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Posts posted by theluffy99

  1. http://pwtorch.com/artman2/uploads/2/KhaliGreatArt_130GG_7.jpg


    RAW Taping for August 2




    Edge comes out to the ring for a promo. He states that he remembered that he should only trust one person, and that's himself. He wants to do things his way when it comes to Nexus, and tonight, he's getting started by challenging Wade Barrett to a one-on-one contest, and he doesn't want any help from anyone. Cue up R-Truth's music. Truth comes out and puts Edge in his place, reminding Edge that it needs to be all about the team come Summerslam, and that Edge needs to put his pride behind him. The GM sound hits, and Michael Cole announces that Edge will get his wish, and that the match between Edge and Barrett will be next. Truth wishes Edge a sarcastic good luck, and tells him that he will be on his own.


    (1) Edge vs. Wade Barrett ended in No Contest in 7:00 when Nexus hit the ring and Edge escaped through crowd. Wade Barrett comes out to the ring solo. Some decent action for a while, climaxing when Edge hits the Impaler DDT and appeared to be setting up for the Spear. Barrett saw it coming, though, and bailed out of the ring. Barrett then smiles and makes a motion, leading to all of the Nexus members rushing the ring. However, Edge saw them coming and bailed out through the crowd. No official announcement was made for a finish.


    (2) Divas champion Alicia Fox & Tamina & Jillian beat Natalya & Gail Kim & Eve in 3:00. Melina made her return, taking out Alicia. Typical throw-all-the-Divas-in-a-match that ended when Tamina distracted Natalya long enough for Alicia to hit her axe kick and get the pin on Natalya. Alicia then grabbed the mic and gloated about how, no matter if it was in singles, tags, six-person, or even fatal four-way, that she had beaten all the Divas that the Raw locker room had to offer. You knew where this was going real quick. Cue the return of Melina. The crowd pops huge as Melina makes her triumphant return to the ring. Alicia tries to scatter out, but gets tossed back in the ring to take a beat down from Melina ending with her primal scream split-leg drop finisher. Nothing was officially announced, but it seemed to plant the seeds for these two to have a match at Summerslam.


    Edge finds John Cena backstage. After a brief argument, Edge concludes that Cena doesn't really have his back, so Edge quits the team for Summerslam. Chris Jericho then comes up behind Cena and tells Cena that Cena should be the one to quit the team so there can be some cohesiveness under his lead. Jericho offers to face Cena in a match where the loser must quit the SummerSlam team. Cena hesitates, but eventually accepts.


    John Morrison is backstage talking with Great Khali and Runjin Singh, apparently trying to mend ways after their fight last week. When Morrison leaves, a few Nexus members stop Khali. They tell Khali that the reason they didn't attack him last week was because they respect himi, and they say the doors are open if Khali's ever interested.


    (3) WWE champion Sheamus beat Goldust in 2:00. A video package highlights the feud that Sheamus and Goldust had about a year ago on ECW that climaxed with Sheamus defeating Goldust in a No DQ match. Tonight's contest would be nothing of the same. Sheamus absolutely squashed Goldust with all his trademark moves, hitting the Celtic Cross for the pinfall. To quote Sheamus in a post-match interview, "What a difference a year makes." Sheamus goes on to promise that he will take out Orton at Summerslam, just like he took out Triple H in the past.


    (4) John Cena beat Chris Jericho in 12:00. Jericho was forced to quit Team Cena at Summerslam. A good match between these two, as they have had many times before. Cena appeared to legitimately tweak his knee about two-thirds of the way through the match. The finish came with Jericho going for the Walls Of Jericho, but Cena rolls through and goes for the STF, with Jericho tapping out before Cena even really had a chance to lock in the hold. Cena grabs the mic and asks Jericho to stay on the team, but leaves the choice to Jericho - he can either walk back to the ring and let bygones be bygones, or he can walk away from the whole thing. Jericho teases a return to the ring before walking out on Cena, apparently leaving the team for Summerslam as well.


