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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers, lauded as a "staggeringly talented writer" by the NYT, has managed to occupy top shelf in different residences. I've moved house a lot through the years but the hope to get past the title page of this book stays unchanged and brightly aflame.

  2. Cities like San Francisco, Chicago and NYC?


    Hopefully, the GOP regains its hold on the Lower House which will make Kevin McCarthy speaker. I admire how the Republicans defended POTUS during the sham impeachment hearings. I will never forget Jim Jordan, Doug Collins, Mike Johnson, Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, Debbie Lesko, Louie Gohmert, etc. and how they defended they tried to push back against the committees headed by those jokers, Schiff and Nadler.




    Matt Gaetz et al. are good to watch but sometimes it feels like all the grandstanding amounts to nothing.



    Now how about that Hunter lad and his laptop...good grief. Practically crickets from the Biden campaign team and the media.

  3. LS,


    Doing everything they can to avoid people talking about their misdeeds. Schiff is a liar. Pelosi is the definition of a limousine liberal with her ice cream and mask-wearing hypocrisy. The party is pandering to extreme leftists like AOC, and mainstreaming idiotic ideas like defunding police despite zero data saying that is a smart move. Did you hear about the Minneapolis city council regretting its plan to defund the police because of the ensuing crime? You can't make this ridiculosity up. People need to open their eyes and see how Democrat-run cities are faring in terms of economy, law and order, covid response.

  4. Interesting PoVs from Camiar and Dungeonbaby, though I would like to ask a question that I hope you guys could answer.


    According to Camiar, there are "no" leftists in the USA, so what/how would you (individually) describe the "wilder" Democrats?


    Wildly illogical or wildly scheming.


    Communists and anti-Semites historically band together, and "The Squad" - current rockstars of the Democrat party because of their popularity with woke millennials - are exactly that kind of a clique. I should say cabal. AOC is a communist in Neiman Marcus outfits, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are oppressed anti-Semites. Lol.


    Bernie Sanders is a communist, there's just no way around it. He was winning big in the Democrat primaries until the DNC decided they couldn't win the presidency with him (for now). That's the gracious version of my opinion, and I'm sure some will say Biden won fair and square. (Funny how in 4 years he was all they could come up with after all their posturing against old white racist men).


    Now you know I like Camiar, but when he replies this way:

    "But that doesn't mean those who talk of populist concerns are communists. Have you heard of any mainstream Democrat politician advocating the State to takeover the private businesses and properties then distribute the benefits of production to the people? That's the real communist/socialist ideology which will not take hold in the US"


    it makes me think he did not read my replies carefully. That's ok.


    While some believe there is no way communist ideology will take hold in the US, Reagan warned Americans last century how it would. As it turns out, the way it is permeating American culture right now is exactly how Reagan predicted it would.




    But unlike you, a lot of Pinoys still expect the US to protect them.


    Fortunately, it seems that it had finally sunk in to the minds of our new generation of military leaders that US will only protect its own interest. To protect ourselves, we have to gain at least a minimum level of credible defense capability. We now have brand new warships and warplanes. It's still not enough to stop China in a shooting war but it's a hopeful start to a long journey towards being able to stand up for our own.


    The US will not go to war for us. They want us to go to a proxy war FOR THEM, purportedly for the defense of freedom in the Asia Pacific region, but actually it is to prevent their enemies from reaching the US West Coast.


    In WW 2, we fought to disrupt the Japanese timetable and successfully prevented them from crossing the Pacific Ocean to bring the war to American shores. What do we get in return? Nothing. They pulled McArthur out of the Philippines and abandoned us to the Japanese. President Quezon put our sentiments accurately in his words after hearing about the "Europe First" policy and that the US sent large amounts of supplies and planes to Europe instead of the Philippines: "...For thirty years I have worked and hoped for my people. Now they burn and die for a flag that could not protect them... Where are the planes this sinverquenza is boasting of? Que Demonio! - how typically American to writhe in anguish for the fate of a distant cousin while a daughter is being raped in the backroom!..."


    Today we are nothing to the US but a part of an island chain forming a defensive buffer zone between China and the American West coast. That fact doesn't go unnoticed by the Chinese, as well as by our own military leaders.


