hardly knew ye! I mean, LITERALLY, you never even registered on our radar!

  10. I prefer it be raining now instead of later, thank you.

  11. Outside Manila, Life Goes on #ASEAN2017

  12. How you can give your woman access to your villa? Trespass and a-witness while you cling to your pillow You better watch your back before she turn into a killer Let's review the situation that you caught up in a To be a true player you have to know how to play If she say a night, convince her say a day Never admit to a word when she say And if she claim, ah, you tell her, "Baby, no way."

    1. bigbaddann
    2. bigbaddann


      No, I meant natawa ako that you like that song. Usually guys ang mahilig sa song na yan e.

  13. Monday na naman. :( :( :(

  14. Puro’t imbento, sari saring kwento Basta’t sayo lng ako!

  15. This week is gonna be brutal.

  16. When I look at you I see the story in your eyes When we're dancing The night begins to shine

  17. One of the downsides of working at the client site in Cavite: the lack of massage parlors.

  18. First time in a while na maaga ako ng Monday.

  19. I love the way you bend Girl you should start a trend I knew you were a freak Don't worry I won't tell your friends

  20. Let's go ahead and dive in to tonight's episode of Critical Role...

  21. You were just a dream that I once knew I never thought I would be right for you I just can't compare you with anything in this world You're all I need to be with forevermore

  22. THOR: Tag der Entscheidung

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