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Posts posted by filibustero

  1. Being unhappy in a current relationship is not the only reason why one could cheat on a significant other. For me it's the thrill of the hunt; an inherent drive to conquer; to know for certain that one still "has it". Men have the need to feed their egos, and other than power, nothing feeds our ego more than a beautiful woman. But just because I cheat does not mean that I do not love my significant other, nor does it mean that I am not committed. Sure, this may be seen as weakness; to give in and succumb to a primal instinct, not being able to muster the strength of will to hold back. There will always be a tinge of regret in that feeling of satisfaction. But I would rather regret something that was, than what could have been. It is a risk, for by doing so I stand to lose the people I love. But I do it so that I do not lose myself. In a sense, it does not make me a better man, but at least in the end, I do not feel like a lesser one.


    "I wanna be faithful but I can't keep my hands off the cookie jar."

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  2. Before anybody can strike a deal, the question of ownership would have to be resolved first. And I highly doubt that China would relinquish any claim of ownership over an area rumored to be mineral-rich. If it were the Philippines to give way first and relinquish its claim of ownership, how can the government be sure that the Philippines will indeed get the 50% share? It would be naive to think that China will not bully its way into getting the entire pie for itself. Ultimately, this piece of territory is crucial for China's dominance. The weakness of the United States is its dependence on oil-producing countries to fuel its industries. China will have to face the same problem, and its solution is to claim a territory that is rumored to have vast deposits of oil and natural gas.


    Modernization of our military is necessary to repel any encroachment by Chinese vessels into our territorial waters. It's not necessary to match 1:1 the military might of China. We just need enough to patrol our seas properly. Both countries know that the moment a military vessel opens fire against another, the other members of the UN Security Council will sweep down on the West Philippine Sea to prevent any escalation of hostilities. This is the opening that the United States needs to take a firm stand against China. Unknown to many is that the reason why the US is not so firm on the dispute is that its fragile economy cannot take a backlash from China - one of its major creditors.


    And the reason why it's not desirable to allow ordinary Filipinos to own guns is that it will just cause peace and order problems for the entire country. The military and the police will have to face a threat from within the country instead of just focusing on external threats.

  3. When you start attending the funerals of your friends.


    As a child the events you attend are birthday parties.

    As a teenager, debuts.

    When you become a young man/woman, you begin to attend your friends' weddings.

    As you grow older, attending baptisms become commonplace.

    Then you begin to attend anniversary celebrations.

    Until the time comes when you start attending the funerals of your friends; giving eulogies of telling stories of their birthday parties, debut, wedding, and how great parents they were to their children.

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