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Posts posted by junix

  1. Twas a reality check in the recently-concluded FIBA World... Preparation and coherence/chemistry are the keys to success.


    In basketball, every team wants to make the extra pass. Every team wants to play defense as a unit. Every team wants to create open looks for easy baskets. Those things arent exclusive to European or African or American or Asian or Oceania teams. Basketball is teamwork whether its Euro ball or US ball or whatever. Teams resort to excessive dribbling, isolations and hero ball because they lack preparation. Thats the bottom line. Some teams like the Philippines will need more preparation time than others because players are used to just going up against each other in the PBA with little exposure to the advances of international basketball. Its a reality that even the US, with no star players, must face if it hopes to return to the podium in the World Cup.


    i fully agree. if there is a tournament in dribbling, pinoys should be one of the favorites.

  2. I absolutely agree.


    Tab Baldwin has ALL the advantages to other European coaches (including those who were in the just concluded FIBA in China), he knows too well the Philippine basketball players - PBA, MPBL, PBA D-league, UAAP, NCAA.


    And most importantly the ills and shortcomings of the present basketball program of Gilas.

    very well said chief. coach tab's greatest advantage over an aspiring european coach is his familiarity with the players and how they play. he knows who to choose to form the team. a european coach will still have to familiarize himself with the gilas players and how they play. and given that SBP itself admitted that we are running out of time in choosing a coach, certainly the clock is not on the side of SBP and gilas.

  3. Espana and Australia are in a thrilling contest that went to OT!

    spain marches on to the finals...what a game! double overtime. will it be argentina or france against the spaniards?


    chief sayang talaga. we lost 2 competent coaches (toroman and baldwin). can you just imagine what the state of philippine basketball is now had one of these men was able to continue what he started 4-5 years ago? the cohesiveness, chemistry, familiarity with international basketball i believe will not be wanting.

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  4. Yes, chief. Huwag na nilang pakialaman yung PBA coach na may team. I hope you don't get offended when I say that Chot can coach your alma mater. After all, he is your co-alumnus.

    hahahaha pwede ba si sandy arrespacochaga na lang chief? at least he is coach tab's assistant in ateneo :) chot? he can lead the ateneo blue babble battalion hahaha

  5. Leave the job to the expert. No offense to Ryan and Tim but Tab is really the expert in international basketball. I don't mind Toroman but he is with the Indons now. Tim and Ryan can be assistant coaches.

    i agree on this. as between one rich with international experience and the winningest coach in the pba, i'd still prefer the former to handle team pilipinas.

  6. Yup, "bawi tayo next time" is a feeble feel-good statement. SMC and the MVP group must get their acts together. They may be bitter rivals in business but they must become one when it comes to flag and country, especially regarding the sport closest to our hearts. The dumb excuse of some imbeciles is that we don't have the height. Why is Argentina a consistent world beater in spite of not having the size of Serbia? It's because Argentina has a program similar to Spain which is having a core pool of players and sending these same players to international tournaments. The Argentines lost to the Yugoslavs in the 2002 FIBA-Worlds finals then went on to win the gold in the 2004 Olympics using pretty much the same team of Ginobili, Scola, Nocioni, Oberto, etc. During the 2002 FIBA-Worlds, the aforementioned names weren't even in the NBA.


    pag natalo...bawi tayo next time. next time talo na naman, bawi na naman tayo hehehehe yes chief, not basketball. i can live with the other sports like soccer or volleyball having their politics or rivalry in their own backyards. but not basketball. damn those argentines! beating serbia with nba superstars was just unbelievable!!! and who would ever think that scola is still playing. the same scola posterized by gabe norwood in the last fiba world. humina na si gabe maganda pa din ang laro ni scola. international exposure is what gilas needs.

  7. we learn and move on, bawi tayo next time.

    sirang plaka na yung "bawi tayo next time". masakit na sa tenga. di naman tayo nakakabawi. SBP brain trusts have never learned their lessons. if they want philippine basketball to succeed, they must put their acts together...set their priorities...and of course as what dencio wrote "COMMITMENT".