    China occupied territories in our EEZ. They did it because they could. And they know the Americans won't lift a finger to stop them. We only fired off diplomatic protest because that's the only course of action we can do.


    Vietnam, on a moralistic point of view, did well on their own in standing up to the Chinese on SCS conflict using unarmed Vietnamese "fishermen" to harass the Chinese vessels. I admire them for what they did. But just like us, they're not strong enough and they, too, failed to stop the Chinese encroachment.


    I don't know from where you're coming from denigrating the Filipino's will to fight. I can only guess it's borne of your ignorance. Get to know our soldiers. You'll be surprised.





    I don't doubt our military's bravery for one second, maybe you've forgotten my posts here.


    I doubt the Filipino people as a whole. Look how long it took them to be angry at China dropping bases on our shores. I wish I was wrong but I doubt I am. We are a frightened (and hungry) nation, and I don't say that with any joy.

  5. Hindi naman siguro basta-basta mangaaresto yung mga militar at police kung walang ebidensiya, especially, that the court knows about this. Kung hindi ka terorista, hindi ka dapat matakot sa batas na ito.


    I think that's kind of Jopoc's point. Ang hirap ng inaasa natin sa "hindi naman siguro basta-basta" at "hindi ka dapat matakot kung hindi ka terorista." We've had some leaders we didn't trust so we can imagine how we'd feel if we left important things up to their interpretation. Where the law has problematic loopholes that should be of concern to us all.


    All the evidence in the past, and I'm talking general history here, suggests that as a State expands its power it becomes less trustworthy rather than more. Thus his argument/appeal to put more safety nets in for the public.

  6. "There is no "Leftist" America. If there were true leftists in the US, they are an insignificant minority.
    The Democrats are not leftists; neither does it mean that Republicans are necessarily rightists. If there were true rightists, they too, are an insignificant minority.
    Branding the Dems as leftists, socialists, communists, etc... is just a political smear tactic of the Trump campaign team."



    How Marxist does one have to be before they become a real leftist in your book?
    Just off the top of my head here are examples of leftists/socialists in America, organizations, programs, and people:
    The loudest force in the US right now is BLM. It's a hashtag, a black profile square, and, in some cases, a true cry for justice. But the organization is a different matter altogether. Black Lives Matter leaders are "trained Marxists." You know, as in Karl Marx, the communist. Did I just get that off a headline or conservative talking point? No, that's from their mouths. And yes, I had been reading their websites (BLM, M4BL) because they have a whole lot of troubling positions such as calling for an end to the nuclear family (so the community rears children together wow), getting rid of prisons, and the retroactive elimination of life sentences. Not extreme or big enough for you?
    America is already partly socialist, welfare programs are socialist, universal health care is socialist. These are programs pushed on both sides of the aisle but are there communists in the Democratic Party? Yes. FDR's people are worth a look, but today Dem rockstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is, and her Green New Deal is well...you have to read it to believe how communist it is. The Dems acquiesce to her because she is beloved by her fans, and they are plenty. Heck, my friends here sing her praises. Twice presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is a communist. They call it Democratic Socialism to soften the brand. But he's a communist-loving socialist. Is that more accurate? Bill de Blasio, mayor of one of the most overtly capitalist places in the world, is a communist. O sige, socialist. Pare-pareho lang patutunguhan non.
    Oh let's not forget about Antifa. That is the left. The violent, fascist left.
    Bill Ayers, Obama's mentor, was an actual leftist terrorist. He's been mainstreamed and deemed acceptable by America's educational institutions which are now being rocked by scandals of their own, taking money from the Chinese Communist Party. Look it up. Those headlines may have been buried in the middle of the global crisis brought on by China's...communist ways.
    Actually if you were going to say that this was China's strategy all along you and I might find common ground. Taiwanese-Americans are going on record saying they fear for the US because they see Red China's machinations everywhere. Hollywood, which influences how Pinoys think as much as CNN, the WaPo, and the NYT do, is obviously bought. China is a huge market after all and *ka-ching ka-ching* talks. There are card-carrying communist party members in Hollywood and, going by their crazy tweets, celebs are unapologetic fans of communist regimes. What about sports? I'm sure you see all the pandering that's going on. Before it caved to China's complaints, Bloomberg, the news agency, had written about mainstream media outlets being bought by the CCP. The BBC is facing the same charges. Watch the news, see how much pro-China and anti-US stuff is being broadcast. Bilangin mo lang to see if the news is balanced given whose actions in the recent pandemic were more egregious.