    A long promo for Alberto Del Rio airs.


    Backstage, Edge and Chris Jericho agree that Cena needed them more than they needed Cena. They talk about maybe it's time they put their differences aside and be the two dominant forces on Raw once again. As Edge and Jericho give a bro-hug, the GM queue sounds. Cole announces that next week on Raw, Edge and Jericho will take on John Cena and his partner, Bret Hart

    , but with the seven Nexus members as ringside lumberjacks.


    Randy Orton cuts a backstage promo. He reminds Sheamus that he's also put Triple H on the shelf for some time, so that feat doesn't mean much to him. Orton invites Sheamus to watch his match against Miz tonight so he can see what he'll be up against at Summerslam.


    (5) Great Khali (w/Runjin Singh) beat Ted DiDiase (w/Maryse) in 3:00 when Nexus distracted DiBiase. There was an interesting plot twist when Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield came down to ringside to grab the Million Dollar Belt. This allowed DiBiase to be distracted long enough for Khali to chop him down and then follow with the vice grip for the win.


    (6) Randy Orton beat U.S. champion The Miz in 12:00 in a non-title main event. Miz cuts a promo before the match saying that Orton will pay for giving him the RKO last week. The match starts off, and about four minutes into it, Sheamus comes to the top of the ramp to observe. After about seven minutes more of good solid action, Orton drops Miz with the RKO to pick up the win. Post-match, Sheamus attempts to run down to ringside, but Orton sees him coming and stares him down. Orton and Sheamus staring at each other is the close of the show.

    wow edge and y2j teaming up!the next big thing since the rated rko!i wish khali would beat the hell out of the nexus

  2. ^

    i agree bro,ngayong 18 na ako di na ako adik sa wwe,unlike when i was 12 kasi alam ko nuon totoo pero nung kalaunan eh nalaman kong fake,nawala ung thrill ng panonood ko at wala na rin kasi ngayong blood,sarap kaya manuod pag ung wrestler eh dinudugo lalo na si hhh ampanet ng blood parang ketchup lang..hehe ngayong 18 na ako mas gusto ko ang ufc kasi totoo at sports talaga

  3. pwede mangyare to, or he can be the mastermind of the nexus angle, sources claimed that cena might be also one of the masterminds in these angle. lets wait and see




    yes he will sir,

    wow,si hhh heal,ang galing nyang heel,talagang gusto mo nang sapakin ung tv pag nakikita ko sya nuon hehe,if cena will be heel baka magalit ung mga bata,kasi si cena parang barney on steroids,kid friendly hehe

  4. WWE Smackdown Spoiler

    July 16, 2010

    Louisville, Ky



    (1) IC champion Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes went to a No Contest when Kane took them both out.


    Backstage, World Hvt. champion Rey Mysterio cut a promo, followed by Jack Swagger.


    (2) Drew McIntyre beat Christian.


    A promo for Alberto Del Rio aired.


    C.M. Punk came out to say that the SES was united as a group. Big Show then came out and cut a promo on the Money in the Bank match at the PPV. Eventually, Show chased Punk up a ladder and took his mask off.


    (3) Chris Masters & Kelly Kelly beat Layla & Trent Beretta with a distraction by Rosa Mendes.


    (4) Dolph Ziggler beat Matt Hardy.


    In the final segment, Jack Swagger came out with his father. He had photos the day Undertaker was attacked that proved he wasn't the culprit who put Taker in a vegetative state. Kane didn't believe him. Swagger then put him in an Anklelock, but Mysterio made the save. Kane then chokeslammed and Tombstoned Swagger's father to end the show.

    wow,ang astig naman ni kane..tinombstone ung tatay ni swagger hehe,malakas ba si alberto del rio?at ano ung finisher nya

  5. wow brock won!i cant believe after the 1st fight carwin manhandled brock,the ref didn't stop it even though brock looks dazed..on the 2nd round dang he did a sub on carwin..i was soo impressed at brock he changed a lot after his 1st mma fight against mirr..