  8. Yes, chief. I don't know why Reyes still wanted a shot at coaching Gilas when he had his chance and his best effort was a silver with a much-superior line-up to Tab's line-up and played here in the Philippines. With Tab, I am pretty sure we get the gold in the 2013 FIBA-Asia. In terms of coaching in the international arena, there is a gulf between Tab and Chot.


    amen chief...couldn't agree more. let's now wait for SBP's next move.

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  9. Yup, chief, it is now in the hands of the SBP. Under Tab Baldwin, in 2015, we beat Iran with an inferior line-up than this FIBA-World 2019 line-up.

    yup and if not for that infamous home cooking in changsha, we would've beaten china as well. imagine a lineup of asi taulava, sonny thoss and de ocampo. compare it to the 2019 fiba world lineup which had junemar, aguilar and rosario. 2015 also had an ageing dondon hontiveros. while the 2019 gilas had super rookies perez and bolick. after that?...out goes coach tab, enter mr. chot "puso" reyes hahahaha really pathetic!

  10. The names you mentioned can start during the SEA Games and slowly but surely break them in during FIBA-Asia. First to be broken in are Kai and AJ followed by Kobe and Ricci, and so on. After breaking in the first two, the next two will join the first two in the next FIBA tournament and so on.

    like i've written earlier chief, it's all in the hands of sbp now. we can only hope and pray. the players are ready to be tapped. the most competent coach to handle the team is now based in katipunan. if politics will still come into play, then i'm really sorry for philippine basketball. damn!!! how i wish kai, all of his 7'2" (and still growing) frame and edu, will be under the tutelage of mr. baldwin.

  11. Chief, I think we need a national program similar to Spain. The Gasols, Juan Carlos Navarro, Rudy Fernandez, Jorge Garbajosa, Jose Calderon, etc. were picked as youngsters and became the staple of the Spanish national team for, at least, a decade.

    exactly chief...maybe sbp can start tapping kai, edu, thirdy ravena, ricci rivero, kobe paras, carl tamayo, dave ildefonso, matt nieto to name a few. maybe add young pba rookies like bolick, parks, perez. sbp can only squeeze so much from our pba players given the lack of time for training and international exposure. i'd still bat for coach tab to handle the pool.

  12. https://www.spin.ph/basketball/fiba/guiao-unsure-what-future-holds-for-gilas-until-he-has-talked-to-sbp-bosses-a1374-20190909?ref=article_feed_1


    it's all up to SBP now. do we stick to what we have been doing for the past several years wherein we pick PBA players and have them train for 2 months under a PBA coach or do we pick young players to form a pool and train them year round with international exposures under a coach knowledgeable and familiar with international basketball?

  13. Coach Tab responded to the public clamor to put him back as head coach of Gilas:




    "The coach can't solve the problem, changing the players can't solve problems, or just developing a program and not looking at anything else can't solve the problem," Baldwin said when asked about the growing clamor for his return to the Gilas job.

    "I think that it is virtually a scientific process and it's inexact, so that's contradictory in saying that. But there are people around that should be involved in this discussion and I think that everything has to be considered. I think it is a very, very complex decision that should involve vested, high-quality basketball minds in this country."

    i like that last sentence," x x x HIGH QUALITY BASKETBALL MINDS x x x." sino kaya itong mga taong ito? tsk tsk tsk

  14. It does not imply that SMC management does not like Tab Baldwin. What did Tab do to make SMC have an axe to grind against him?

    chief i cannot see any "DIRECT" link stating that SMC does not like coach tab nor SMC having an axe to grind against the kiwi. nonetheless, IF THIS IS INDEED TRUE, then honestly i feel bad and sorry for philippine basketball. i'm not saying it's the end of it because sbp may be able to find a qualified/competent coach acceptable to smc players (maybe somewhere out there in serbia or latvia or spain or one in south america) but the opportunity lost...coach tab already being based in the country. sayang lang talaga because it now becomes personal rather than national interest. just my 2 cents worth.

  15. Yes, chief. I guess I am not the only one who noticed Japeth's low basketball IQ. I hope the next generation has that. If they do, we'll be pretty hard to beat in international competitions, especially, if Kai and AJ become post and three-point threats and pass well.