    Pre-covid, I can already see the signs when analyzing the American and Chinese economic and military trends.

    Maybe I'd be laughed off the stage arguing that point. It doesn't mean I'm wrong. People used to think that the earth is flat and they burned people at the stake for saying otherwise.
    It doesn't mean, too, that I'm pro-China, which you seem to conclude.


    Doesn't mean you're right either. Some of the early posts here predicted the US' demise on peak oil claims. And then came the Trump-era US boom in oil and its consequent status as a net exporter of energy. But if you want to make predictions go ahead and lay out your case on how China is going to win.


    I conclude based on what I read. If you were a news outlet I'd say you definitely swayed one way and you've harped on pretty much the same things when it comes to the US. I think I have an okay handle on your positions and we've been engaged in dialogue here for what, close to a decade now. That's not to say you haven't held some surprising viewpoints through the years, so you're always welcome to be surprising.


    BTW, politically, I lean towards Republicans but I'm not a Trump fan.


    He's very similar to Reagan, except Reagan was far, far more eloquent. But this is the Twitter age and he is who the GOP had. I've read everywhere, and have been told to my face that Americans are idiots and racists and that's the only reason they love Trump. But that's not empirically true. People can challenge me on that and it'd be easy to destroy their argument with facts. Not feelings, but facts. Today people like to pretend Biden will be better for the world. I'd like to see someone say that here and stay for the duration of the ensuing argument. Sobrang walang kwenta ng Dems, of the top 20 US cities that are not making it, 19 are run by Democrats. The last Dem I liked was JFK and his party has moved so far to the left of him he wouldn't be able to recognize them today.

    Edited this to be less cantankerous, sorry if you read the original version which was (pretty polite but) still too much like me :D

    But i am not fawning on China when I say they will soon dislodge USA as the World's dominant power. I just see it as an inevitability. But it is not just because of China's effort to strengthen themselves, but more so because of the American society continuing in their downward spiral. America no longer respect the values they used to stand for. They pledge to "One Nation under God" in their Pledge of Allegiance, and yet today, they declared reading of the Bible and praying to God in schools and courts of justice unconstitutional.


    The America you complain of here is the left in general, the Democratic party in particular which has been showing its true colors again. This is the America that loves socialism, communism, and China but hates religion and their constitution.


    China toppling the US is not an inevitability. Pre-covid you'd be laughed off the stage arguing that.



    Do you think US is a deterrent to Chinese encroachment? The Chinese already know that US will only push back if their own selfish interest is at stake. Don't count on the US to protect our sovereignty. We have no one to rely on except ourselves to fight for our own interests and for our freedom.


    And the US does have an interest in open seas.


    I don't expect the US to protect us. I expect them to want to maintain good relations here and not want China to take over a nation it once counted as an ally. That's not saying I think they will go to war for us. But a strong America is good for keeping a bully at bay. People who say the Philippines will fight China off on her own are living in a fantasy land. They're already here, how long have I been saying on these threads that occupation is key? How long has China occupied our territories? Ten years? Are Filipinos fighting yet? Tinalo na nga tayo ng Vietnam, na maliit at dating kulelat, sa tapang e. And you want to bank on our people? lol good luck with that, we can't even stomach fighting obvious terrorism in Mindanao.



    Abraham Lincoln say Freedom is the last best hope of earth.


    No, he was referring to America (the Union).


    Final note on this reply, I notice the words you use for America: selfish, trampling on others' freedoms, etc. Have you ever used those words to describe China or do you reserve your deepest hatred just for America? Because it's really weird that someone would prefer China as a world power, a proven tyrant even to its own people, a nation that has committed the most murders in history, to the US. Your anger is great and it shows.

  8. Consider, too, the government's track record for implementing laws. Taking even recent examples like the lockdown with unclear rules and their uneven implementation.


    Sa isang banda napaka-Draconian, sa kabilang banda naman napaka-lenient. Ito yung konteksto ng pagpasa nitong batas. Gustuhin man ng tao na maniwalang magiging patas ang implementasyon, di ganyan ang nangyayari.

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