  6. i think carwin will win over brock

    because carwin has a better striking and his fist is like made from metal..look what happened on mirr it ending via tko unlike brock he won it via decision..

  7. undertaker and michelle mccool got married. hahaha

    wtf?is this for real?di magtatagal yan..tsk,tsk, taker naman oh pumatol sa bata,parang nawala respeto ko sa kanya..hays



    may vid ba kayo nung kay tommy dreamer nung nasa tna audience tska ung laban ni batista sa mma?

  8. hays cardona nanaman?

    nako wala ng pag asa ang pinas sa basketball..baka nga kulelat tayo,bat gustong gusto natin ang basketball?kulang tayo sa height at strength dapat mag soccer na lang tayo kasi speed and agility ang lamang natin kaya pede tayong pang soccer

  9. During today's UFC 116 media conference calls, UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was asked about Batista getting into the MMA business. Lesnar somewhat dodged the question, but did tell Batista to "get in line" as everyone wants to get into fighting these days. Lesnar then said that they were talking about a heavyweight championship match and not "some wannabe."

    lol,sabagay tama si brock..i mean nakikiuso lang si batista,tska di na sya face di kagaya dati ngayon puro cena time..and batista's old now di sya pede dun

  10. Enjoy it while you can.


    With Vince McMahon, you'll never truly know what's going to happen. The writers spend hours coming up with storylines for the various wrestlers that stretch out months in advance. However, all of those plans go into the trash can whenever the CEO changes his mind about things.


    The latest person to feel the wrath of the mind change is current World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger.


    Vince McMahon no longer feels that Jack Swagger is worthy of being in the top spot on Smackdown. While he's done a decent job in the role, the Chairman simply does not think that he has connected enough with the audience.


    So, the decision has been made to take the World Heavyweight Championship off of the 28 year old from Oklahoma.


    Originally, the company had intended to keep the belt on Jack Swagger through the summer. He was then supposed to work a huge title program against the Undertaker at Summerslam.


    No word yet on what the new plans for Jack Swagger will be.





    Triple H might miss the biggest show of the summer.


    The former WWE Heavyweight Champion is currently taking time off from television. Triple H is using that time to heal his injuries and to film a WWE movie entitled, "The Chaparone".


    Originally, WWE had planned on doing a big program between Triple H and Edge. It was supposed to lead to a big money match at Summerslam.


    However, those plans have been scrapped.


    Triple H's injuries are said to be much worse than originally thought. There's a very good chance that he might not make it back in time for Summerslam, which is scheduled to take place on August 15, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. Another reason why those plans might have been scrapped is that Edge is expected to miss much of August to film his movie for WWE.

    wtf?astig kaya si swagger...he has an excellent mic skills..it make the audience go nuts!..make swagger beat up john cena and everyone will hate him so much..hehe


    as sheamus being a champ..again,i dont think he's a good heel,yes he has excellent wrestling skills,but come on his mic skills are so ugly!and i dont like his irish accent

  11. Fatal 4way results:


    Sheamus defeated John Cena, Randy Orton and Edge to win the WWE Championship


    Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger, Big Show and CM Punk to win the World Havyweight Championship


    Alicia Fox defeated Eve Torres, Maryse and Gail Kim to win the WWE Divas Championship


    Kofi Kingston defeated Drew McIntyre to retain the Intercontinental Championship


    The Miz defeated R-Truth to retain the US Championship


    Evan Bourne defeated Chris Jericho


    The Hart Dynasty defeated the Usos

    so si rey ang champ?oks lang pero si sheamus nanaman ang wwe champ?sana si edge

    tska si rtruth sana ang nanalo hays

  12. ^

    walang kwenta kasi ng dahilan sa pag release kay daniel...edi kung ganun eh bawal na rin ang low blow,kasi baka masyadong brutal,bawala ang mga topless wrestlers kasi malaswa,bawal sipain sa mukha kasi nakaka downgrade ng tao...hays wwe you suck

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