    In other news, the Celtics, I mean the USA beat Ante and Greece by 16 points as Marcus Smart and Team USA held down the purported best player in the tournament to only 15 points. The Greek coach benched the best player in the tournament in the 4th quarter. He probably got scared at the physicality that Team USA was putting on the best player of the tournament. Marcus Smart was all over Ante. I am pretty sure Brad got some pointers from Pop on how to defend Ante but then again, Brad may have taught Pop on how to use Smart to defend Ante. To add fuel to the fire, Marcus Smart and Jaylen Brown had some words with the Antetekounmpo brothers after the game and this would add flavor if the Bucks and the Celtics meet in the playoffs.

    it all starts with the coach chief...somebody "KNOWLEDGEABLE" and familiar with international basket. to almost everybody's mind, there's only one name that fits the bill. from there, he knows who the players to pick to run his system. give the team all the time to train, develop chemistry and familiarize themselves to international basketball. imho that's the best solution to philippine basketball's predicament.

  16. Japeth Aguilar is a freakish athlete by Philippine standards. He also has the height to go with his athleticism. He is not in the NBA because of one reason and one reason only: a low basketball IQ. I hope the next generation of giants like Sotto and Edu have a high basketball IQ.

    japeth is just that chief...athletic big man but lacking in basketball IQ. kai, aj, and the rest of the young guns, leave it to coach tab to handle them, i'm sure he knows what to do. but that's for sbp to decide. at this point we can only hope.



    gilas will have to first do its job chief. we can only hope and pray after that. that loss against angola was such a tough pill to swallow. goes to show the lack of international exposure of the team. how i wish coach tab was there. who knows what could've happened? i still remember that last second shot by matt nieto against the taiwan national team "A". a perfectly designed play to win it for the collegiate team. but that's another story :)

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  18. That's it. I'm done supporting this version of Gilas. So many boneheaded plays. Blatche out of sync with Junemar and Japeth. CJ Perez played well until he channeled his inner JR Smith at the end of regulation. Kiefer Ravena playing hero ball when he's obviously not ready yet. Yeng Guiao opting to play Kiefer over Bolick, Barroca, or Paul Lee in the end game. This team is just plain terrible.


    It's time to reset the national team program.

    Amen my friend. Same old story...same old problem for Philippine basketball. Apparently, our basketball heads never learned their lessons.

  19. Gilas has to win against Angola tomorrow to salvage some pride. We have the players but we don't have the coach who could take us to the second round. Yeng is a fine coach in the PBA but there's something wrong in his coaching even in the FIBA World Cup qualifiers. In the game against Kazakhstan, the the Kazakh bigs were sniping from the outside but Yeng still put Greg Slaughter in although it was pretty obvious he is not quick enough for the closeouts. When the Italians were running us to the ground, Yeng didn't even make adjustments to counter the defensive pressure of the Italians on us. Yeng is not just cut out to coach in the international game.



    chief, this kiwi really knows what he is talking about.


    we have the personnel...it's a competent captain to man the ship that we lack.


    According to rumors, his training regimen was difficult. The PBA players complained about it. The SBP had to step in and replace him or else there will be a mutiny.

    i don't think it was the training regimen that resulted in tab's ouster as gilas' head coach. in fact, coach tab, in his 1st (?) assignment as head coach, brought gilas to the championship against the mighty chinese in the 2015 fiba asia hosted by?...china. this was the infamous home cooking in changsha, china. the chinese led by nba players yi jinlian and qi zhou had to resort to home cooking and other dirty tactics (destroyed team bus for gilas, no tickets for the assistant coaches, etc.) just to get rid of the pinoys. notwithstanding the obvious "luto" in changsha, tab and his players fought gallantly til thd end. with the 3 refs on the side of the host all game long, china went on to win the gold and booked a ticket to the rio olympics in 2016. in 2016, mr. reyes took over the reins and we all know what happened after including that australia-philippines basketbrawl. well, we can only surmise what would've happened if coach tab continued to coach gilas up to this date. imho though, gilas pilipinas would've been in good hands with coach thomas anthony "tab" baldwin.

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